
  1. 公路经营权的转让与评估

    Transferring & Evaluating of the Highway Managing Right

  2. 公路经营权及其价值评估

    Road Operation Right and Value Assessment

  3. 目前,在公路经营权转让中,一些政策性障碍和规范性问题凸现,制约了公路经营权转让的健康、有序发展。

    Policy-related barriers and regulations existing in the transfer of highway managerial right hinder the healthy and orderly development of highway managerial right transfer .

  4. 在探讨公路经营权的基础上,提出了公路经营管理机构应将公路经营权作为固定资产核算的观点。

    On the basis of discussing highway managing right , highway administration organization should regard highway managing right as the fixed asset to account .

  5. 并结合评估客体和我国公路经营权转让市场的特殊性,分析收益法评估收费公路资产价值的局限性。

    Combined the characteristics of the object and highway operation rights transfer market , Analyze the limitations of income approach evaluate the value of toll way .

  6. 公路经营权是依托于公路的无形资产,对其转让可采用收益现值估价标准进行评估。

    The highway management authority is an invisible assets based on highways and the transferring of it can be evaluated by the evaluating criteria of the present value of income .

  7. 如何进一步规范运作,建立健全公路经营权转让的促进机制,促进交通新的跨越式发展,已成当务之急。

    It has become an urgent need to standardize operation , build and complete the promotion mechanism of highway managerial right transfer , and achieve new leap-forward development of the transportation industry .

  8. 本文就如何建立健全公路经营权有序转让作了有益研究,为加快浙江省投融资体制改革提供了依据。

    This paper offers a study of the building and completing of the promotion mechanism of highway managerial right transfer , with a view to providing policy and operation basis for the financing and investing reform of Zhejiang province .

  9. 探讨了经营收益现值法和投资成本收益法对公路桥梁经营权转让的评估。

    There are some problems on the manage right of highway and bridge in our country .

  10. 第一章简要介绍了公路特许经营、公路特许经营权、公路特许经营协议的概念、法律性质和它们之间的逻辑关系,并就公路特许经营基本模式进行了分析。

    Chapter One elaborates on definitions of highway 's franchise operation and franchise rights , outlining the legal relations in highway 's franchise operation .

  11. 本篇文章从动态的角度分析了公路的转让价值与投资回收期,对我区近年来在公路经营权转让中存在的问题进行了简要分析,并提出相应对策。

    The road transfer value and the investment recycling period were analyzed from dynamic angle . The problems which existed in the road right of management transfer in recent years in Inner Mongolia were analyzed briefly , and the corresponding measure was proposed .