
  • 网络History of Management Thought
  1. 在世界管理思想史上,理性管理与非理性管理都经历了一个自我发展过程。

    Both rational and irrational management went through a process of self-development in the world history of management theories .

  2. 按照对权威载体这一核心要素的不同理解,将管理思想史上的权威理论分为六个阶段,并对每一阶段进行了简单评述。

    According to various comprehensions of the authority carrier , I divide the developing history of management authority into six periods , and make a simple critical description to each period .

  3. 开拓中国经济管理思想史学科建设的新阶段

    To Develop a New Discipline : the History of Economic Managerial Thought in China

  4. 人性悖论:西方管理思想史演进的原点与动力&对西方管理思想史的哲学解读

    Paradox of human nature : the origin and motivity of evolution in western management thought

  5. 以管理思想史的研究对象来看,一些研究偏重于宏观经济管理思想、行政管理思想;

    From the perspective of the research object , some research emphasizes on macroeconomic management or administration thought history .

  6. 所以,我们认为人类的管理思想史就是人类对自身不断深入认识的人学研究史。

    Therefore , we believe that the history of human management thought is actually a gradually deepening history of humanity research .

  7. 从中国管理思想史的角度发现构建和谐社会的思想有着悠久的历史渊源,并指出构建社会主义和谐社会的思想应该成为新世纪建设有中国特色社会主义的总的指导方针。

    It has been proved that this great idea has long existed in history and should be the guiding principle for building socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new century .

  8. 本文运用美国科学思想史家托马斯·库恩的科学范式论思想,剖析管理思想史中泰勒科学管理制度作为一种管理学研究起点的意义。

    Presented is to analyze enlarged implications of the Taylor scientific management in the history of management thoughts by making use of the paradigm idea borrowed from history and philosophy of science by American Thomas Kuhn .

  9. 在管理伦理思想史上,公正一直就被思想家们指称为管理活动的伦理价值目标,一定社会的良好秩序的形成,都是靠公正这种道德信念进行整合才得以可能的。

    Justice has always been regarded by many thinkers as the value objective of management ethics . The establishment of good order in society is based on the integrating function of justice idea , whose realization lies in good management .

  10. 他的国家管理思想是人类思想史上的宝贵财富,对于现今我们的国家管理和社会建设有着重要的指导意义。

    His thinking on the state management is a valuable asset on the history of human thought , and has an important significance for our country-management and social-construction nowadays .

  11. 西方管理思想是人类管理思想不断发展的结晶,在管理思想史上具有重要的地位,对于管理实践活动起到了重要的指导作用。

    Western management thought is the results of consistent development of human being management thought , it take a very important role in the history of management thought , and also take a directly role to the practice of management .

  12. 企业的文化觉醒,使企业管理从技术、经济上升到文化层面,实现了管理思想发展史上的一场革命。

    " Culture identity " of enterprises make corporate management rise from technology and economy to culture level , and realize a revolution in the history of management idea development .

  13. 最明显的成果是,在通过范畴和概念概括管理思想史实的基础上,以逻辑的形式反映了管理思想史的进程,使管理思想史上升到理论形态。

    The most distinguished achievements of the paper are that it has given a logic form to represent the process of management thoughts on the basis of generalizing the categories and concepts of history of management thoughts , and has promoted up the management thoughts to the theoretical level .

  14. 从管理生态学研究所引起变革的广度和深度而言,管理学与生态学的结合,可以说是现代管理思想史上的又一次深刻的变革。

    To the width and depth of the transform led to the research of management ecology , the combination of management and ecology , can be said as another deep transform in contemporary management history .