
  1. 公共权益避让是现代司法的重要理念,新闻传播活动中也涉及到公共权益的避让问题。

    The reasonable avoidance of public rights and benefits is a vital theory in modern law studies .

  2. 《物权法》与城市白线制度&城市滨水空间公共权益的保护

    " Property Law " and the Urban White Line System : Public Interests Protection of Urban Waterfront Space

  3. 但是,工程质量并不稳定,质量事故仍时有发生,严重损坏了人民群众的公共权益,公路工程质量有待进一步提高。

    However , quality accidents still occur from time to time which seriously damage to the public interests of the masses of the people .

  4. 从一个简单的层面上来看,当涉及到财产和公共权益时,同性恋伴侣减少了许多法律上的困难。

    On a simple level , one does not have to go through the legal difficulties when it comes to property and communal rights .

  5. 为了有效地保护环境,遏制环境犯罪,英美国家率先在坚持过错责任原则的同时,尝试对环境犯罪实行无须证明罪过的严格责任,以保护公共权益。

    To protect environment effectively , Britain and the U.S play a leading role , one hand they still insist the fault responsibility theory , on the other hand they try to give up proving the strict responsibility of the crime so that they can protect the public rights .

  6. 随着环境问题在中国的日益凸显,对公民环境权益和公共环境权益的妥善保护已经成为法律面临的一大课题。

    As environmental problems in China has become increasingly prominent in civil rights and environmental interests of the proper public environmental protection has become a major issue facing the law .

  7. 在如今的财政环境中,我们必须警觉地确保老年人的社会保障、长期护理和公共保健权益不受影响。

    In the current fiscal environment , we must be vigilant in ensuring that the provision of social protection , long-term care and access to public health for the elderly is not undermined .

  8. 中国的现行立法往往忽视了这些区别,试图通过传统的救济途径来解决新兴的环境问题,其结果必然导致公民的环境权益和公共的环境权益难以得到妥善的保障。

    The current legislation of China has often neglected these differences , attempted to solve the emerging environmental problem through the traditional relief way . The result must cause citizen 's environmental rights and the public environmental rights obtained the appropriate guarantee with difficulty inevitably .

  9. 现阶段中国公共部门人力资源权益和社会保障研析

    Study and Analysis of Present Personnel Rights and Social Security of China Public Department

  10. 既然存在问题就有必要加以规制,所以文章接着论述会计师执业的必要性:会计师执业与社会公共、投资者合法权益,以及社会经济健康发展密切相关。

    Then , it discusses the necessity for regulation , which is closely relevant to public benefits , investors ' benefits and healthy development of social economy .

  11. 为此,东道国政府出于环境保护、公共健康、劳工权益等需要,依法采取的各种社会管理措施,就产生了间接征收的问题。

    In order to protect environment , public health , labour rights and so on , host governments took sorts of social government measures , and then indirect expropriation emerged .

  12. 生态管制也可能导致公益与私益间的冲突,生态管制通过限制公共权力和私有权益维护生态安全,而私人总是在寻求权益最大化。

    Ecological control could lead to a conflict between the public and private interest , ecological control maintains ecological security by limiting the public power and private rights , and private always sought to maximize interests .

  13. 缺陷产品召回制度自20世纪60年代在美国确立以来,以其独特的社会公共安全和消费者权益保障功能,在西方各发达国家得到广泛推广,经过多年的发展,已日趋成熟完善。

    Defective product recall system was established in the United States since the 1960s , with its unique social public safety and consumer protection functions , it has widely promoted and became more and more mature sound after years of development in the West countries .