
  • 网络management process
  1. 用作对采用SOA治理和新的服务生命周期管理流程所进行的试验。

    Acts as a pilot for adopting SOA governance and new service life cycle management processes .

  2. 然后根据现有的管理流程,提出了物流跟踪模型系统,针对基于RFID技术的供应链物流业务操作流程进行了详细地解说。

    Then existing management processes , logistics and tracking proposed model system for RFID-based supply chain logistics business operation processes a detailed explanation .

  3. 卡普萨里斯说:“自从二十世纪七十年代以来,档案管理流程已经发生了巨大的变化,我们现在将高价值的文件放在甚至连我都接触不到的保险柜里。”

    Archiving practices have changed greatly since the 1970s , says Kapsalis , " and we keep our high value documents in a safe that I don 't even have access to . "

  4. 基于BPR的物资管理流程重组

    Material Management Process Reengineering Based on BPR

  5. 文中使用Petri网理论中的库所/变迁系统模型对一个CA证书管理流程进行建模,并用状态可达图理论对其系统的完备性进行了分析与证明。

    So a certification management flow modeling is designed based on Petri-net'P / T system . Its integrity is analysed by the theory of state reachability graph .

  6. RM计划还描述了变更管理流程,以使项目中的所有人都能理解它。

    The RM plan also describes the change management process so that everyone on the project will understand it .

  7. 这些属性需要由管理员或需求管理流程中的另一个项目负责人在ManageProjectProperties视图(参见图2)中创建,使得属性可以在筛选器中使用。

    These attributes need to be created within the Manage Project Properties view ( see Figure 2 ) by the administrator or another project lead in the requirements management process so the attributes can be used in the filters .

  8. 结合使用batch模式和-f参数将令您发挥出CLI的全部力量,并能够为WebSphereCloudBurst建立自动化的管理流程。

    Using batch mode with the-f argument gives you all the power of the CLI APIs , and the ability to establish an automated administration process for WebSphere CloudBurst .

  9. 然而,当您需要创建围绕脚本构建的自动化管理流程时,WebSphereCloudBurstCLI提供了文件模式,这是一种使用-f参数的batch模式。

    However , when you want to create automated administrative processes built around scripting , the WebSphere CloudBurst CLI offers file mode , which is batch mode using the-f argument .

  10. 将这种方法运用到ITIL上,您在尝试实现服务管理流程自动化上可以获得大幅度的进步。

    Applying this approach to ITIL lets you make great strides in your attempts to automate service management processes .

  11. Steve对WebSphere、Web服务和企业服务总线进行了广泛的研究,并花了大量的时间来研究如何通过新兴的标准、产品和技术来创建、自动化或改进服务、网络和集成设施管理流程。

    Steve works extensively with WebSphere , Web services and the Enterprise Service Bus and spends his time figuring out how emerging standards , products and technologies can create , automate or improve Service , Network and Infrastructure Management processes .

  12. 以生产、管理流程为主线,以质量管理体系、环境管理体系和职业健康安全管理体系的原则和要求为基础,引入BPR流程管理理论。

    Basic on principle and requirement of the quality management system , environment management system , occupational health and safety management system , mainly lined with production and management flowing , it introduces BPR flowing management theory .

  13. 以云浮发电厂EAM实施为例,说明EAM实施过程中的难点主要是电厂管理流程不规范以及基础数据整理工作量大,在实施过程中需要注意的关键因素有:成立项目领导小组;

    With the implementation of EAM in Yunfu Power Plant as an example , it is indicated that the main difficulties of EAM implementation are nonstandard power plant management flow and laborious basic data reduction .

  14. 本文介绍Web2.0及其支持技术的出现如何通过减少业务分析人员在构建和管理流程模型时对其IT对等项的依赖性,为这一长期存在争议的问题带来了一线希望。

    This article describes how the advent of Web 2.0 and its enabling technology have created a ray of hope in this ever-disputed matter by reducing the dependency of the business analyst in building and managing the process models on their IT counterparts .

  15. 充分利用和发挥URP信息技术平台的优势,加强教学资源建设,优化毕业设计过程控制,改进传统的毕业设计管理流程,建立毕业设计知识管理体系,以提高毕业设计教学质量。

    By making full use of the University Resource Plan ( URP ) information technical platform , we can provide more educational resources , set up the process control of the graduation project , reform its management , and establish a knowledge management system to improve its quality .

  16. 二是绩效管理流程和流程管理工具。

    The second is the performance management processes and process management tools .

  17. 动物实验管理流程的建立及效果分析

    Establishment and Effect Analysis of Management Process for Animal Laboratory

  18. 用于启动灾难中心的管理流程的脚本。

    Scripts to start up the admin processes of your disaster center .

  19. 围绕核心竞争优势建立企业知识管理流程

    Establishing Corporate Knowledge Management Process in Accordance with Its Core Competitive Capabilities

  20. 因此,应用管理流程应用程序模式是非常理想的。

    Therefore , a Managed Process application pattern is ideal .

  21. 我国集团企业预算管理流程及表格体系的构建

    Building the Process and Forms of Budget Management in China

  22. 严格执行管理流程,保证优良品质。

    Strictly implement management process and assure fine quality .

  23. 理念,建立了快速有效的管理流程和科学务实的产品战略。

    Concept , Establish quick effective administer flow and science honest product strategy .

  24. 基层医院关于加强和规范疼痛护理管理流程的探讨

    The exploring about strengthening and regulating pain nursing management processes of basic-level hospitals

  25. 建设工业集团物资消耗管理流程的设计与应用

    Design and its Application of Consuming Material Management Procedure in Construction Industry Groups

  26. 本文首先构建了一套工程项目的风险管理流程。

    This paper structures the risk management procedure of a project at first .

  27. 熟悉制药企业的污水处理工艺及安全环保管理流程。

    Familiar with management process in safety production , environment protection and occupational health .

  28. 电力企业人力资源管理流程再造研究

    The Research about Bussiness Process Reengineering of Human Resources Management on the Electric Enterprises

  29. 由于绩效管理流程是企业管理的核心流程,因此绩效管理系统是否有效将在极大程度上影响企业的战略实施和业绩提升。

    Effective performance management system is very important to strategy execution and performance promotion .

  30. 服务器发起这次会话管理流程。

    The server initiates this session-management process .