
  1. 财税政策是城市反贫困公共政策体系的重要组成部分。

    Fiscal and tax policy is an important part of public antipoverty policy system .

  2. 从政策内容上看,现行物流公共政策体系大体包括这样几个部分。

    From a view of policy point for public policy content , the current logistics system generally consists of several parts .

  3. 李家祥说,要把民航业发展纳入国家和区域社会发展总体战略,重点从五方面构建民航业的资金保障和公共政策体系。

    Li added , the country plans to set up a system of fund security and public policy in five aspects to cover the industry into national and regional development strategy .

  4. 为了有效地应对社会转型过程中产生的各种社会冲突,政策主体必须抓住机遇变革现有的公共政策体系,在社会冲突过程中实现公共政策的变迁。

    In order to respond effectively to a variety of social conflicts in the process of social transformation , policy makers should seize the opportunities for changes of the existing policy system .

  5. 物流公共政策体系包括物流公共政策的目标体系、物流利益主体关系、物流主体利益博弈机制、物流公共政策选择抉择机制和物流公共政策工具体系。

    Logistics public policy system including the goal of public policy system , logistics interest relation , the logistics subject game mechanism , logistics public policy choice decision mechanism and the logistics system of public policy tool .

  6. 研究目的:通过考察我国土地资源配置方式改革进程以及现有的公共政策体系,明确土地资源配置方式改革的目标取向和与之相对应的公共政策转变。

    The purpose of this study is to examine the reform processing of land resource allocation and the system of public policies , and to find the aims of land resource allocation reform and the adjustment of public policies .

  7. 本文旨在研究适应科普社会化发展趋势的科普公共政策体系的构建,并对广州建设创新型城市需要的科普公共政策的完善提出建议。

    This paper aims to structure science popularization ( SP ) public policy which should adapt to the socialization development trend of SP , and is to table proposals of completing SP public policy needed by constructing innovative city Guangzhou .

  8. 第四,分析我国公共危机管理政策体系现状,并对主要政策进行矩阵分析,找出问题所在。

    Fourth , we analyze present situation of our country public crisis management policy system , and carry on the matrix analysis to the main policy , its purpose is to discover the question existed .

  9. 政府要建立健全公共政策及法律法规体系保障女大学生就业,利用舆论宣传营造宽松的就业环境。

    Government should establish a sound public policy and the legal system to protect employment of female graduates , the use of propaganda to create a relaxed working environment .

  10. 它使公共政策成为社会治理体系中新的调节工具,并使公共政策具有了新地位和新作用。

    Due to that , public policy becomes the new adjustment tool of social governance system , and has a new position and plays a new role in it .

  11. 首先,必须要走出官僚行政部门的狭窄视野,按公共性原则构建来物流公共政策体系。

    First thing is to get out of the narrow vision of bureaucratic administrative department field , based on the principles of public building logistics system of public policy .

  12. 为了实现公共政策执行改善的标本兼治,对公共政策体系公共政策执行进行治理,限制或消除地方政府不正当利益的实现条件,从而使公共政策得到有效执行。

    In order to achieve the implementation of policies to improve both the root causes , the policy system to govern the implementation of policies to limit or eliminate the perverse interests of local governments to achieve the conditions so that policies are effectively implemented .

  13. 为了全面促进农村公路的快速健康发展,需要制定科学、合理的农村公路公共政策,需要对农村公路的各项公共政策进行理论分析,然后建立相应的农村公路公共政策体系。

    In order to promote the rapid and healthy development of rural road , the government needs to lay down and carry out the scientific and rational rural road public policies .

  14. 现代公共财政是不同于计划经济体制下的国家财政、早期的公共财政、公共经济和双元财政的一种公共收支政策与制度体系。

    The modern public finance is the public revenue and expenditure policy and system . Itis quite different from the national finance that under the planned economy system 、 earlier public finance 、 public economy and two - system finance .