
  • 网络test validity
  1. 本文旨在对比研究这两者的测试效度。

    This thesis intends to investigate the test validity of the two writing tasks contrastively .

  2. 英语测试中完形填空题的命题原则与测试效度研究

    On study of the principles in designing cloze and test validity

  3. CET测试效度&基于调查问卷反馈意见的分析研究

    CET validity-a analytic study based on the feedback from the questionnaires

  4. 认知语用视角下的语言测试效度

    A Cognitive - Pragmatic Approach to Validity of Language Testing

  5. 如何提高大学英语阅读的测试效度

    How to Improve the Validity of College English Reading Testing

  6. 大学英语四级机助测试效度实证研究

    The Empirical Validation Research on CET-4 Computer Based Testing

  7. 校内英语水平测试效度实证研究加拿大英语水平等级测试标准探讨

    Empirical Validation of a University-Based English Proficiency Test A Study on Canadian Language Benchmarks

  8. 影响外语听力测试效度的因素

    Factors Influencing the Validity of Listening Tests

  9. 高中英语选项式完形填空题型中虚假分数对测试效度的影响

    The Effect of Error Scores of English Multiple-choice Cloze on the Validity of Testing in Senior High Schools

  10. 提高测试效度是使测试反拨作用趋于积极的有效手段。

    An effective way to make the backwash effect of the test positive is to improve its validity .

  11. 本文根据美国著名语言学家克拉申的输入假设和情感过滤假设理论及巴克的理论,从语言知识和听力任务两个基础方面,对听力策略和测试效度进行了分析;

    Based on the theoretical model Input Hypothesis and Affective Filter Hypothesis proposed by the famous American linguist Stephen D.

  12. 为了提高大学英语阅读的测试效度,以阅读性质和阅读能力为理论基础;

    To improve the validity of College English Reading Test , this article is based on the theories of reading nature and reading ability .

  13. 在阅读测试效度验证过程中,我们需要搜集各种不同的证据来支持所测试的潜在能力。

    In validating a reading test , we need to look for different lines of evidence to support the underlying ability we attempt to measure .

  14. 只有这样才能不断提高考卷的测试效度,对教学产生更为积极的作用。

    Only in this way can we improve the validity of test papers and make cloze tests play an increasingly positive role in English teaching .

  15. 近年来国内外对各类语言测试效度研究不断出现,但对高考英语试题效度研究很少。

    In recent years , various studies on the validity of language testing emerged at home and aboard , but there are few studies on the validity of NMET .

  16. TEM-4完型填空测试结构效度研究&答题过程分析法

    A study of the construct validity of TEM-4 cloze test : A process approach

  17. 阅读理解多项选择测试的效度研究

    On Conduction of Validation of Multiple - choice Reading Tests

  18. 盲人普通话水平测试的效度与题型问题研究

    On Validity and Questions of Chinese Proficiency Test for Blinds

  19. 主客观阅读理解测试题效度实证研究

    An Empirical Study of the Validity of Objective and Subjective Reading Tests

  20. 大学英语四、六级考试阅读理解测试内容效度研究(1996-2007)

    A Content Study of CET Reading Comprehension ( 1996-2007 )

  21. 外语听力测试的效度和理论分析

    Testing Efficiency And Theoretical Analysis On Foreign Language Listening

  22. 试题偏颇性有损于语言测试的效度和公平性。

    Item bias is detrimental to the validity and fairness of language tests .

  23. 本研究通过收集内容相关性与标准关联性两方面的证据,检验了2007年全国英语专业四级口语测试的效度。

    This study validated TEM4-Oral in2007 based on the evidence of content relevance and criterion-relatedness .

  24. 英语口语测试的效度与信度

    Validity and reliability of English oral tests

  25. 例如:要加强对测试的效度和信度的研究,应该有信服的数据、结论;

    For instance , there should be convincing datum and conclusions to enhance the research on reliability and validity ;

  26. 数据分析结果表明批判阅读测试的效度较好,其测试批判阅读能力的目的能够实现。

    Findings show that the CRT paper has well-accepted validity and its purpose of testing CRA is successfully fulfilled .

  27. 腰屈伸等速向心收缩肌力测试的效度研究肌肉的力量、收缩

    A study on the validity of isokinetic concentric muscle strength evaluation of lumbar flexors and extensors muscular effort , contraction

  28. 股四头肌等速向心收缩肌电图测定与分析腰屈伸等速向心收缩肌力测试的效度研究

    The EMG Determination and Analysis of Quadriceps Isokinetic Concentric Contraction A study on the validity of isokinetic concentric muscle strength evaluation of lumbar flexors and extensors

  29. 有多种因素影响英语阅读测试的效度:技术因素、理论因素、心理因素和管理因素。

    Some factors affect validity of M-C in reading tests , such as : technical factors , theoretical factors , psychological factors , and administrative factors .

  30. 尽管大学英语四级考试测试的效度已被证明,但因为全国范围的大规模限制,无论从其表面效度、结构效度、内容效度还是同期效度上,都不能说它适合测量应试者的英语交际能力。

    Obviously , though the validity of it has been proved , CET-4 , which is limited by its large scale , is not an appropriate test for the purpose of testing communicative competence .