
  • 网络Relationship Selling;relationship sales
  1. 随着关系销售理念的推广,客户关系管理(CustomerRelationshipManagementCRM)在银行中的应用越来越广泛。

    With the promotion of the concept of relationship marketing , customer relationship management ( Customer Relationship Management CRM ) applications in the enterprise more and more widely .

  2. 他开设了一家公司,名叫APPPharmaceuticals,利用与Premier的金融关系,销售非专利药。Premier是一家为医院采购药品的机构。

    He started a company selling generic drugs , taking advantage of a financial relationship with Premier , a group that buys drugs for hospitals .

  3. 销售额的增长必然伴随着企业资产的增长及负债的增长,因此好的销售预测是资金需求预测的必要基础,正是由于销售与资产的因果关系导致销售百分比法的产生。

    The increase of the sales quotas is bound to follow the increase of the assets and liabilities , therefore capital budgeting is based on the accuracy of the sales trend analysis and due to the close relationship between the sales and assets .

  4. 基于客户关系管理的销售培训研究

    Study of Sales Training Based on CRM

  5. 听之前,先判断下列各项在斯柯达英国公司是属于公共关系部还是销售部的职责。

    Before you listen , decide whether the following are the responsibility of the PR or Marketing Department at Skoda .

  6. 文章探讨了顾客信任倾向、销售人员的特性和双方关系特点对销售人员信任的不同影响,在此基础上为销售人员如何赢得顾客的信任提供了有益的启示。

    Based on the review of literature , this paper discusses the factors that influence customer trust in property salespersons and puts forward the direction for future studies .

  7. 合理规划和设计B/S模式的电子商务网站,直接关系到网络销售系统的运行效率,以及消费者的兴趣。

    Rational planning and designing thee-commerce website of B / S mode , concern the operational efficiency of the marketing system of the network , and consumers'interest directly .

  8. 在商品包装设计中,色彩运用的成功与否,直接影响着所包装商品的视觉效果并关系着商品销售的成败。

    During the design of commodity packaging , it has direct influence on the visual effect and connects to the success and failure of sales whether the color has been applied successfully or not .

  9. 主要获致的研究结果为:于保险互动营销中,业务员柔性销售对业务绩效间有显着的关系,而销售态度对此显着关系无中介历程效果的间接影响存在。

    The result finds that : in the life insurance interactive marketing , the salespeople adaptive selling is significantly related to sales performance , but this significant relationship has not intermediary effect of sales attitude .

  10. 销售事实查询主题的事实数据一旦加入报表,连接关系就会对销售事实表而不是伪事实起作用,就会返回需要的数据。

    As soon as fact data from the sales fact query subject is added to the report , the join relationship goes through the sales fact table rather than the fake fact , and the data returns as expected .

  11. 在广告、人员推销、关系营销、销售促进4种促销工具中,人员推销不仅能直接向目标顾客和中间商介绍农业产品,还能迅速得到较为准确的信息反馈。

    In the four kinds of promotion tools that include the advertisement , personal selling , relationship marking and sales promotion , the personal selling can directly introduce agriculture products to the goal customer and the middle businessmen . Moreover it can rapidly receive their more accurate information feedback .

  12. PCs的这种情况在20世纪80年代后期、即IBM与Microsoft结成伙伴关系来开发和销售OS/2时开始改变。

    The situation for PCs began to change in the late 1980s when IBM formed a partnership with Microsoft to develop and sell OS / 2 .

  13. 最后,Irish指出了制作人和市场销售部门之间的关系以及把市场销售的需求列入预算和计划表的重要性。

    Lastly , Irish addresses the relationship between producer and marketing department , and the importance of factoring marketing needs into the budget and schedule .

  14. Jefferies工业分析师约翰•迪安(JohnDean)表示,在这些市场里,需要很长的时间才能建立关系,并将销售努力转化为制造产能。

    It takes a long time to build relationships in these markets and [ to ] translate sales efforts into real manufacturing capacity , said John Dean , an industrials analyst at Jefferies .

  15. 面向客户关系管理的企业销售信息系统

    Enterprise Sale Information Systems Based on the Customer Relation Management

  16. 包装直接关系到产品的销售。

    844 Packing has a close bearing on sales .

  17. 合同关系仅受到本销售条款的英语文本的法律约束。

    Only the English text of these Sales Conditions is legally binding for the contractual relationship .

  18. 如果您想要和我们建立长期合作关系,请与销售部联系。

    If you want to set up the co-operation with us for a long period , Please connect with Sales and Marketing Dept.

  19. 实证研究的结果表明,价格和销售量成反比关系,所有的销售促进手段和销售量成正比关系。

    The empirical results show that price has a negative relationship with sales volume , while all types of sales promotion have positive relationship with sales volume .

  20. 一家超市连锁店利用两种差异极大的东西&啤酒与尿布之间不寻常的关系,来增加销售。

    A supermarket chain increased sales of two very different product types by taking advantage of a unique relationship uncovered between the items & beer and diapers .

  21. 战略性伙伴有三种合作性网络关系。强化在销售过程中的合作伙伴关系方法。

    This article explains that strategic partnership has three forms of cooperative networks , and also proposes the method of strengthening the strategic partnership , in the sale process .

  22. 公司目前主要采用直接销售方式,注重大客户关系维护,产品销售毛利率较为稳定。

    Currently , the Company adopts the direct sale , attaches importance to keeping good relationship with big clients , and maintains a comparatively steady gross profit rate for product sale .

  23. 并且只有与销售数据和销售指标相结合,并且将对客户关系的管理纳入销售人员的绩效考核中去,来检验客户关系管理的实际执行情况,这样才能真正体现客户关系管理给企业带来的益处。

    G would truly gain the benefits to enterprise only by integrating the sales and targets data and by incorporating CRM into the performance appraisal of sales staff so as to test the actual CRM implementation .

  24. 强化攀成钢与客户之间的紧密合作关系,完善出口销售渠道,建立无缝营销,开展顾问式营销,对市场变化快速响应。

    The cooperation between PCG and its customers should be strengthened , seamless pipe sales management system to be established , export channels to be expanded . Consulting sales is used to have a quick response to the market change .

  25. 农业基础是否巩固,农村经济是否繁荣,农民生活是否富裕,不仅关系农产品的有效供应,而且关系工业品的销售市场,关系国民经济发展的全局。

    Whether the basis of agriculture is solid , or rural economy is prosperous or the farmers are rich , which closely related not only to the efficient supplies but also to the market of industrial production to the overall situation of the development of national economy .

  26. 运用客户关系理论和客户重叠理论,通过配送策略的实施,加强客户关系管理,固化客户关系,使销售网络得到进一步的巩固和加强。

    Along with the application of delivery tactics , XX strengthens the management of customer relationship and solidifies its sales network .

  27. 销售自动化SFA作为客户关系管理系统CRM的重要组成部分,以信息技术为手段,通过对业务流程的重组达到改善客户关系和提高销售效率的目的。

    Sales Force Automation SFA is an important component of Customer Relationship Management CRM information technology , through the restructuring of the business process to improve customer relations and improve sales efficiency purposes .