
  • 网络testing effect
  1. 浅谈职中语文教学的动态测试效应

    On the Effect of Dynamic Test in Chinese Teaching in Vocational School

  2. 高精度损伤阈值测量中测试口径效应研究

    Effect of beam diameter for high accuracy laser damage testing

  3. 浅析阅读理解考试中的测试方法效应问题

    A Probe into Test Method Effect in Reading Comprehension Tests

  4. 本文探讨测试方法效应对听力理解的影响以及不同类型的听力任务的不同作用。

    The present study aims to probe the test method effect on listening performance .

  5. 通过选择立法委员、拟草案、测试社会效应、答疑修改、送审、通过公布等环节,政策最终被制定。

    Through the choice of legislators , protocol , test , modify , social effect and so on ," Policy " is eventually developed .

  6. 研究者用6个关键性控制程序测试框架效应,其中的两个分别对男性和女性更重要一些,并且这两个被看做是两性必需品:

    The researchers tested the framing effect using six key attributes , two of which are more important to men and women respectively , and two that are considered as necessities by both sexes :

  7. 利用快速富里叶变换(FFT)技术实现对非正弦波形有效值的测试及泄漏效应的消除

    The Measurement of RMS Nonsinusoidal Periodic Electric Signal with Fast Fourier Transform ( FFT ) and Eliminating of the Leakage Effect in FFT

  8. 本研究旨在研究中国EFL学习者的笔记行为对网考托福口语测试部分的效应和影响。

    This study is conducted to examine the effects of note-taking on TOEFL iBT Speaking section that contains Independent Speaking Tasks and Integrated Speaking Tasks in a Chinese EFL context .

  9. 用单轴压缩试验测试岩石Kaiser效应特征,进而确定岩体地应力状态的方法,在岩体工程实践中得到广泛的应用。

    The in-situ stress of rock mass is determined by Kaiser effect of rock under uniaxial compression . This method is applied widely in rock mass engineering .

  10. 本文通过对二个工区岩样进行的岩石变形过程声发射测试及KAISER效应测地应力的尝试,探索了采用岩石声发射技术预报工程岩体灾害的可能性。

    This paper deals with the possibility of disaster prediction in rock engineerings with acoustic emission technique . The following cases are cited : acoustic emission test of rock specimen from two construction sites undergone the rock deformation process and in-situ stress measure by kaiser effect .

  11. 分析表明,在强邻近效应情况下磁场耦合不仅产生等效互感而且产生等效互电阻,实验测试表明邻近效应使钢板电阻在1MHz时比无邻近效应时大17倍。

    For strong proximity effects , the analyses indicate that magnetic field coupling not only produces a mutual inductance but also an equivalent mutual resistance . The experiment measurements show that the steel resistance is 17 times larger at 1 MHz .

  12. 观瞄镜防激光性能测试及生物效应实验

    Protection performance against laser for a sight scope and biological effect

  13. 气动凿岩机压力测试中管腔效应分析

    An Analysis of the Tubing Effect on Measurement of Pneumatic Drill pressure

  14. 混凝土断裂能的测试及尺寸效应

    Tests of fracture energy and dimensional effect of concrete

  15. 铜销对钢盘摩擦副磨损率测试的尺寸效应

    Size Effect on the Wear Rate Testing of the Friction Pairs of Brass Pin on Steel Dics

  16. 这些研究加深了人们对测试反拨效应的认识,在一定程度上促进了测试和教学改革。

    These studies have deepened people 's understanding of this phenomenon and promoted the reform and innovation in language testing and teaching .

  17. 材料断裂韧度测试中的厚度效应

    Effect of Thickness on Testing the Fracture Toughness of Materials

  18. 测试系统的负载效应及其改善措施

    Load Effects of Measuring System and the Improving Measures

  19. 大学英语口语测试及其反拨效应探讨

    Spoken English test in CET and its backwash effect

  20. 电阻率两种测试方法间几何效应修正的相关性

    Relationship Between Geometric Effect Correction on Resistivity Measurement Methods

  21. 第四,介绍了多径效应影响性质以及测试中减小多径效应影响的办法。

    The fourth , multipath effect and overcome ways .

  22. 动态断裂韧性测试中的惯性效应分析

    Analysis of inertial effect in dynamic fracture test

  23. 目前来说,概化理论对分析主观测试中的侧面效应是比较理想的一种理论方法。

    Currently , generalizability theory is ideal approach for estimating and analysing sources of error in the subjective test .

  24. 研究的结果表明,听力理解测试中存在测试方法效应,且不同的听力任务会对听力成绩有不同的影响。

    Results show that various task types have different effects on the listening performance .

  25. 研究了夹断电压的测试问题,介绍了测试场效应管夹断电压的方法,进而找出预夹断电压,由此即可确定场效应管的饱和区。

    Then it introduces the test method of pinch - off voltage with the filed effect tube .

  26. 本文着重讨论诊断测试在语言教学中的回波效应,最后得出结论:语言测试要关注回波效应。好的测试方法对教学有正面的回波效应,方法或内容不当就会产生负面的回波效应。

    This paper mainly discusses the echo effect of diagnostic test in language teaching for the purpose of actively popularizing diagnostic test and promptly interfering the learning process of the students .

  27. 随后对这十种试样进行了抗菌测试、防螨测试、毛细效应测试、透湿性测试、透气性测试、折皱回复性能测试、抗起毛起球性测试、刚柔度测试和悬垂性测试并加以分析。

    Then some performances were tested and analyzed , for example anti-bacterial test , anti-mites test , capillary effect test , moisture permeability test , air permeability test , crease recovery ability test , pilling resistance test , firm soft degrees test and drapability test .

  28. 本研究以美雅国际教育学院使用的ESL分班测试(ESLPT)的听力测试为研究对象,从测试题目效应的角度对该测试的听力部分进行效度分析。

    This study was conducted to validate the listening part of ESL Placement test ( ESLPT ), a homemade placement instrument presently used in Meiya College of International Studies .

  29. 用计算机控制的椭偏仪可以用于薄膜光学测试的广泛领域,特别适用于跟踪阳极薄膜生长,测试它们的电光效应和电致伸缩效应。

    A computer-controlled ellipsometer was used for measuring optical properties of films , especially for electrooptic and electrostrictive effects .