
  1. 高校基建管理制度缺失及策略的研究

    The Research on Management System Imperfection of Capital Construction and Countermeasures in Universities

  2. 导致我国大豆产业不安全的主要原因,一是需求激增,二是管理制度缺失。

    The reasons of Chinese soybean industry facing insecurity come from the rapid demand of increase and the lack of management system .

  3. 由于政府拨款和自身收入的增长幅度有限、高校内部财务管理制度缺失等因素易导致高校负债风险的产生。

    Because government allocate funds with one 's own increasing degree limited , financial management system person who lack apt to cause university in debt production of risk factor inside the university of income .

  4. 分析了当前普通高中专利工作所出现的专利法律意识薄弱、专利管理制度缺失、专利权利归属模糊、专利仿造严重以及专利转化实施效率不高等实际问题。

    Analysis of the current high school of patent work in the patent law consciousness is weak , lack of management system of patent right , patent , patent counterfeiting seriously and attributive fuzzy patents implementation efficiency not advanced problem .

  5. 而建设存在的问题则主要表现为:在经济欠发达地区,经费奇缺;经济基础弱,农民需求意识薄;管理制度缺失等方面。

    And the existing chief problems are mainly as follows : in those under developed areas , developing fund is not enough , economic basis is weak , farmers lack the consciousness for library information and managing regulation is not formed .

  6. 区划行政模式下地方政府管理的制度缺失及其创新

    System Shortage and Its Innovation of Local Government Management in Zoning Administration Mode

  7. 制度软肋&浅谈我国住房公积金管理制度的缺失与完善措施

    System Weaknesses & To Discuss on Deficiencies and Improving Measures for Managing System of China Housing Accumulation Fund

  8. 主要原因在于历史原因造成的破坏、管理制度的缺失和不足、趋利性与法律意识的失衡等。

    The main reason is that the damage caused by historical reasons , the lack of management systems and lack of benefits or reduce legal awareness imbalances .

  9. 证券公司专项资产管理计划的制度缺失&中国联通租赁费收益计划方案评析

    On System Defects About Specific Asset Administration Plan Of Securities Company

  10. 新破产法中管理人制度的缺失与完善

    Deficiency and Perfection of Supervisor System in New Bankruptcy Law

  11. 中国外汇管理法律制度的缺失与调整

    On the Absence and Adjustment of the Legal Regulation Concerning the Management of Foreign Currency in China

  12. 我国工程质量监督管理制度的体制性缺失与对策性思考

    System Imperfection and Countermeasures of China 's Management System Engineering Quality Supervision

  13. 我国传统区划行政模式下地方政府管理存在明显的制度缺失。

    The absence of system is obvious in local government management under the condition of traditional zoning administration mode in our country .

  14. 第四章在分析哈佛大学《教师手册》的基础上,提炼出哈佛大学教师管理制度的特点与缺失。

    Based on the text analysis of " Faculty handbook ", the fourth chapter summarizes characteristics and shortcomings of Harvard University teacher management system .

  15. 第三,融资租赁发展以来一直无法可依,多头管理,监管法律制度缺失,严重制约着行业的发展。

    The third , finance leasing has been unable to follow the development , management practices , regulatory legal system deficiencies , seriously restricting thedevelopment of the industry .

  16. 因此,文章分析了区域公共问题的滋生及其成因,剖析了我国区域公共管理中存在的制度缺失,并探讨了创新区域公共管理制度的政策建议。

    The article analyzes the causes of public problems , the institutional deficit in China s regional public management and probes into the policy suggestions to innovate the institution of regional public management .

  17. 山东青年自组织发展中存在的问题有其深刻的原因,如自我管理能力不足,制度缺失、政府管控、共青团的指导作用未能有效发挥等等。

    There are also profound reasons for these problems , such as the lack of self-management skills and regulations ; and another reason is that the guidance role of government control and the Communist Youth League of China fails to perform well .

  18. 而对失信行为惩罚不力、公司管理人短期行为、公司内部缺乏基本的信用管理制度是诚信缺失的最主要原因。

    Slight punishment , ephemeral behavior and the deficiency of affiance management system are the principal causes of honesty deficiency .

  19. 但我们要清楚的认识到,海域管理方面的法律体系与管理制度还很不完善,法律的模糊解释和相关管理制度的缺失,使政府在填海造地的管理中常常感到束手无策。

    But the law and management system has some deficiencies , which makes the government feel helpless in the management of sea area administration .