
  • 网络control-oriented government
  1. 传统管制型政府的价值缺失与服务型政府建设

    The Value Deficiency of Control-oriented Government and the Construction of Service-type Government

  2. 管制型政府模式下的行政文化建设是在一定的时代背景下产生并逐渐发展起来的,曾经为社会主义文化的发展做出了重要贡献。

    The administrative culture of control-oriented government is formed and developed under a certain background , and had made great contribution to the development of socialistic culture .

  3. 职能定位由管制型政府向服务型政府转变;

    Of orientation from regulation government to service government ;

  4. 目前,我国正处于由管制型政府向服务型政府的转型阶段。

    At present , the Chinese government has been going through the transformation from Controlling Government to Service Government .

  5. 随着公共服务理念的树立,管制型政府正在向服务型政府转变。

    With the establishment of the ideology of public service , the government is transforming from management-oriented one into service-oriented one .

  6. 接着将传统管制型政府的行政流程与服务型政府的行政流程相比较,分析了我国目前为建设服务型政府而进行流程再造所面临的难题。

    This paper compares the administrative progress of service-oriented governments with that of traditional ones , analyze the challenge of doing Chinese government BPR .

  7. 服务型政府是与传统的管制型政府相对应的一个概念,它在本质上是社会本位、民本位;服务型政府建设的核心是强化政府服务职能;

    Service oriented government , as a conception correspondent with the traditional regulation government , in essence means the society standard and people standard .

  8. 政府再造理论中的重要战略之一就是转变政府职能目标,实现从管制型政府向服务型政府的转变。

    One of the important strategies in governmental recreation theory is transforming government functions in order to turn control model government to service model government .

  9. 政府从以往的管制型政府向服务型政府转变的过程中,人的因素被放到很重要的地位。

    Government from the previous " control-type " service-oriented government to the changing process , the " human " factor was placed a very important position .

  10. 在由管制型政府向服务型政府的转变过程中,提升政府工作的服务品质已成为其转型、过渡的任务之一。

    During the process of change from the control government to the service government , the improvement of the quality of government services is one of the main assignments .

  11. 服务型地方政府的建构是改变管制型政府形态,将宪法原则贯彻到体制层面和操作层面的过程。

    The process of service local authority 's construction is to change the control government shape , implement the constitution principle to the system stratification plane and the operation stratification plane .

  12. 然后对我国行政监督回应机制存在问题产生的原因进行了分析,包括官僚机构的弊端、传统管制型政府的治理方式、利益主体之间的博弈失衡等原因。

    Then the causes of problems were analyzed , including the drawbacks of bureaucracy , the traditional governance of control-oriented government , the interests of the game between the principal balance and other reasons .

  13. 长期的管制型政府部门运营模式使工商行政管理所的执政理念、工作目标、工作程序和方法等都不能适应新市场经济时代的服务要求。

    Long-term control-oriented operational mode of government departments has disabled Administration for Industry and Commerce meet service requirements of the novel market economy in terms of governance concept , working objectives , procedures and methods .

  14. 在上个世纪七八十年代,英国、新西兰等一些西方发达国家兴起了一股改革浪潮,试图变传统的管制型政府为现代服务型政府。

    In the 1970s and 1980s , some Western developed countries such as England , New Zealand and so on started a reform tide , attempting to change the traditional control-oriented government to the modern service-oriented government .

  15. 在长期计划经济体制下,我国已形成了管制型政府、审批型政府、高成本政府,急需转变政府职能,建设服务型政府。

    Due to the impact from the long-term planned economic system , Chinese government has become a control-oriented and approval-oriented institute with a huge expenditure , which calls for transforming government functions and building a service-oriented government .

  16. 为应对这种危机,西方世界兴起了一场轰轰烈烈的政府改革运动,摒弃了传统的管制型政府模式,取而代之的是建设服务型政府。

    In order to reply to this challenge , it has sprung up one furious government-reform movement in the western world , which has cast away the traditional control-style government model and created the service-style government mode instead .

  17. 现实基础是,服务型政府是在社会和经济发展的条件上,管制型政府与社会发展不相协调的情况下,政府管理理念的重大转变。

    In the realistic stratification plane , the service government manages the idea from the management to the service significant transformation in the situation that the economic development foundation and the control government is uncoordinated to the social development .

  18. 转型经济期,政府经济职能必须转换,其合理性趋向为政府经济职能定位的转变,即:从管制型政府向服务型政府的转变趋向;从无限政府到有限政府的转变趋向。

    In the period of transition economy government 's economic function must transform , its reasonable tendency is the orientation of government 's economic function , including , convert from control government to service government , from limitless government to limited government .

  19. 服务型政府是民本、责任、法制、有限和透明政府,服务型政府下的管制区别于管理型政府的管制。

    The regulation under service-oriented government is different from that in management-oriented government .

  20. 政府监管活动及其监管模式与政府职能和社会发展相适应,当前我国提出建设服务型政府,要求政府监管模式由管制型向服务型政府转变。

    Both government regulation activities and approaches are compatible with the government function and the social development . At present , building a service-oriented government is in great request in China , so the corresponding government regulation mode has also changed .