
  • 网络Hypsometer
  1. 森林测高器是林业行业的基本工具和常用工具,广泛应用于森林经营研究、森林资源调查、森林采伐利用、森林碳汇测算等诸多技术领域。

    Forest hypsometer is the common tool widely used in studies of forest management , forest resources survey , the use of forest harvesting , forest carbon sequestration estimates , and many other technical fields .

  2. 在样机制作方面,借用生产质量比较稳定的国产CGQ-1型测高器壳体及控制部件作为准连续式测高器的机械部分,保证了样机制作精度。

    In the prototype production , it borrows a relatively stable quality of CGQ-1-type altimeter , and the shell and control components as quasi-continuous measurement of high mechanical device to ensure the accuracy of the prototype production .

  3. 对电容器漏电法测高阻中电容器所需充电时间首先从理论的角度进行定量计算,然后结合具体实例确定了充电时间。

    Necessary charging time of capacitor in measuring high resistance with leakage current method is quantitatively calculated in theory and illustrated with examples .