
  1. 子研究四构建关键资源战略能力成长绩效的概念模型,提出一系列相关假设。

    And then gives some hypotheses between the critical resource factors of clustered firms and strategic capability . The fourth sub-research builds a concept model of critical resources strategic capability growth performance , and puts forward some hypothesizes .

  2. 本文努力从对于关键性资源的控制能力的角度来理解企业的所有权以及企业的权威性质。本文的研究基础主要是新旧产权方法。

    This thesis employs the New-and-Old property rights method , endeavored to provide a way to understand the property rights and authoritative nature of firms form the angle of control capability for key resources .

  3. 同时定义生产所需关键资源作为神经网络输出,该输出表示完成一项生产计划或生产任务所需要的关键资源能力,通过BP网络实现从生产计划到资源能力的映射。

    At the same time , define the critical resources needed for the production as the BP neural network output ; the network output indicates the critical resource capacity required to complete a production plan .