
  • 网络Public policy issues;public policy problem
  1. 公共政策问题建构过程中的公共性研究

    A Study on the Public-ness in the Process of Constructing Public Policy Problem

  2. 故而,首先探究公共政策问题与其公共性之意涵;其次,析探问题建构中公共性之哲学基础;

    Secondly , it analyzes the philosophy foundation of the public-ness of structuring public policy problem .

  3. 论政府识别公共政策问题的制约性因素

    The Restrictive Factors of Recognizing Public Policy Problems by the Government

  4. 这是我们所面临的公共政策问题的核心。

    This is the heart of the public policy issues we face .

  5. 任何公共政策问题都不在仲裁范围之内。

    Any issue of public policy is outside the scope of arbitration .

  6. 秘书长新闻与公共政策问题特别顾问

    Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Information and Public Policy

  7. 说明公共政策问题;

    State the public policy question ;

  8. 他试图运用科学的方法,为复杂的公共政策问题寻找有理有据、经得住考验的解决之道。

    He invokes scientific method in pursuit of testable , provable solutions to entrenched public policy problems .

  9. 本文接着针对如何解决这些公共政策问题提出了以下一些建议。

    This article will then give some recommendations on how to solve these problems in public policy .

  10. 一般对司法裁判适用公共政策问题的讨论主要涉及未获得法律形态的公共政策。

    Generally speaking , the judicial application ofpublic policy involves the discussion of public policy which is not in the form of law .

  11. 从叶兴庆的话中可以看出中国对转基因食品的各种不同观点,这些观点使转基因食品成为中国最具争议的公共政策问题之一。

    Mr. Ye 's remarks offer an insight to the different stripes of opinion that make GMOs one of China 's most contentious public policy issues .

  12. 本文利用博弈论、信息经济学与产业组织理论,主要研究双边市场框架下的产业竞争与公共政策问题。

    Based on game theory , information economics and industrial organization , this dissertation mainly studies the issues on industry competition and public policy from two-sided market perspectives .

  13. 然后运用强互惠模型分析公共政策问题,期望为我国公共政策的研究提供新建议、新思路和新方法。

    In addition , we use the model of strong reciprocity to analyze public policies , hoping to provide new suggestions and methods for the research on public policies .

  14. 我非常感谢有此机会向具备知识产权领域专门技术的听众讲话,尤其是因为重点是公共政策问题。

    I greatly appreciate this opportunity to speak to an audience with expertise in the field of intellectual property , and most especially so given the focus on public policy issues .

  15. 个人无法很容易地控制信息或选择退出,这意味着这些问题需要作为一个更为广泛的公共政策问题或在法庭上提出。

    Individuals are not easily able to control the information or opt out , which means these issues need to be raised as broader public policy issues or in the courts .

  16. 知识产权乃是最重要的公共政策问题,需以社会公共利益为导向,事关知识财产利益的分配和调整。

    The dissertation proposes that intellectual property is an important public policy which is orientated by social and public interests and related to distribute and adjust the interests arisen from intellectual property .

  17. 随着信息社会的来临和电信服务在经济、社会生活中地位的日益突出,电信普遍服务已经成为世界各国普遍重视的公共政策问题。

    With the information society approaching and telecommunication service being increasingly important in the economic society , the telecommunication universal service has become the public policy issue stressed by all over the world .

  18. 论文的案例主要涉及三个方面的公共政策问题:一是国企改制问题,二是价格干预问题,三是城市规划问题。

    The cases in this paper mainly involves three regions of public policy , the first problem is the Reform of SOE , the second problem is price intervention , and the third problem is city planning .

  19. 改革开放以来,学术界对公共政策问题的研究收到了良好的效果,但这些研究多集中于政策制定领域,对公共政策执行问题的研究还处于起始阶段。

    Though the research on public policy issues get nicer effects since Reforming & Opening , most of the research concentrates on public policy making fields and the research on public policy implementation is still on the beginning .

  20. 对索罗斯来说,现在,与时代精神相符产生了一个让人感到高兴的后果,那就是人们开始把他真正视为一位美国公共政策问题、特别是金融危机问题的思想家。

    For Soros , one happy consequence of now being in tune with the zeitgeist is that he is being taken seriously as a thinker on American public policy issues , particularly to do with the financial crisis .

  21. 所以本文旨在介绍世界各国仲裁承认和执行中的公共政策问题并关注该领域的新发展,希望能对中国在这一领域的研究起到推动作用。

    Therefore , the purpose of this dissertation undoubtedly is to introduce the current situation of the world in recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards , focus on the new developments in this field and finally boost the research of this field in China .

  22. 区域经济与公共政策若干问题探讨

    Discussion on the Issues about Regional Economy and Public Policies

  23. 非政府组织公共政策参与问题与对策研究

    On the Problems and Countermeasures of Non-Government Organizations Involving in Public Policy

  24. 话语理论视角中的公共政策质量问题&提升公共政策质量的第三条道路及其对当代中国的借鉴

    The Public Policy Quality Problems with Discourse Theory Visual Angle

  25. 公共政策失灵问题分析&以我国社会养老保险政策为例

    Analysis of Public Policy Failure & Take China 's Social Endowment Insurance Policy as the Example

  26. 基于博弈论视野的我国房地产公共政策执行问题研究

    Research on the Issues in Process of China 's Real Estate Public Policy Implementation Based on Game Theory Perspective

  27. 这其中,既有公共政策解决问题的因素,也有公共政策本身的因素,还有政策环境、政策资源、政策执行主体等各方面的因素。

    Some of the factors are due to public policy itself , policy environment , policy resource , and policy implementation subjects .

  28. 刑事政策是一定社会对犯罪反应的集中体现,从某种意义上说是一个社会公共政策的问题。

    Crime policy is the intensive reflect of social reaction to crime phenomenon . From some sense , it is the problem of publicly social policy .

  29. 系统研究高新技术产业发展公共政策选择问题是一个关系我国高新技术产业发展、关系整个经济结构调整和经济增长方式转变的重要课题。

    Nowadays , the research on the Choice of High-and-New Technology Industries Developing Public Policy is widely discussed , for it concerns the development of high-and-new technology industries , economic structure , and the way the economy grows .

  30. 他还补充称,对DIY项目,我们十分了解我们正在制造什么样的先例,一部分筹集来的资金将用于探索公共政策方面的问题。

    Still , he added , We are very cognizant of the precedent we are setting with the do-it-yourself project and that some of the money raised would be used to explore public policy issues .