
Mài jiā
  • Mecca
麦加 [mài jiā]
  • [Mecca] 沙特阿拉伯西部城市。伊斯兰教最早的圣城

  1. 领导人将在接下来的几天中飞往麦加签署协议。

    The leaders are expected to fly to Mecca in the next few days to seal the agreement .

  2. 许多人前往麦加或耶路撒冷朝圣。

    Many people go on a pilgrimage to Mecca or Jerusalem .

  3. 前往麦加的穆斯林朝圣者

    Muslim pilgrims on their way to Mecca

  4. 如有可能,每个回教徒一生中必须去麦加朝觐一次。

    If possible every Moslem must make the pilgrimage to Mecca once in his life .

  5. 5.n.朝圣vi.朝拜,朝圣他打算去麦加朝圣。

    He is plan to go on a pilgrimage to mecca .

  6. ②当时的巴黎,是当之无愧的音乐的麦加(Mecca),也是最伟大的音乐家们的住所。

    Paris was unstintingly at that time the Mecca of music and the abode of the greatest musicians .

  7. 为了防止H1N1流感的传播,阿拉伯国家的卫生部长们同意,对今年的麦加朝圣活动加以限制。

    Arab health ministers have agreed to impose restrictions on this year 's Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca in a bid to prevent the spread of the H1N1 swine flu .

  8. 这些病例发生时距离麦加朝圣(Hajjpilgrimage)还有一个月。每年麦加朝圣会吸引数百万穆斯林前往沙特朝圣。

    The cases come a month ahead of the Hajj pilgrimage , which draws millions of Muslim pilgrims to Saudi Arabia .

  9. 西门子(Siemens)已放弃竞标沙特阿拉伯麦加到麦地那70亿美元高铁项目的列车与设备供应合同,转而加入中国企业牵头的一个财团,与他们一起竞投该项目。

    Siemens has dropped a bid to supply trains and equipment for the $ 7bn Mecca-to-Medina high-speed railway line project in Saudi Arabia , opting to join a Chinese consortium bidding for the work .

  10. 世界上的第一批咖啡馆在圣地麦加诞生,它们被叫作“kavehkanes”。

    The first coffeehouses were opened in Mecca and were called " kaveh kanes " .

  11. 回教公元((以穆罕默德逃离麦加之公元622年为元年;参看Hegira))丹麦排名的下降与去年的先知穆罕默德漫画出版物有关。

    The drop is related to the publication of the Prophet Mohammed cartoons in Denmark last year .

  12. 沙特一支紧急调停部队全身穿着黑色衣服,在麦加城外Arafat山附近的训练场地吟诵赞美诗,以防发生暴乱或者自然灾害。

    Squads of Saudi rapid intervention forces , some dressed entirely in black , chanted at a training ground , outside of Mecca , near Mount Arafat , as they prepared for possible disturbances or natural disasters .

  13. 尽管AbrajKudai酒店2017年开业后将是世界上最大的酒店,但是与麦加其他项目相比就小巫见大巫了。

    Although the Abraj Kudai will be the biggest hotel in the world when it opens in 2017 , it pales in comparison to other Mecca projects .

  14. 大清真寺和四面对钟,头顶上的Abraj铝诱饵塔被认为来自Al-努尔在麦加,沙特阿拉伯山地上2010年11月11日的顶部。

    The Grand Mosque and the four-faced clock , atop the Abraj Al-Bait Towers are seen from the top of al-Noor mountain in Mecca , Saudi Arabia on Nov.11,2010 .

  15. 在城市的西部地区,名为JabalOmar的酒店正在开发当中,预计可容纳10万朝圣者,麦加大清真寺也将扩建至可以容纳700万朝拜者。

    A collection of gigantic hotels in the west of the city known as the Jabal Omar development is intended to house 100000 pilgrims , while the Grand Mosque is to be upgraded to house seven million people at any one time .

  16. 修订麦加利地震烈度表利用强震记录分析汶川地震诱发滑坡

    Analysis of landslide induced by Wenchuan earthquake by strong motion records

  17. 麦加:是的,这些都严重违背了奥林匹克的宗旨。

    Maiga : Yes . They seriously violate the Olympic tenet .

  18. 杰夫:对不起了,麦加。麦加:杰夫,还是你来吧。

    Maiga : Jeff , you say it just as well .

  19. 不过,麦加朝圣的开始似乎遭受没有重大变故。

    Still , the Hajj appeared to begin without major disruptions .

  20. 寺的方向,必须朝着麦加的圣殿“克尔白”这一要求。

    Others again adopt an orientation of the rectangular shrine itself .

  21. 我像一只飞鹰盘桓在麦加广场的上空;

    I flied as a falcon over the square of Mekka ;

  22. “哈吉”是朝圣,是到麦加的宗教旅程。

    Hajj is a pilgrimage , a religious journey to Mecca .

  23. 阿卜杜勒·阿齐兹国王大道,麦加(沙特阿拉伯)

    King Abdul Aziz Road , Makkah ( Saudi Arabia )

  24. 他最后于公元1728年的一个晚上离开了麦加。

    He at last left Mecca on a night in AD 1728 .

  25. 它是全世界物理学家们的麦加。

    It is a Mecca for physicists the world over .

  26. 像所有的清真寺一样,这座清真寺也面朝着麦加。

    It faces towards Mecca as all mosques must do .

  27. 圣地(指耶路撒冷、罗马、麦加等地)

    The Holy City ( Jerusalem , Rome , Mecca )

  28. 麦加:安妮,你说的太好了!

    Maiga : Annie , what you said is excellent !

  29. 我们遇到许多去麦加朝圣的人。

    We met many pilgrims on their way to Mecca .

  30. 麦加希顶住压力和批评,毫不慌乱。

    McGahey withstood the pressure and criticism without flinching .