
  • 网络management failures
  1. 目前,即使是艾伦格林斯潘(alangreenspan)这样的有自由主义倾向的决策者和思想家也担心,我们全球相连的金融体系,会将风险管理失效从一家机构传播给另一家机构。

    Even libertarian-leaning policymakers and thinkers , such as Alan Greenspan , are now concerned with the capacity of our globally connected financial system to spread failures of risk management from one institution to another .

  2. 企业绩效管理失效问题与相应对策研究

    The Research of the Failure on Enterprise 's Performance Management Issues and Countermeasures

  3. 纵观多年来年来国内各种财务舞弊案件的发生和金融海啸的蔓延,内部失控、风险管理失效难辞其咎。

    Looking 10 years as the domestic variety of financial fraud from occurring and spreading financial crisis , internal control or risk management , is a failure to blame .

  4. 分析归纳出形成营销风险的三大原因:营销环境突变、营销系统振荡、营销管理失效。

    The conclusion can be drawn that three main reasons lead to marketing risk . They are sudden change in the circumstance of marketing , oscillation in marketing system and invalid of marketing management .

  5. 合理的薪酬体系不仅可以避免薪酬成为管理失效的导火索,更是能够让薪酬发挥人力资源管理的最终功能,即吸引人才、留住人才和激励人才。

    Reasonable salary system can not only avoid compensation becoming management failure , but also is able to pay the ultimate functions of human resource management , that is attract talent , hold talent and encourage talent .

  6. 企业客户关系管理的失效分析

    Failures Analyses in Customers Relation Management

  7. 实现了失效监测链,在任意服务器失效情况下能够在有限时间内重组集群,同时在管理服务器失效后重新选举管理服务器,增强了集群的整体可用性。

    A fail-detect chain is implemented to reorganize the cluster in a limited period of time in case that any number of servers would fail .

  8. NAS设备卷管理模块中失效数据恢复问题研究

    Research of Failure-data Recovery of Volume Manage Module for NAS

  9. 没有适当地处理预先步骤,可能会导致HACCP计划的设计、实施和管理上的失效。

    Without appropriate processing steps , may lead to HACCP program design , implementation and management of failure .

  10. 基于C/S模式的流媒体DRM系统对流媒体内容的加密往往是静态的、一次性的,一旦许可证泄漏则版权管理也随之失效。

    The encryption of the stream-media DRM system based on C / S mode is static and one-off . Once the license is revealed , the digital rights management will break down .

  11. 重正化群分析管理信息系统失效临界条件研究

    Study of Critical Failure on IMS with Renormalization Group Method

  12. 近年来,我国草原的退化愈演愈烈,其中,很大的原因是管理不当与失效。

    In recent years , the degradation of the grassland in China becomes serious .

  13. 盈余管理与制度失效&股份合作制企业以会计利润为依据的激励制度和分配结构安排的缺陷

    Profits Management and Institution Invalidation & Defects of Stimulating Institution Based on Accounting Profits and Distr

  14. 本文针对并行文件系统集中式元数据管理存在单一失效点的问题,设计了一种双元服务器高可用系统。

    To the question that a single failure point exists in the centralized metadata management for parallel file systems , this paper presents a dual-metadata server system for high availability .

  15. 针对集中式组密钥管理方案具有单失效点和密钥非公平产生等问题提出了一种基于单向函数树的高效分布式组密钥管理方案(D-OFT)。

    An efficient , secure distributed key management scheme ( D-OFT ) using a one-way function tree was developed to avoid the single failure point problem and the unfairness in group key generation or refreshment algorithms in centralized group key management schemes .

  16. 在金融市场,总要承担新的风险,也总会出现风险管理模型和程序失效的新情况。

    In financial markets , there are always new risks to take and new ways for risk management models and procedures to break down .

  17. 总之,本文提出了针对管理咨询企业营销失效的战略解决模式,以期对本土管理咨询企业的营销提供尽可能的参考。

    In a word , the thesis puts forward strategic resolution model to marketing inefficiency for domestic management consultation enterprises as reference when they go on marketing work .

  18. 美国安然、世通、法国兴业银行、中航油等中外著名企业均因风险管理的内部控制失效而破产或发生重大经济损失,使得内部控制和风险管理成为国内外理论界和实务界关注的热门话题。

    Some world-known enterprises , such as , American Enron Corp. , World Com . , Industrial Bank of France and China Aviation Oil , have gone bankrupt or suffered from great economic damage as a result of failure in internal control of risk management .

  19. 失效均等让你著重在失效结果的管理,而不是管理个别的失效模式。

    Fault equivalencies allow you to focus on management of failure consequences rather than managing individual failure modes .

  20. 系统利用SNMP技术实现了网络管理的对单个设备的配置管理、性能管理、失效管理等功能;

    Making use of SNMP technologies , for every'single device , the network management system provides functionalities like configuration management , performance management and invalidation management .

  21. 作为风险管理的基础,风险测量不准确,往往导致风险管理策略失效。

    As a basis for risk management , if risk measurement is not accurate , it will lead to failure of risk management strategies .

  22. 公众参与政府危机管理有助于提高社会自我救助能力、解决危机管理中的政府失效性以及确保政府危机管理的公共利益取向。

    Public participation in government emergence management can enhance society 's capacity of self-help , resolve " government failure " in the event of crises , and ensure the public interest when government emergence management is in operation .

  23. 本文主要对作为传统公共行政理论基础的政治与行政二分法、官僚制理论和科学管理理论进行探讨,阐明传统公共行政理论的局限性及将其应用于指导政府管理所导致的失效。

    Through profoundly probing to the theory of traditional public administration based on the dichotomy of politics and administration , theory of bureaucracy , and theory of scientific management , this article mainly clarified its limitations and malfunction of using it to the management of government .

  24. 水资源管理政策不当、流域管理机构缺乏权威、地方保护主义、不合理的水价,导致水资源分配、管理的市场失效和政府失效。

    Grade water resource management turns into disperse management , the lack of management authority in valley management mechanisms , narrow regional economy protectionism and the irrational water price have led to inefficiencies in market and states .

  25. 如果管理者对自己完成具体的管理任务缺乏自信,即管理自我效能感低,将无法使潜在的管理能力得到充分的发挥,而低的管理自我效能感又常常导致管理的失效。

    If managers lack of self-confidence on their own specific management tasks , namely they have low management self-efficacy , they will not fully display to their potential management capabilities . The lower management self-efficacy also leads to the failure of management .