
  • 网络Additional shares issued;increase issues in stocks
  1. 英澳矿业集团力拓(riotinto)正与中国国有铝生产商中国铝业(chinalco)就可能的资产出售和股权购买展开谈判,此举可能会帮助力拓避免增发股票。

    Rio Tinto , the Anglo-Australian mining group , is in talks with Chinese state-owned aluminium producer Chinalco over potential asset sales and a purchase of shares that could help it avoid a rights issue .

  2. 根据B-S期权定价建立了一种新的增发股票定价的模型,解决了市场上实际采用的定价模式的不足。

    This paper puts forward a new pricing model of seasoned equity offerings based upon the B S formula , and settles the shortage of the pricing models which practiced in Chinese stock market .

  3. 戴姆勒表示,将把公司股本增加10%,aabar将以每股20.27欧元的价格购入全部增发股票,使这家政府部分拥有的海湾国家公司成为戴姆勒最大股东。

    Daimler said it would increase its share capital by 10 per cent and Aabar would pay 20.27 per share for the entire offering , which will make the part-state owned Gulf company its largest shareholder .

  4. 银鱼调味酱生产技术对增发股票定价模型的探讨

    Processing of whitebait seasoned paste PRICING OF SEASONED EQUITY OFFERINGS

  5. 近年来,针对增发股票对股价影响的话题越来越多,但有关这方面的实证研究很少。

    In recent years , more and more topics about SEO effect to stock price behavior arised .

  6. 在此基础上,采用事件研究法,本文对上市公司增发股票的公告效应和传递效应进行了研究。

    We focus on the announcement effect and the transmission effect of public offering and private placement .

  7. 鉴于目前内地市场的高估值,许多企业可能愿意增发股票。

    Given the high valuations in the mainland market at the moment , many companies would probably be willing sellers .

  8. 中国电信计划通过举债为此项收购融资,但没有排除增发股票或在内地上市等其他方式。

    China Telecom plans to fund the purchase through debt but has not ruled out issuing more shares or a domestic listing .

  9. 第四,改进增发股票价格的确定制度,考虑引入询价制度。

    Fourth , improve the issuance of stock price to determine the system of inquiry , and consider the introduction of the system .

  10. 它们可以在上海股市增发股票,然后利用增发收入溢价回购港股。

    They could raise equity in Shanghai and use the proceeds to repurchase Hong Kong shares at a premium to their market price .

  11. 另一项选择是,让其它在上海上市的国有企业在保持国家控股的同时,开始向市场增发股票。

    The other is for other state-owned companies listed in Shanghai to begin selling more shares in the market while still maintaining state control .

  12. 因此,本文围绕这一问题进行了实证研究,目的是对增发股票前后股价的整体表现及其变动的原因在理论和实证上都做出合理的解释。

    The thesis does demonstration investigation surrounding this topic aimed at explaining stock price behavior after SEO and its fluctuant reasons in both theory and demonstration .

  13. 从证券市场的再融资发展历程来看,增发股票这种筹资方式已逐渐成为我国上市公司股权融资的重要形式。

    With the development of refinancing in our security market , seasoned equity offerings ( called SEO ) has become the crucial way of equity refinancing .

  14. 本文的规范分析较好地阐述了股权融资在我国所有融资方式中的重要地位,同时说明增发股票己逐渐成为最主要的股权再融资方式。

    The criterion analysis makes good presentation about the important status of equity financing . It also states that SEO has become the uppermost way of equity refinancing .

  15. 在资本约束的情况下,国内外上市银行为满足资本充足率这一监管指标,纷纷通过在资本市场增发股票,发行可转债、优先股,或者发行次级债等方式提升资本。

    In the case of capital constraints , domestic listed banks to meet regulatory capital adequacy ratio by issuing shares , convertible bonds , preferred shares , or issue subordinated debt , etc. to enhance the capital .

  16. 穆拉利拒绝就福特是否会通过增发股票来减债发表评论,但他表示:“我们的计划是继续改善我们的资产负债状况,就像我们在第二季度做的那样。”

    Mr Mulally declined to comment on whether Ford might issue equity to reduce its debt , but said : " our plan is to continue improving our balance sheet , just like we did in the second quarter . "

  17. 可转让的债务证券,通常是由政府或者准政府机构为筹资而发行。当需要筹集长期的巨额资金时,公司往往增发股票或发行债券。

    A tradable debt security , usually issued by a government or semi-government body to raise money . When a corporation needs to raise large amounts of long-term capital , it generally sells additional shares of capital stock or issues bonds payable .

  18. 股票股利是一个术语,用来描述公司向股东按其现有持股比例增发的股票。

    Stock dividend is a term used to describe a distribution of additional shares of stock to a company 's stockholders in proportion to their present holdings .

  19. 新股包括首次公开发行(InitialPublicOffering,简称IPO股票)以及增发和配股股票。

    Customarily , new stocks include initial public offering ( IPO ) and additional offering stocks .

  20. -为确保该财团能够达到掌握60%至75%股权的目标,GoldOne可能还需增发一次股票,这关键要看股东们对上述要约的接纳率,以及一项可转债的强制赎回结果。

    - Depending on the take up rate , and the result of a forced redemption of a convertible bond , Gold One might have to do another share issue to ensure that the consortium hits its target of securing 60-75 per cent of the company .

  21. 由于公司决定延后IPO和增发计划,股票部分预计收入也只有26亿美元,较去年同期骤减67%。

    The equity side of the business is expected to have brought in just $ 2.6 billion , down a whopping 67 % from last year as companies decided to put off IPOs and secondary offerings .

  22. 并选取适当的变量代表这些因素,以增发公告日股票的异常收益率为因变量,建立了多元线性回归模型。

    Regarding these factors as independent variable and abnormal return ( AR ) on announcement day as dependent variable , we establish a linear regression model .

  23. 定向增发与国外的股票私募类似,在国外无论是实际应用还是理论研究都较为成熟。

    Either the practical application or the theory research of private placements is more mature abroad .

  24. 在不同的市场环境中,如在牛市或熊市阶段中,即使是同一家公司选择不同阶段,增发所带来的股票超额收益率可能是不同的。

    In different market background , such as in bull or bear phase , abnormal return is different , even though investing the same firm .

  25. 增发新股同样影响股票价格、股票指数:增发新股导致股票价格、股票指数下降。

    SEO can also affect share price as well as share index , it is to say , SEO will get down share price and share index .

  26. 且无论在哪个市场增发,具有高成长性的企业其增发后股票长期市场表现都会更加优异。

    No matter in which market , the long-term stock market performance after issuing will be more outstanding for the enterprises with high growth .