
ɡuǎn lǐ ruǎn jiàn
  • Management software;administration software
  1. 基于农村电网的GPS巡线系统管理软件的设计

    Design of line patrol administration software based on rural power grids

  2. 输液管理软件《306种药物配伍禁忌》临床应用效果观察

    Exploring the effect of transfusion administration software on managing pharmaceutical incompatibility of 306 drugs

  3. 项目管理软件可以提供这样的能见度到每个人的技能和工作量。

    Project management software can provide such visibility into everyone 's skills and workloads .

  4. 用VISUALBASIC开发光盘管理软件

    Using Visual Basic to develop compact disc management software

  5. 采用POWERBUILDER开发电子邮件管理软件的原理与方法

    Method and Principle to Develop Email Management Software With Power Builder

  6. 采用Microsoft的Access编写DNA数据库计算机管理软件。

    Managing software of the testing DNA database was designed using Microsoft Access .

  7. IBMRational提供了业界领先的工具以管理软件开发中的变更。

    IBM Rational offers industry-leading tools for managing changes to software under development .

  8. RPCSoftware公司为家具行业开发了ERP订单管理软件。

    RPC Software develops ERP order management software used by the furniture industry .

  9. RationalTeamConcert允许项目团队去定义、自动化和管理软件交付项目。

    Rational Team Concert allows project teams to define , automate , and govern software delivery projects .

  10. 邮政CRM管理软件,就是适应这一需求而问世的。

    Postal CRM management software is come out to meet this demand .

  11. Excel在现代图书管理软件中的应用研究

    Application Study of Excel in Modern Books Management Software

  12. 浅析基于MIS的兽医行政管理软件质量控制

    On Quality Control of Software for Veterinary Medical Administration Based on Management Information System

  13. 为此,本文引入了SOA和分布式技术在工时管理软件开发中对以上问题进行较好的解决。

    Therefore the paper introduced the SOA and distributed technologies in the man-hour software to solve above problems effectively .

  14. 彭博社质疑Oracle到底要收购多少家管理软件供应商才能形成一个内聚的SOA管理故事。

    Bloomberg questioned how many management vendors Oracle must acquire before it has a coherent SOA management story .

  15. PDA安全管理软件的若干关键技术研究

    Research on Key Technologies of PDA Security Management Software

  16. 工程文档信息管理软件IMS的研制

    Development of the Information Management Software of Project File

  17. 用VBA开发选矿设备图形库管理软件

    Programming graphics base system of mineral processing equipment with VBA

  18. 现在,这个免费的手机管理软件,您将有机会增强您的PC变成一个移动的世界。

    Now , with this free mobile phone manager software , you will have a chance to enhance your PC into a mobile world .

  19. 然后论述了两个重要部件基于Web的车辆电子档案管理软件和车场监控软件的实现过程以及关键的编程细节,并提到了手持设备上移动监理软件的实现。

    Then the function module and programming details of two key components are discussed , that is vehicle electronic record management system based on Web and monitoring software of motor pool .

  20. 在小型机上安装和配置APC电源管理软件

    Installing and Configuring APC Power Management Software on Server

  21. 项目管理软件P3与工程信息系统集成的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Integration of P3 and Project Information System

  22. 而SOA可以看作是B/S模式、XML/WEBService技术与管理软件的延续。

    However , SOA could be considered as a mode of B / S , a technique of XML / Web Service or an expansion of management software . 4 .

  23. 客户关系管理软件服务供应商Salesforce.com也认定其Chatter协同软件将推动公司的成长。

    Com ( CRM ) is betting that its chatter collaboration software will fuel its growth .

  24. 您将使用IT总监SamArcher采购的业务管理软件工具。

    You will use business management software tooling acquired by the director of IT , Sam Archer .

  25. HMC是一个运行集成系统管理软件的专用工作站。

    The HMC is a dedicated workstation that runs integrated system management software .

  26. 他们还指出,更好的医疗保健需要更好的信息技术。微软(Microsoft)上周在中国推出个人健康管理软件,就突出体现了这一点。

    And they note that better health care needs better IT - a point highlighted last week when Microsoft offered its personal health management software in China .

  27. 化学实验设备与药品管理软件DIY

    Chemical Experiment Equipment and Medicine Management Software DIY

  28. ITCAMforSOA基础架构管理软件提供的集成管理工具能够加速和简化SOA问题的识别和解决。

    The ITCAM for SOA infrastructure management software offers integrated management tools that speed and simplify identification and resolution of SOA problems .

  29. 网络安全管理软件SSE的自动化测试

    Automation Test In Network Security Management Software SSE

  30. 指定应用程序域并不能防止管理软件轮询设备级指标,如设备加载、CPU利用、内存指标以及环境统计数据。

    Specifying an application domain does not prevent management software from polling device-level metrics such as device load , CPU utilization , memory metrics , and environmental statistics .