
  • 网络Management Capital;Managed Capital
  1. 管理资本投资对人力资本效益价值增长贡献的研究

    Study on the Devotion of Management Capital Investment for the Efficiency Value of Human Capital

  2. 文章运用有关经济理论并结合实证,分析了管理资本投资对人力资本效益价值增长的贡献。

    The paper studies the devotion of management capital investment for the augment of human capital efficiency value by combining economic theory with concrete evidence .

  3. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)也警告了外国投资波动的风险,并且在今年就撒哈拉以南非洲地区如何管理资本流动波动发布了一份指南。

    The International Monetary Fund has also warned of the dangers of fickle foreign investment and this year released a guide book for sub-Saharan Africa on how to manage volatile capital flows .

  4. 这一结论是我多年作为开发经理管理资本项目得出的。

    I base this on many years as a development executive running capitalized projects .

  5. 因此,防范危机的关键在于有效管理资本流动,降低其波动性。

    So the key to prevent currency crisis is the effective management of capital flows and the reduction in fluctuation .

  6. 政策方面的教训是明显的:新兴经济体需要协同管理资本流动和汇率。

    The policy lesson is clear : the need for co-ordination among emerging economies on managing capital flows and exchange rates .

  7. 而且,他和他的同事现在正在草拟其它方案,帮助公司管理资本或抵挡私人股本的威胁。

    And behind the scenes he and his colleagues are now drawing up other schemes to help companies manage capital or fight off the private equity threat .

  8. 迄今为止,压低货币以鼓励出口带给新兴亚洲国家的好处,已经超过了不得不管理资本流入激增的风险。

    So far , the benefits to emerging Asia of encouraging exports by holding down currencies have outweighed the risks from having to manage surges in capital inflows .

  9. 在服务资本的表现形式中,市场资本是支持资本,管理资本是保障资本,人才资本是基础资本。

    The service capital is showed in three forms : market capital that is supporting capital , management capital that is ensuring capital and talent capital that is primary capital .

  10. 介绍了知识资本风险预警指标体系构建的原则;将知识资本风险划分为人力资本风险、技术资本风险、管理资本风险、市场资本风险和顾客资本风险五个方面进行预警指标的构建;

    Constructs the indicator analyses of the risk pre-warning system of IC from the human capital risk status , the technology capital risk status , the management capital risk status , the market capital risk status and the customer capital risk status ;

  11. 一般合伙人的收入和利润来自两个渠道:对其管理的资本收取费用,并希望产生附带权益(carriedinterest)即实现业绩目标后提取部分利润。

    GPS generate income and profits from two sources - they charge fees on the capital they manage and they hope to generate carried interest - a form of profit once performance hurdles are met .

  12. 新鸿基金融财富管理、资本市场和经纪业务行政总裁JosephTong表示:香港房地产市场非常活跃,人们能够迅速适应新的金融工具。

    Joseph Tong , chief executive officer for wealth management , capital markets and brokerage at Sun Hung Kai Financial , says : Hong Kong has a very active property market and people get used to new financial instruments quickly .

  13. 《新巴塞尔协议》高度重视内部评级法(IRB)在风险管理和资本监管中的作用,并以自主权和资本优惠为激励手段鼓励有条件的银行建立和发展内部评级模型及配套的计算机系统。

    Basel II pays high attention to the function of internal ratings-based ( IRB ) in risk management and capital supervision . It encourages capable bank establish the IRB model and corresponding computer system .

  14. 大庆石油管理局资本运营研究关于资本经营的思考

    The Research of Capital Management Petroleum for DaQing Petroleum Administration Bureau

  15. 公司估价与基于价值管理的资本结构

    Corporation Evaluation and Capital Structure Based on Value Management

  16. 金融机构风险管理和资本最小需求

    Risk management and capital minimum requirement for financial institutions

  17. 我国合资铁路资产管理及资本结构研究

    A Study on Asset Management and Capital Structure of China 's Joint-Venture Railway

  18. 创业基金是用于创业投资的资金的集合,本质内涵在于其是一种针对新兴创业企业而言的专家管理型资本。

    Ln substance , Venture capital is a technocracy-based capital toward new pioneering undertakings .

  19. 政策制定者们将需要做出一些明智的选择来管理好资本流动。

    Policy makers will need to make some smart choices to manage these flows .

  20. 同时,金融中介也需要加强风险管理和资本管理。

    At the same time , financial medium need increase risk and capital management .

  21. 企业如何有效管理人力资本,才能获得并保持核心竞争力呢?

    Can how the enterprise effectively manages human capital acquire and maintain core competitive power ?

  22. 股权再融资、盈余管理与资本配置效率他是没有资格匹配你的。

    Further Offerings , Surplus Management and Capital Allocation Efficiency ; He can 't deserve you .

  23. 论管理的资本属性

    On Capital Property of Management

  24. 更加有效的管理,资本管理,时间追踪,项目管理,成本管理以及资源分配

    More effective governance , portfolio management , time tracking , project management , cost management , and resource allocation

  25. 我国上市公司盈余管理对资本结构变动影响的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Effects of the Earnings Management on Capital Structure Change from the Listed Companies in China

  26. 定性指标包含战略管理、资本运营、土地储备、品牌、人力资源、房地产业务扩张速度及客户满意度七大类指标。

    The qualitative index includes strategic management , capital operation , land deposit , brand , manpower resources , customer satisfaction .

  27. 金融危机下陶瓷企业的战略成本管理监管资本套利和国际金融危机&对2007~2009年国际金融危机成因的分析


  28. 作为巴塞尔新资本协议的核心技术,它代表着未来银行业风险管理和资本监管的发展方向。

    New Basel Capital Accord as the core technology , it represents the future of banking supervision of risk management and capital development .

  29. 银行资本管理包括资本充足率管理和资本配置管理,是现代商业银行经营管理的重要组成部分。

    The capital management of commercial bank , which includes capital adequacy and capital allocation , is an important part of commercial bank management .

  30. 目前,国内对股份制上市公司资本运作模型研究较多,侧重于一般理论,离现实较远,对我国民营企业现状下的财务管理与资本运作研究不够。

    At present , there are numerous book studies the capital model of holding companies more than the model under which private enterprises operate .