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  • 网络hsianghualite;Hungchsaoite
  1. 方法选择性好,用于绿柱石、香花石等地质试样中铍的直接测定,结果满意。

    The new method has been applied to the direct determination of beryllium in geological samples of beryl , hsianghualite ( raw ore ) etc. with satisfactory results .

  2. 香花石包头矿黄河矿及蓟县矿的拉曼光谱特征

    Study on Raman Spectrum Characteristics of Hsianghualite , Baotite , Huanghoite and Jixianite

  3. 香花石是我国发现的第一个新矿物,它的形态非常复杂。

    The morphology of hsianghualie , the first new mineral discovered in China , is very complex .