
  • 网络McKinsey and Company;Mckinsey;McKinsey & Company;McKinsey Company;McKinsey Consultants
  1. 根据麦肯锡咨询公司(McKinseyandCompany)的预测,尽管2003年以来中国电子商务复合年增长率高达120%,但到2020年,这个数字预计将下降到15%-20%。

    Though they have enjoyed a compound annual growth rate of 120 % since 2003 , they are expected to slow to between 15 % and 20 % through 2020 , according to McKinsey and Company estimates .

  2. 据麦肯锡咨询公司估计,在2005年到2030年间,中国汽车市场会增长10倍。市场的增长导致了对柴油和汽油的需求也会从1.1亿吨增长到5亿吨。

    The consultancy McKinsey and Company estimates that China 's car market will grow tenfold between 2005 and 2030 , which will drive up demand for diesel and petrol from 110 million tonnes to 500 million tonnes .

  3. 麦肯锡咨询公司(McKinsey)近日发布的一份报告指出,三分之一的日本电动汽车车主表示,他们再也不会买电动汽车了。

    A report by McKinsey consultancy says up to a third of Japanese customers for EVs say they would not buy again .

  4. 麦肯锡咨询公司的alanlau认为,两家企业此举也在向制造商施压,促使其减小对电商的打折力度。

    Alan Lau of McKinsey & Co , a consultancy , says they are also pushing manufacturers to stop offering etailers such big discounts .

  5. 从海豹突击队退役后,布兰登先后加入了哈佛商学院(HBS)和麦肯锡咨询公司(McKinsey),之后与他人共同创办了自己的对冲基金,丰富的阅历让他的观点不但有趣,而且具有多面性。

    Brendan went on to HBS and McKinsey after the seals and then co-founded his own hedge fund , so he had an interesting , multi-faceted perspective .

  6. 他们在负责麦肯锡咨询公司的调查研究项目结论中归纳出管理的七要素(7s),即战略、结构、制度、人员、技术、作风和共同价值观。

    They summarized the conclusions of the management of seven elements ( 7s ), strategy , structure , systems , personnel , technology , style and shared values when they are responsible for the McKinsey research project .

  7. 麦肯锡咨询公司预计那些还有五到十年退休的人几乎握有美国私人金融资产的三分之一。

    McKinsey , a consultancy , reckons that those five to ten years away from retirement hold almost a third of personal financial assets in America .

  8. 根据2012年麦肯锡咨询公司关于社会经济的报告,知识型工作者将28%的时间用于费力读完他们的收件箱。

    According to a 2012 McKinsey Global Institute report on the social economy , knowledge workers spend 28 percent of their time wading through their inboxes .

  9. 该公司援引了麦肯锡咨询公司的研究报告,报告中说(中国的)城市化规模和进程仍将以前所未有的速度持续下去。

    The company cited research from McKinsey , the management consultancy , which said the scale and pace of urbanization would continue at an unprecedented rate .

  10. 而现在大学文凭又具有空前的重要性:美国麦肯锡咨询公司认为,到2020年,具有大学文凭的职员在薪酬和升职机会等方面会比不具有大学文凭的职员多出三倍的优势。

    And today a college degree is more important than ever : McKinsey believes college-educated workers will have a three-fold advantage in salaries and opportunities by 2020 .

  11. 他获得了哈佛大学企业经济学博士学位,然后在回到哈佛授课之前为伦敦的麦肯锡咨询公司工作了几年。

    He gained a PhD in Business Economics from Harvard University and then went to work for consulting firm McKinsey & Company in London for a couple of years before returning to Harvard to teach .

  12. 麦肯锡咨询公司的调查显示,2010年接受调查的消费者中,39%的人预计,工资在未来一年将出现增长,而2011年58%的受访消费者都认为涨薪在即。

    Whereas 39 % of consumers in 2010 said they expect their incomes to rise in the next year , 58 % surveyed in 2011 said they see higher pay in the horizon , according to McKinsey .

  13. 麦肯锡咨询公司研究部门&麦肯锡全球研究所的一份最新报告表明,在企业对于社交技术的运用上存在着尚待开发的巨大潜力(从内部看,同消费者交易也是如此)。

    A new report by the McKinsey Global Institute , the research arm of a consultancy , sees vast untapped potential in companies ' use of social technologies ( internally , as well as in dealings with customers ) .

  14. 中国将成为世界最大的在线市场,规模可能超过4200亿美元,到2020年每年增至6500亿美元,麦肯锡咨询公司今年3月在一份报告中表示。

    China is set to become the world 's largest online market whose size may exceed US $ 420 billion and rise to US $ 650 billion annually by 2020 , McKinsey & Co said in a report in March this year .

  15. 她还曾就职于麦肯锡管理咨询公司。

    She also worked at McKinsey and Company , a management consulting firm .

  16. 在亚洲,排名靠前的企业还有麦肯锡这样的咨询公司,安永这样的会计事务所,以及宝洁这样的消费品公司。

    In Asia , other businesses that scored high were consulting groups like McKinsey , accounting firms such as EY ( Ernst & Young ) and consumer products companies including Procter & Gamble ( PG ) .