
  • 网络managed standard
  1. 我国现行的学分制带有浓厚的学年制色彩,教学管理本位,导致学生成为学习的“机器”。

    The present credit system is heavily tinged with the academic year system with rigid management , and makes the students like a " studying machine " .

  2. 日本实行的是学年学分制,实际上是以管理为本位的学分制。

    Academic credit system is carried out in Japan which is typical of management-centered credit system .

  3. 管理理念从权力本位走向法官本位;

    The shift of administration concept from power standard to judge standard ;

  4. 大学内部行政管理要由官本位向学本位转变找准高职办学定位探索警官教育机制

    On the Shift from a Management-oriented Internal Administration Model to a Teaching-oriented One in Universities ; Investigate Police Officers Education Mech anism Seek Vocational College Guiding Position

  5. 文末,作者提出通过改革股权结构、明确市场定位、改善人力资源管理、破除官本位4项举措推动大院发展。

    The author proposes , at the end , four actions to spur the development of big institutes , namely : reform of stock right structure , defining market positioning , improvement of management of man resources and elimination of " Officer Departmentalism " .

  6. 在学校管理信息系统设计中应该变管理本位为教学本位,变管理为经营,变结果处理为过程监督,变评价为导向。

    In the course of the design of school 's MIS , we should change the management standard into the education standard , change the management into the operation , change the result treatment into the process supervision , and change the evaluation into the guidance .

  7. 行政型社区管理体制降低居委会动员整合能力;建管不分体制加剧物业管理纠纷;利益本位思想削弱居民社区共同体观念;业主委员会缺位削弱业主自治。

    Reduce the administrative management system of neighborhood-based mobilization of community integration ; construction and management , property management disputes , regardless of system increased ; interests of the community based thinking undermine the concept of community residents ; Owners Committee absence weakened the owners of autonomy .