
  • 网络public administration reform
  1. 电子政务是公共行政管理改革和衡量国家竞争力水平的显著标志之一,我国近些年也非常重视电子政务工程的建设。

    E-government is one of the outstanding / remarkable symbols which measure our country 's public administration reform and competitive power .

  2. 扩权强县改革的推行,是对经济发展新形势和公共行政管理改革现实需求的应时之举,是统筹城乡经济发展的有效途径。

    The reform of Enhancing Jurisdiction and Strengthening County is an assumptive action to the needs of the economic development and the public administration management .

  3. 在我国经济体制转型的背景下,公共行政体制改革和事业单位改革稳步推进,社会许多领域的发展都呈现一定的转型期特征。

    Under the background of economic system transformation , in our country , the reformations of public administration system and institutions are advancing step by step .

  4. 随着现代公共行政的改革与发展,以环境行政指导为代表的环境行政非强制性管理手段在环境行政实践中发挥了和发挥着重要的作用。

    Along with the reform and the development of public administration , the non-coercive means of administration , represented by guidance of environmental administration , has played and is playing important roles .

  5. 摘要电子政府是现代政府管理理念与信息技术革命相融合的产物,成为世界新一轮公共行政管理改革的重点。

    The E-government is that the modem government manages the result merged in the idea and information technical revolution , becomes one new round of public focal points of the administrative reform in the world .

  6. 行政法是关于行政的法,公共行政的改革与发展必然对行政法产生影响,为行政法学提供新的研究课题。

    The administrative law is the law about administration , the public administration reform and development inevitably has the influence on the administrative law , and provides the new research topic for the administrative law .

  7. 而国家公务员思想观念和政府运行机制创新制度化的滞后,以及公共行政体制改革的不到位则是其主因。

    Meanwhile , the article points out the main causes are that the ideology of national civil servants and system construction of the innovation of the government operation mechanism is lag , and public administrative system reform is not complete .

  8. 政府信息化是社会信息化的基础,电子政务已成为世界新一轮公共行政管理改革和衡量国家以及城市竞争力水平的标志之一。

    The government information is the basis of the social information . The E-Government Affairs has been one of the marks which is the new round commonality administration management in the world and scale the country or city ' competition power .

  9. 电子政务建设已经成为国际上新一轮公共行政管理改革和衡量国家竞争力水平的重要标志之一,政府把电子政务建设作为今后一个时期我国信息化工作的重点。

    E-Government construction has become one of important symbols of the new round reform of public administrative management and level of national competitive advantage in international society . Government has kept e-government construction as an emphasis work of information construction in future .

  10. 略论公共行政管理的改革与创新

    On the Reform and Innovation of Public Administration

  11. 公正的法律程序关系到公共行政民营化改革能否顺利推进,公共利益是否能够得到保障。

    Justice proceedings related to the privatization of public administration , whether smoothly , whether the public interest will be protected .

  12. 介绍英美国家公共行政民营化改革的实践,总结其改革的特点和成功之处,并梳理我国公共行政民营化的实践,明晰改革的范围领域和存在的问题。

    Anglo-American countries introduced the practice of privatization of public administration reform , summarizes the characteristics and success of its reform and privatization of public administration combing our practice areas clear scope of reform and problems .

  13. 公共行政民营化改革契合了法治政府的创新社会管理的理念,也是行政体制改革、转变政府职能,建设服务型政府的题中应有之义。

    Privatization of public administration reform fit the concept of the rule of law and government social management innovation , as well as administrative reform , the transformation of government functions , the question of the proper construction of the meaning of service-oriented government .

  14. 构建学习型政府着眼于公共行政管理制度的改革和创新,赋予其“学习型”的新内涵。

    The reform and innovation of public administration system are highlighted in such Rind of government so that " study " will agin new connotations .

  15. 西方公共管理与公共行政研究述要&兼及对中国公共行政体制改革的影响

    A Brief Summary on the Study of Public Management and Pubic Administration

  16. 针对上文叙述的我国公共行政民营化存在的问题,从法律调整的角度来论述我国公共行政民营化改革需要在那些方面进行调整、规范、规制。

    In view of the above , the privatization of public administration described the problems , from a legal point of view out of adjustment discussed privatization reform of public administration needs to be adjusted , norms , regulations in those areas .