
zēng zhǎng sù dù
  • Growth Rate;rate of growth;velocity of increase
  1. 结果:农民年人均医疗费用由2003年的212.62元增至2005年的385.37元,平均增长速度达到34.63%;

    We have a lengthwise contrast research . Result The annual medical cost per capita raised from 212.62 Yuan in 2003 to 385.37 Yuan in 2005 . The average velocity of increase reaches to 34.63 % .

  2. 如今伴随我国经济的快速发展,经济结构和增长速度也不在调整和优化,其中人民币汇率改革成为我国经济发展的一个重要的关注焦点。

    Nowadays , with the rapid development of our economy , the economic structure and the velocity of increase experience adjustments and optimization as well , among which the reform of RMB exchange rate becomes an significant focus of the ecomomic development in China .

  3. 它的利润增长速度比一般公司快4倍。

    Its profits are rising four times faster than the average company

  4. 缩减开支会减缓增长速度。

    Spending cuts will put a drag on growth .

  5. 经济增长速度的放慢让投资者神经紧张。

    Investors were spooked by slowing economies .

  6. 我们基本上渡过了难关。我们明年的经济增长速度甚至可能会超过1992年。

    We 're basically over the hump . We 've got an economy that 's likely to grow next year even more than it did in 1992 .

  7. 经济增长速度放缓了。

    The rate / speed of economic growth has slowed down .

  8. 此外,茶叶还具有平气降火的功效,更能延缓癌细胞的增长速度。的确,茶叶能帮助人们对抗癌症和心脏疾患,但不是所有的茶叶都具有这类功效。

    Tea leaves can calm inflammation in the body and may slow the growth of cancer cells .

  9. 为了产出多、产量产值增长速度快,而不管投入多少,就是所谓只求速度不讲效益。

    To yield value of output of much , crop increases rate fast , and no matter how much throw , it is alleged beg speed not to say beneficial result only .

  10. 即一些世界主要农作物产量增长速度减缓。

    This is the decline in the growth in yields of some of the world 's major crops .

  11. 电子垃圾流的增长速度是所有传统垃圾的三倍。

    The electronic waste stream is increasing three times faster than traditional garbage as a whole .

  12. 一些统计数据表明:deepweb蕴含的信息量、对deepweb的访问量、增长速度等都远远高于SurfaceWeb。

    Some statistics have shown that information on Deep Web and its accessing amount as well as the increasing speed is far higher than Surface Web .

  13. 2005年,联想收购了IBM的PC业务。最近几年中,联想的增长速度一直快于竞争对手。

    Lenovo , which in 2005 bought IBM 's PC business , has been growing faster than rivals for the last few years .

  14. 这一规模与Facebook基本相当,不过阿里巴巴的增长速度更快。Facebook去年营收增长55%。

    That 's roughly as much revenue as Facebook , but Alibaba is growing faster ; Facebook grew 55 % last year .

  15. 但2000年至2007年间,随着人们搬出大都市在睡城(bedroomcommunities)寻找更能负担得起的住宅,肯德尔县成为美国经济增长速度最快的县。

    But between 2000 and 2007 Kendall became the fastest-growing county in the US , as people moved out in search of more affordable property in bedroom communities .

  16. 经合组织各国的退休金公共支出增长速度要快于国民产出,占gdp的比重1990为6.1%,到2007年上升至7%。

    In the OECD public spending on pensions benefits has been growing faster than national output , rising from 6.1 % of GDP in 1990 to 7 % in 2007 .

  17. 但是,我国M2的增长速度明显快于名义GDP(实际GDP和通货膨胀率之和)和增长速度,出现了M2与GDP的不匹配增长现象。

    But China 's M2 grows faster than nominal GDP ( summary of real GDP and inflation rate ), which caused the unmatched growth of M2 and GDP .

  18. 其中,当f遵从单调情形时,又按f(t)-at与l/t衰减速度的快慢,分三种情况对解的增长速度进行分析,得到了一些较好的结果。

    What 's more , in the monotone case , according to the decay speed of f ( t ) - at , we make the exploration and get some good results .

  19. IPv6是下一代的互联网协议,它提供了四十亿倍以上的空间,确保网络继续其目前的增长速度。

    The next Internet Protocol generation is IPv6 , which provides four billion times more space , to help ensure the web continues its current growth rate .

  20. 的确,消费占GDP的比重下降了,但这是因为投资和出口增长速度太快,而不是消费能力变弱的表现。

    It is true that consumption has fallen as a share of GDP , but that is because investment and exports have grown even faster , not because spending has been weak .

  21. imf乐观地认为,发达经济体将继续从全球金融危机的打击中恢复过来,而许多新兴市场经济体当前的增长速度已经高于危机前的趋势线。

    The IMF was optimistic advanced economies would continue to recover from the global financial crisis , and that many emerging market economies were now above their pre-crisis trends .

  22. 合成树脂是产量最高、需求量最大的合成材料,是乙烯装置最重要的下游产品,需求增长速度一直超过GDP(国内生产总值)增长速度。

    The synthetic resins are synthetic materials with maximun output and demand and the most important downstream products of ethylene plant . The demand increase rate of synthetic resins has been over the growth rate of GDP .

  23. 本文依据1973~2003年我国各省区GDP增长速度数据,运用均值-方差模型分析我国GDP增长速度与省际经济差异二者的制约关系。

    This paper is based on the GDP growth rate data of our country regions during 1973 and 2003 , uses mean-variance model to analyse restriction relationship between our country growth rate of GDP and inter-provincial economic difference .

  24. 鉴于美国今明两年的增长速度预期均为3.1%,IMF称大型发达经济体需要在推动全球增长中承担主导角色。

    With the United States set to grow at 3.1 percent this year and next , the fund said that the large developed economies would need to assume a dominant role in driving global growth .

  25. 亚洲开发银行(adb)昨天表示,东亚地区(不包括日本)明年的经济增长速度有望是2009年的两倍。

    East Asia , excluding Japan , is on track to double its economic growth rate next year from 2009 levels , the Asian Development Bank said yesterday .

  26. 我可以报告,英国目前的增长速度快于其他任何大型发达经济体,英国财政大臣乔治奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)在向议会作秋季预算报告(AutumnStatement)时表示,比正在收缩的法国快。

    I can report that Britain is currently growing faster than any other major advanced economy , George Osborne , UK chancellor , said in his Autumn Statement to parliament . Faster than France , which is contracting .

  27. 昨日有迹象显示,日本工业领域的增长速度远强于预期,引发市场预测日本央行(BoJ)将于近期内上调利率,甚至可能就在下个月。

    Signs that Japanese industry is growing much stronger than expected raised market expectations yesterday that the Bank of Japan would increase interest rates , possibly next month .

  28. 我国移动通信用户的基数大,而且增长速度也快,如何在3G时代为如此庞大且多样的用户提供比较好的移动增值业务是摆在我们面前一道必须解决的问题。

    China has large number of mobile users , which also has rapid growth rate . It is a major problem how we can provide mobile value-added services for this huge and variety of users , which must be solved .

  29. He-Ne激光能促进孔雀绿的阳极氧化速度,增加峰电流的增长速度,但对孔雀绿母体峰电流的增长速度反而减小。

    In this paper , it was found that the He-Ne laser can promote the anode oxidation and increase the rising rate of peak current of malachite green but decrease the rising rate of leuco-malachite green .

  30. 报告称,高净值个人的增长速度已经超过了GDP和人均GDP的增长。报告认为,这说明相对于他们的国家,这些富人正变得越来越富有。

    The report says that the rate of growth of high net worth individuals has outpaced growth in both gross domestic product , and GDP per head , which it believes indicates that the rich are getting richer relative to their respective countries .