
  • 网络Music industry;MA Music Industries
  1. MP3技术与美国音乐产业演化

    MP3 and the Evolution of American Music Industry

  2. Rhapsody受到的这种怠慢是在音乐产业持续变化的背景下出现的。

    The slight comes amid continued change for the music industry .

  3. 我一年能赚上一百万,不过在流行音乐产业中,这点钱不值一提。

    I was making a million a year , but that 's chicken feed in the pop business .

  4. 当很多人预测音乐产业即将终结时,是现场音乐(livemusic)帮助拯救了它。

    They have helped to save the music business when many were predicting its demise .

  5. iPod与iTunes的连接让苹果在音乐产业也有了一席之地

    IPods give Apple power over the music industry through the connection to iTunes ,

  6. 媒体会问,“Amanda,音乐产业在衰亡,而你鼓励盗版。

    And the media asked , " Amanda , the music business is tanking and you encourage piracy .

  7. 星巴克货架上的CD并不只是为了彰显星巴克的时髦,它还表明,这家连锁咖啡馆在声明自己是音乐产业的一股力量。

    The CDs stacked on the display cases at Starbucks didn 't just signify that Starbucks was hip , but that the coffee chain was set on asserting itself as a player in the music industry .

  8. YouTube推迟了在其视频网站上封杀部分唱片公司的计划。此前,这一颇富争议的计划遭到了音乐产业的抗议,欧洲监管机构也表示将予以关注。

    YouTube has postponed a controversial plan to block certain record labels from its video platform , following an outcry from the creative community and growing scrutiny from European regulators .

  9. 年开设首间苹果零售商店并于同年推出iPod与iTunes两大产品,音乐产业的生态从此大幅改变。

    In2001 , the company unveiled the first Apple retail store and debuted the iPod and iTunes that same year , drastically altering the state of the music industry .

  10. 韩流在外国的飞速发展,让SM等大型唱片公司的股票价格水涨船高。不过,韩国音乐产业在国内前景却不容乐观。

    As K-pop zooms up the foreign charts , share prices of leading labels , such as SM Entertainment , have soared too . But the outlook at home is less rosy .

  11. iPod这款产品重振了苹果公司,还颠覆了整个音乐产业。这项成就也使法德尔从一个苦苦奋斗的创业者变成了一位敢于直面史蒂夫o乔布斯的咆哮和怒火的成功高管。

    That singular achievement-the iPod rejuvenated Apple and reordered the music industry-transformed him from a struggling startup guy to an accomplished executive who 'd withstood the sound and fury of Steve Jobs .

  12. 松丁坚信Spotify拯救了音乐产业,尽管它还在亏损。环球唱片等大牌唱片公司持有Spotify的少数股份。

    Sundin insists that Spotify - in which Universal and other big record labels have minority stakes - has saved the music industry , although the company itself remains lossmaking .

  13. 过去10年来,音乐产业的营收已缩水一半,但近期销量的回升表明,像itunes和spotify这类服务起到了辅助作用。

    The revenues of the music industry have shrunk by half during the past decade , but a recent resurgence in sales volumes shows that services such as iTunes and spotify are helping .

  14. Shoutabl直接反映出他在全新独立音乐产业的经验。

    Shoutabl is a direct reflection of his experience in the new independent music business .

  15. 此次演唱会并非将大众筹资应用于音乐产业的首次尝试:2003年创办的美国ArtistShare网站已经有六首在粉丝资金支持下制作的歌曲赢得了格莱美奖(Grammy),还有21首歌曲获得提名。

    The idea for using it in the music industry isn 't new : In the U.S. ArtistShare , which launched in 2003 , so far has fan-funded recordings that have earned six Grammy awards and 21 nominations .

  16. 瑞典音乐产业去年收入9.9亿瑞典克朗(合8600万英镑),其中近四分之三来自流媒体服务。Spotify于2008年在斯德哥尔摩创办,如今拥有2000多万首歌曲供用户选择。

    Almost three-quarters of the SKr990m ( £ 86m ) made last year came from streaming . Launched in Stockholm in 2008 , Spotify has a library of more than 20 million songs that people can choose from .

  17. 根据全球音乐产业协会国际唱片业协会(IFPI)最近一份报告,音乐产业内增长最快的是订阅服务,这类服务的营收在2013年增长了50%,达到11亿美元。

    Subscription services are the biggest growth area for the music industry , with revenues increasing 50 per cent to $ 1.1bn in 2013 , according to a recent report by the IFPI , the global music industry association .

  18. 音乐产业需要的是一个天才的想法

    What the music industry needs is a touch of genius .

  19. 音乐产业非常善于对过去加以回收利用。

    The music industry is adept at recycling the past .

  20. 移动图像产业,音乐产业

    The motion picture industry , and the music industry .

  21. 音乐产业没有幽默感

    The music industrydoesn 't have a sense of humor .

  22. 关于音乐产业与音乐权益保障问题的若干思考

    Our Opinions On The Issues Of The Music Rights Indemnification And Music Industry

  23. 数字音乐产业中移动音乐营销模式研究

    Exploration on Mobile Music Marketing of Digital Music Industry

  24. 在音乐产业,小公司只能从利基市场中获利。

    In music industry , small companies could only profit from niche market .

  25. 音乐产业无法维持价格;

    The music industry is unable to maintain prices .

  26. 大部分课程学习包括在一些音乐产业分支的实习。

    Most degree programs include an internship in some branch of the music industry .

  27. 史蒂夫乔布斯就已经是音乐产业的一部分了,

    steve jobs has been A part of music

  28. 版权集体管理组织:美国音乐产业的考察&交易费用经济学的视角

    Copyrights Collective Administration Organization : Study on Music Industry in USA & TCE Perspective

  29. 音乐产业瞄准文件分享。

    The music industry takes aim at file-sharing .

  30. 音乐产业被颠覆了之后便再次趋于稳定

    The landscape of the music industry just completely changed and was stable again .