
yīn jié
  • syllable;rhythm
音节 [yīn jié]
  • (1) [rhythm]∶声音高低,缓急的节奏

  • 音节谐捷

  • (2) [syllable]∶由一个或几个音素组成的语言单位,其中包含一个比较响亮的中心。一般来说,一个汉字是一个音节

音节[yīn jié]
  1. 重音在最后一个单词的第一个音节上。

    The emphasis is on the first syllable of the last word .

  2. 他小心而清晰地发出每个音节。

    He articulated each syllable carefully .

  3. 重音在哪个音节?

    Which syllable does the stress fall on ?

  4. 我们这群小孩叫她Oma,两个音节都重读。

    We children called her Oma , accenting both syllables .

  5. 重音在第二个音节上。

    The stress falls on the second syllable .

  6. 讲英语时,哪怕是再短的音节也不能吞掉。

    In speaking English do not swallow a single syllable , however short it may be .

  7. 在family这个词中,重音落在第一个音节上。

    In the word family the accent falls on the first syllable .

  8. “student”这个词的重音在第一音节上。

    The word " student " has its accent on the first syllable .

  9. 汉语音节结构的复杂性主要是其韵核前介音的归属问题。

    The complexity of the Chinese syllable structure is syllabic status of the prenuclear glides .

  10. 请重读第一个音节。

    Please accent the first syllable .

  11. 你把最后一个音节读得太重。

    You put too much emphasis on the last syllable .

  12. 最后一个音节是轻音节。

    The stress on the last syllable is light .

  13. 双音节单词

    a word with two syllables

  14. 低于B平黑管范围在八度音节内的大黑管。

    A large clarinet whose range is an octave below the B-flat clarinet .

  15. 另外,York以前也有三个音节,而非一个音节。

    And York used to have three syllables , not one .

  16. BP人工神经元网络与汉语语音的音节切分

    The BP Artificial Neural Network and Chinese Syllable Detection

  17. N和V之间存在复杂的语法、语义以及音节制约关系。

    Between N and V there are complicated grammatical , semantic and syllabic constraints .

  18. 基于分段K平均训练的汉语全音节语音识别的研究

    A Study of the Speech Recognition of the Complete Chinese Syllables Based on the Segmental K-Means Training Algorithm

  19. c以词缀化结尾的三音节汉语派生动词不能用于直接宾语之前,而与之相对应的英语派生动词却无此限制。

    The trisyllabic Hua-ended Chinese verbal derivatives cannot be used before their direct object while the English verbal derivatives do not have such limitation .

  20. “employ”这个字中,重音在第二个音节上

    In the word " employ "" the emphasis is on the second syllable "

  21. A律PCM与音节压扩DM编码的变换

    Code Convertion between A-Law PCM and Adaptive Syllable Companding DM

  22. 从V的音节特点看,可以是单音节,也可以是双音节。

    From the view of the characteristic of verb 's syllables , the verb may be monosyllable , it also bisyllable .

  23. 音系单位的习得顺序为:音段音节音韵单位CV位词。

    The acquisition order of phonological units is : segment syllable onset-rime CV word .

  24. 基于连续高斯混合密度HMM的汉语全音节语音识别研究

    A study of speech recognition of complete Chinese syllables based on continuous Gaussian Mixture HMM

  25. 基于基音元的汉字单音节LPC合成方法

    A Method of LPC Speech Synthesis of Chinese Syllables Based on Pitch Unit

  26. 就英语多音节和无限词汇的特点,选用了3种不同长度的拼接单元:单词,音节,phone。

    Three kinds of concatenating unit of different length are selected which are word , syllable and phone , taking into account the characteristic of multi-syllable and infinite-vocabulary in English .

  27. 缩略词也可以是省略后面几个音节,只保留前面,这种方法是最常见的,比如intro是introduction的缩略词。

    Clipped words can be back clipped , which is the most common type , and only the beginning is kept ; intro from introduction .

  28. 通过搜索每个lattice,从中提取所有音节和相邻音节对的声学分来形成语音文档的特征向量。

    Extracting the acoustic score of syllable and syllable-pair from every spoken document by searching every syllable lattice of spoken documents to form the feature vectors of spoken documents .

  29. 汉语非特定人孤立音节的识别实验表明,引入帧间相关信息使HMM的识别性能得到了明显的改善。

    The experiment for speaker-independent recognition of all Chinese syllables shows that including the inter-frame correlation information improves the perfomance of HMM distinctively .

  30. BMP按字母、音节、表意符号和各种符号及数字定义了常规使用的字符。

    The BMP defines characters in general use in alphabetic , syllabic and ideographic scripts as well as various symbols and digits .