
  • 网络critical incidents;critical incident method;CIT;CIM
  1. 基于关键事件法的服务失败与补救研究

    A Study on Service Failure and Recovery Using CIT

  2. 数据信息收集渠道主要为观察法、调查法、日志法、关键事件法、文献法等。

    Data collection methods are observational method , survey method , journal method , critical incident method , and literature method .

  3. 本部分通过文献整理、关键事件法等获得了指标集合,然后对指标集合进行分析,整理出原始指标。

    The section gets the collection of indicators through literature research and critical events interview , and analyzes them to sort out the original indicators .

  4. 运用关键事件法,对零售、餐饮、交通和旅游业消费者进行调查,分析归纳顾客不当行为类型及其对同属顾客服务经历造成的影响。

    Using the Critical Incident Technique , survey the customer during retailing , catering , transportation and tourism industries , summarize the type of customer misbehavior and the impact on other customer .

  5. 首先进行单案例分析,通过时间序列分析和关键事件法,对企业的功能升级活动进行梳理,并将各阶段中知识转移和技术创新行为进行了归纳概括。

    First , the three cases are analyzed individually , using time series analysis and critical incident technique to sort out the functional upgrade activities and to generalize the behavior of knowledge transfer and technology innovation .

  6. 关于实施方法问题,分别列举了平衡记分法、标杆管理法、全面质量管理法、等级评定法、目标管理法、关键事件法和360度绩效评估法等几种方法。

    About the implementation methods , the fifth part in this article separately enumerates several methods . For instance , the Balanced Scorecard , Benchmarking Management , Total Quality Management , the grade estimation , Management by Objective , essential event evaluation , and the 360 ° Performance Appraisal .

  7. 顾客感知的旅游服务不公平事件研究&基于关键事件分析法

    Customers ' Perception of Unfair Incidents in Tourist Services & Based on the Analysis of Critical Incident Technique

  8. 利用关键事件定性分析法对餐饮服务业的服务失败和补救战略进行了实证研究。

    This study uses critical incident technique to examine how the service failure and recovery affect customer satisfaction and word-of-the-mouth .