
  • 网络Test Driven;Test-Driven Development;test driven development;TDD;Kent Beck
  1. 测试驱动开发可以提高生产效率,因为它有助于思考。

    TDD increases your production because it serves as a thinking-aid .

  2. 本文提出了在使用测试驱动开发过程开发Web应用时的一套页面测试模型。该模型主要关注页面的功能测试。

    In this paper , the Page Test Model ( PTM ) based on web development using TDD is presented , focusing on function test mainly .

  3. 基于测试驱动开发过程的Web页面测试模型

    Web Page Test Model Based on Test-Driven Development

  4. 这有点像测试驱动开发(TestDrivenDevelopment,TDD),单元测试应在代码之前编写。

    This resembles Test Driven Development ( TDD ), where Unit tests are supposed to be written before the code .

  5. TDD测试驱动开发与瀑布式软件开发流程的对比研究

    The Comparative Research of TDD and Fall-styled Software Development Flow

  6. 测试驱动开发(TDD)和行为驱动开发(BDD)现在已经成为广泛应用的软件开发技术。

    TDD and BDD are now widely-used software development techniques .

  7. RSpec是一种行为驱动框架,可增强Ruby中的测试驱动开发。

    RSpec is the behavior-driven framework that enhances test-driven development in Ruby .

  8. 随着敏捷软件开发和极限编程研究和应用的广泛开展,测试驱动开发(Test-drivendevelopment)得到了越来越多人的关注。

    With the research and application of the agile software development and Extreme Programming being widely performed , Test-Driven Development attracts more and more people 's attention .

  9. 对于很多开发人员来说,从测试驱动开发转移到BDD是明智的转变。

    For many developers , the shift from test-driven development to BDD is a smart move .

  10. 即使一个开发团队没有在使用测试驱动开发方式,拥有一个可编程的能测试实际UI代码的框架,对于回归和集成测试也是很有价值的。

    Even if a development team does not practice test-driven development , having programmatic tests exercise UI code is valuable for regression and integration testing .

  11. 之后结合测试驱动开发技术和MVC模式,讨论研究高效率的开发模式,以及与之配套的度量方法。

    Afterward combining with Test-Driven Development technology and MVC pattern , studies to erect efficient development pattern , and further designs corresponding measurement system .

  12. 测试驱动开发(Test-drivendevelopment,简称TDD)是一种可预测的软件开发方法,它是敏捷思想的重要体现,是极限编程的技术核心。

    Test-driven development is a predictable method of software development . It is an important manifestation of agile thinking , and the core technology of Extreme Programming .

  13. 本文概述的实践中,有一些可归类到常用的测试驱动开发(TDD)实践。

    Several of the practices outlined here can be categorised as general Test Driven Development ( TDD ) practices .

  14. 这样的灵活性也使得db4o非常适合于测试驱动开发过程。

    That same flexibility also makes db4o a good candidate for inclusion in a test-driven development process .

  15. 在这个系列的前两期中,我讨论了如何使用测试驱动开发(TDD)帮助您逐步发现设计。

    In the previous two installments of this series , I discussed how using test-driven development ( TDD ) helps you incrementally discover design .

  16. 然后对其总体功能结构和模块作了详细的分析和设计,并介绍了测试驱动开发技术在该系统中的应用,以及实现结果的UML表示。

    Next to introduce detailed analysis and design for the overall function and all modules , then to describe the application of Test-Driven Development technology in this system , and the final achievement shown in UML diagrams .

  17. 统一建模语言(UML)和测试驱动开发(TDD)是软件工程发展过程中的两项卓越成果。

    Both the Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) and the Test-Driven Development ( TDD ) are the excellent achievements , which were put forward in the development process of software engineering .

  18. 另一个方面,测试驱动开发(TDD)要求先写测试、再写产品代码的工作方法与众不同。

    On the other hand , Test Driven Development ( TDD ), the process of writing the tests before writing the production code , works very differently .

  19. 去年,RonJeffries撰写了一个系列关于测试驱动开发的文章,通过尝试用Ruby编写一个数独游戏(Sudoku)解算器的方式,展示他如何实践测试驱动开发。

    Last year , Ron Jeffries wrote a series of articles in which he demonstrated test-driven development in practice , attempting to create a Sudoku solver in Ruby .

  20. 本文的主要内容是概述了极限编程(XP)和测试驱动开发(TDD)的概念和相关理论,并实现了一个服务于极限编程的GUI自动化测试系统。

    This thesis introduces the basic concepts and the theories of Extreme Programming and Test-Driven Development . Based on these theories , system of GUI test automation served for XP is realized by bellowed procedures .

  21. 对于如何采用测试驱动开发方式进行用户图形界面的开发,提出了利用MVC模式思想和Mock对象技术相结合的解决方案,并给出了具体实现。

    As to how to develop graphical user interface by making use of Test-Driven Development , here this thesis puts forward a solution that is the combination of MVC pattern and Mock Objects , and the solution is implemented in detail .

  22. 在行为驱动开发社区,一个老问题又以一种新的形式被提了出来:行为驱动开发(BDD)是不是就是做得比较好的验收测试驱动开发(ATDD)?

    A new form of an old question has been asked in the Behavior Driven Development community : is BDD merely Acceptance Test Driven Development done well ?

  23. 制造业中的“Jidoka”即自动停机(Autonomation)与软件开发中的测试驱动开发类似。

    " Jidoka " or Autonomation is a manufacturing parallel to Test-Driven Development in software development .

  24. Gojko:在软件开发社区中,人们对于实例化需求、验收测试驱动开发以及行为驱动开发,确实有不少误解。

    Gojko : There are a lot of misconceptions about specification by example , acceptance test driven development and behaviour driven development in the community .

  25. 在极限编程中处于核心地位的测试驱动开发(TDD)以测试作为开发过程的中心,以测试先行和重构(Refactoring)作为核心思想,对软件开发提出了一种崭新的思路。

    As core of XP , Test-Driven Development ( TDD ) raises a new evolutionary conception to software development . As core position of XP , TDD has two outstanding characters : one is centered on test , the other is core thought in Test first and refactoring .

  26. 当我进行测试驱动开发时,时间过得飞快。

    When I do test-driven development , the hours fly by .

  27. 将测试驱动开发付诸实践有许多好处。

    There are many benefits that result from practicing test-driven development .

  28. 测试驱动开发经常迫使我重新考虑之前的假设。

    Test-driven development will often force me to revisit early assumptions .

  29. 面向MVC++的测试驱动开发研究

    Research on Test Driven Development Facing MVC + + Architecture

  30. 测试驱动开发是软件开发的重要部分。

    Test-driven development is a critical component of software development .