
  1. 若报告时有尚未上市的公司职工股,应另附文字说明该部分股份数量和预计上市时间。

    If there are unlisted staff shares during the report period , indicate the quantity of the unlisted shares and the anticipated time of listing with a separate page .

  2. 职工持股在股份制企业中的最初探索始于20世纪80年代中期,先后经历了内部职工股、公司职工股和以职工持股会建设为主要内容的职工持股制度等发展阶段。

    The employee stock ownership was explored initially in sharing corporations in the mid of 1980s , which experienced several stages : the internal worker share , the corporate worker share , the employee stock ownership that their shares are mainly held by employee share holding councils .