
  • 网络Hong Kong island;HongKong
  1. 在丽晶酒店看香港岛的美景,视野绝佳。

    The Regent hotel has a superlative view of Hong Kong island .

  2. 香港岛森林群落的数量分析&模糊聚类、相互平均排序与R型主分量分析

    The Fuzzy Cluster , Reciprocal Averaging Ordination and R-Principal Component Analysis of Forest Communities on Hong Kong Island

  3. 他们在深水湾径(DeepWaterBayDrive)找到了一个理想之所,深水湾径是从深水湾道上蜿蜒分出的一条不起眼的支路,深水湾道是通向香港岛南区的主干道,每天上下班时间十分繁忙。

    Their search took them to Deep Water Bay Drive , an unassuming road that snakes off the main thoroughfare that carries busy commuter traffic down toward the south of the island .

  4. 单仲偕称,球队里的政客是一边倒,这是因为人们正在香港岛的海港各处集会抗议亲民主的占中运动(OccupyCentralMovement)。

    Mr. Chung said the political representation was lopsided because a rally was taking place across the harbor on Hong Kong Island to protest against the pro-democracy Occupy Central Movement .

  5. 在坚尼地城(KennedyTown),不起眼的面店和传统茶馆要多于服装店和美式咖啡馆,香港岛上这样的街区已经不多见了。

    Kennedy Town is among the few remaining districts on Hong Kong island where hole-in-the-wall noodle joints and traditional tea houses outnumber clothing stores and US coffee shops .

  6. 我们到目前为止最有力的项目是香港岛添马舰INTEGER香港馆的建设和装配。

    One of the most ambitious projects we have undertaken to date is the construction and fitting out of the INTEGER Hong Kong Pavilion on the Tamar site on Hong Kong Island .

  7. 也确实有不少银行和企业逃离香港岛,迁往对岸的九龙(Kowloon)&这个一度被许多外派至香港的银行家视为乡下的地方。

    And there has been a veritable exodus of banks and businesses across the water to Kowloon , once viewed as a hinterland by many expat bankers .

  8. 香港岛黄桐森林群落分析

    A community analysis of Endospermum chinense forest , Hong Kong Island

  9. 香港岛森林群落的聚类与排序

    Cluster analysis and ordination of forest communities on Hong Kong Island

  10. 本种是稀有种,首次于1978年在香港岛紫罗兰山发现。

    A rare species , first discovered in 1978 from Mount Violet .

  11. 加入其他游客,“咔嚓”拍下香港岛的传奇轮廓线。

    Join other sightseers snapping shots of Hong Kong Island 's legendary skyline .

  12. 很难设想香港岛与九龙会有什么差别。

    It is difficult to think of Hong Kong island as distinct from Kowloon .

  13. 香港岛建筑物群的三维可视化表达

    3D Visualization of Buildings in Hong Kong Island

  14. 如此沉思着,你已经到达了水边,凝视着隔岸的香港岛。

    Pondering , you reach the water and stare across to Hong Kong Island .

  15. 如果你去香港岛上的阿博丁区,你会看到那儿的海洋公园。

    If you go to Aberdeen on Hong Kong Island , you will see Ocean Park .

  16. 维多利亚港是位置在香港岛和九龙之间,以此分隔此两个地区。

    Victoria Harbour is located in between Hong Kong Island and Kowloon , separating the two regions .

  17. 作为商埠,香港岛由英国管辖。

    As a trade base , the island of Hong Kong was handed over to Great Britain .

  18. 剩下的工薪阶层开始陆续搬往香港岛以北的新界。

    The remaining working-class community is starting to shift to the New Territories north of Hong Kong island .

  19. 石澳(右上)&从香港岛东南部延伸出来的一个青翠的半岛。

    Shek O ( top right ), a verdant peninsula extending from the southeastern part of Hong Kong Island .

  20. 九龙半岛面向香港岛的一端,尽是都市动感所在。

    The tip of Kowloon Peninsula that faces the Hong Kong Island is where all the action take place .

  21. 香港岛及九龙半岛是香港政治、经济、文化、交通中心区域。

    Hong Kong Island and Kowloon Peninsula is Hong Kong 's political , economic , cultural , regional traffic center .

  22. 石澳(右上)——从香港岛东南部延伸出来的一个青翠的半岛。

    Shek O ( top right ) , a verdant peninsula extending from the southeastern part of Hong Kong Island .

  23. 上环位于香港岛北岸,为一传统华人商住地区。

    Sheung Wan district is a traditional Chinese residential and commercial district located on the northern waterfront of Hong Kong island .

  24. 机舱外,是美丽的香港岛。但我们已经归心如箭。

    Outside the cabin , we can see the beautiful Hongkong island , but we are wishing to go home now .

  25. 就是说,中国要收回的不仅是新界,而且包括香港岛、九龙。

    That is to say , China will recover not only the New Territories but also Hong Kong Island and Kowloon .

  26. 维多利亚港湾,地处香港岛,与九龙半岛之间,港阔水深,自然条件得天独厚。

    Victoria Harbour , located in Hong Kong Island and Kowloon Peninsula , between the deep water port , unique natural conditions .

  27. 中国东南一城市,位于中国东南沿岸、香港岛对面的九龙半岛上。人口799123。

    A city of southeast China on the southeast coast of China on Kowloon Peninsula opposite Hong Kong Island . Population , 799,123 .

  28. 地理分布:香港岛、屿山。海南、东、西、州和云南。老挝、南。

    Distribution : Hong Kong Island , Lantau Island . Hainan , Guangdong , Guangxi , guizhou and Yunnan . Laos , Vietnam .

  29. 它已成为一个最拥挤的道路(主要是对香港岛方向)在香港和世界。

    It has become one of the most congested roads ( mainly towards Hong Kong Island direction ) in Hong Kong and the world .

  30. 5年后,他们已在香港岛上拥了有6家门店,每家都透露出独特的法国小馆风格。

    Five years later they have six establishments dotted around Hong Kong Island , each styled to evoke a particular type of French brasserie .