
  • 网络public policy system
  1. 文章由公共政策系统入手,分析了新疆地区公共政策制定的特点,针对特点概括出了新疆公共政策制定的基本原则。

    Starting with public policy system , this paper analyzes the characteristics of the formulation of public policies in Xinjiang and summarizes accordingly the underlying principles of the policy making .

  2. 科学发展观是我国对传统发展方式的反思和修正,在实施科学发展观的过程中,公共政策系统起着至关重要的作用。

    The scientific concept of development is the introspection and revising of the traditional development way of our country , during the process of implementing scientific concept of development , the public policy system plays an essential role .

  3. 与公共政策系统中其它政策子系统一样,新闻传播政策实践从出现之日起,就具有浓厚的政治色彩。

    Like other policy subsystems in the policy system , communication policy practice has very strong political color since the date of its birth .

  4. 与TPP课程的整体性观点一致,我们特别强调发展一个对组织分析及公共政策的系统性概念。

    Consistent with the overall perspective of the TPP Program , we give special emphasis to developing a systems'view of organizational analysis and public policy .

  5. 危机管理中政府公共政策制定系统的完善

    The Perfection of Government Public Policy Formulation on Crisis Administration

  6. 公共政策执行系统价值取向的分析

    On Value Orientation in System of Public Policy Implementation

  7. 城市弱势群体就业促进及其公共政策支持系统研究

    Study on the Employment Promotion and its Public Policy Support System of Urban Social Vulnerable Groups

  8. 政治文化作为对政治关系的心理和精神上的反映,影响着公共政策执行系统的稳定性、执行模式的选择和政策执行的效果等。

    As the reflection of political relationships both in psychology and thinking , political culture influences the stability , forms and effect of carrying-out of public policies .

  9. 公共政策制定系统是由政党和政府等社会组织所组成的一种公共决策体系。

    Public policy-making system , a kind of public decision-making system consisting of political party , government and other social organizations , has its own properties in the process of policy-making .

  10. 摘要公共政策执行系统是一个复杂的巨系统,主要由公共政策制定者、执行者、目标群体以及执行监督主体等要素组成,各要素价值取向各不相同。

    As a complex mega-system , system of public policy implementation consists of policy makers , policy executors , objective groups and implementation supervisors , whose value orientations differ from each other .

  11. 决策信息系统是公共政策制定系统的基础和前提,政策制定者进行科学决策必须依赖可靠的信息系统,借助该系统提供的准确、及时、有效的信息。

    Policy decision information system is the basis and premise of the public policy making system . Public policy makers should depend on the accurate , prompt and valid information provided by the reliable information system before they make policy decision .

  12. 公共政策作为政治系统的输出,其自身蕴藏着社会共同的善(commongood)、正义(公正)和效率三重价值向度和价值指归。

    As the output of the political system , the public policies contain the society 's common good , justice ( righteousness ) and three layers of value orientation of efficiency .

  13. 公共政策决策的系统分析方法

    Research on the System Analytical Method of Public Policy Decision

  14. 第五部分,提出完善公共政策制定信息系统的整套方案。

    The content of the fifth section put forward a complete set of measure to improve the existent public policy constituting information system .

  15. 在此基础上,重点论述了公共政策决策的系统分析方法,并分别就决策过程的5个实施环节作了具体的说明。

    Third , the system analytical method of public policy decision is focused on , and the five application steps of the decision course are also elucidated concretely .

  16. 公共政策是政治系统输出的主要内容之一,政府对社会经济和政治发展的宏观调控正是通过各项公共政策的有效执行实现的。

    Public policy is one of main outputs of the political system . It is through the effective policy implementation that the government macro-regulations on social development are made .

  17. 运用公共政策及政策系统理论,重点从政府、社区及卫生专业机构的角度提出天津市城市社区健康教育与健康促进的发展策略。

    Focusing on the government , the community and the hygiene department , we lay out the developing strategies to healthy education and healthy promotion in community in Tianjin through the public policy and policy system theory .

  18. 第六部分强调公共政策制定信息系统与公民大众环境的互动作用,并提出在加强这种互动作用的过程中提高公共政策质量的相应措施。

    In the last part , emphasizing the functions , which come from the effect between public policy constituting information system and the people environment and giving the method to enhance the function , by this way , we can advance the quality of public policy .

  19. 然而,不仅是我国政府对网民的公共政策态度尚缺乏系统的科学认知,国内学界也还未对这一课题开展全面系统深入的研究。

    However , there is not yet in-depth study on the subject , not only the Chinese government but also domestic scholars .

  20. 公共政策源于政治系统的一般产出,是公共权力机关用以配置社会公共资源的基本措施。

    Public policies , as input of political systems , are basic methods used by public power institutions to reasonably allocate social public resources .

  21. 在信息技术高度发达的当代社会,大众媒介不但能够传递公共政策信息,还以其特有的建构现实功能对公共政策系统的运行发挥着重要的、有时甚至是决定性的影响。

    In the contemporary society of highly advanced information technology , mass media can not only transmit public policy information , but also exert significant and sometimes even decisive influence on the operation of the public policy system with their specific function of " constructing reality " .

  22. 然后利用比较分析法检视了我国公民参与公共政策制定的现实境况,详实地对我国公共政策制定系统中政府、社会团体以及普通民众三方的参与责任和作用进行了深入考察。

    Then this paper examines the realistic situation of Chinese citizens ' participating in public policy formulation by means of comparative analysis , and makes a deep investigation on the responsibility and function of the government , social organization and the general citizens in the public policy formulation system .

  23. 如果公共政策制定这一首要环节一开始就出现了问题,那么公共政策系统后面的执行、评估、监控等环节将会受到致命的影响。

    If the first link of public policy making appears some problems , the other links will be suffered fatal influence .

  24. 公共政策过程理论是公共政策分析的基础模式,通过不同的政策阶段可以对公共政策有比较系统的分析。

    The process theory of public policy is one of the foundation analysis patterns .