
  1. 美国和英国的公债收益率已稳定在了历史低位上。

    Bond yields in the US and UK have stabilised at record lows .

  2. 并且,英国还没有被资本市场冻结在外–它的公债收益率略低于法国,也远低于意大利。

    And Britain has not been frozen out of capital markets : its government-bond yields are a bit lower than France 's and much lower than Italy 's.

  3. 2013年到期的公债发行收益率为3.219%,也高于上次的2.851%。

    Yields on bonds maturing in 2013 were issued at 3.219 % , up from 2.851 % .

  4. 意大利财政部出售的80亿欧元6个月公债,收益率为1.988%,明显高于上次售债时的1.657%。

    The Italian Treasury sold 8 billion euros in six-month bonds at a yield of 1.988 % , which is up sharply from the 1.657 % paid during the last sale of government debt .