
guān jìng
  • customs area
关境[guān jìng]
  1. 特区设在关境之外。

    The special zone is located beyond the customs house .

  2. 指货物实际出我国关境口岸海关的名称。

    Show goods goes our country actually to pass the name of condition port custom .

  3. 海关是代表国家在进出关境环节实施监督管理的机关。

    Customs represents one of national authorities to supervise goods import and export in one country .

  4. 从海关管理的职能看,各国海关对知识产权采取保护措施的边境只能是关境的边境。

    Considered to the function of customs bureau , the border measures could only be done on the customs territory .

  5. 海关是负责进出关境监督管理的国家机关。

    Customs shall be the state organ responsible for supervision and control over everything entering and leaving the Customs territory .

  6. 它主要是指:必须在关境内实施统一的贸易制度、政策和基本措施;

    It mainly means that the government must carry out uniform trade system , policy and fundamental measures in the customs frontier .

  7. 传统的以一国关境为核算基础的贸易差额统计体系,已无法准确反映及把握全球化时代贸易投资一体化的经济运行状况。

    Traditional trade balance system can 't reflect the real economic situation under the globalization age for the integrative of trade and investment .

  8. 答:装货港是指进口货物在运抵我国关境前的最后一个境外装运港。

    Answer : loading harbor is to show import content is in the port of shipment outside transferring our country to involve the last area before the condition .

  9. 作为便于仓储与运输货物的外包装,国际贸易中使用的运输包装不仅承载货物,而且会携带虫害与疾病在关境间传播。

    As outer packaging which facilitates storage and transportation of products , shipping packaging used in international trade carry not only products , but also pests and diseases among customs territories .

  10. 中华人民共和国海关是国家的进出关境(以下简称进出境)监督管理机关。

    The Customs of the People 's Republic of China shall be the state organ responsible for supervision and control over everything entering and leaving the Customs territory ( hereinafter referred to as inward and outward persons and objects ) .

  11. 外国商品存入保税区,不必缴纳进口关税,尚可自由出口,只需交纳存储费和少量费用,但假如要进入关境则需交纳关税。

    Foreign commodity stocks free tax zone , need not pay imports custom duty , passable freedom is exported , need to hand in memory to expend only with a few charge , but if should be entered , close condition criterion to need to pay custom duty .