
  • 网络Hong Kong stocks
  1. 不过,它正计划积极扩充规模,并招聘50名员工以开展企业金融、港股机构经纪业务、本金投资和并购咨询业务。

    However , it is planning to expand aggressively and recruit 50 staff to cover corporate finance , institutional brokerage of Hong Kong stocks , principal investment and mergers and acquisitions advice .

  2. 外管局于8月20日宣布了这项名为港股直通车的新计划,该计划要求投资者必须在中国银行(BankofCHina)天津分行开立交易账户。天津是中国东部城市。

    The new scheme , known as the through-train to Hong Kong stocks was announced by SAFE on August 20 and required investors to open trading accounts with Bank of China 's branch in the eastern city of Tianjin .

  3. 梁凤仪表示,她也非常渴望最终看到以港股为标的资产、以人民币计价的ETF在香港上市。

    Ms Leung said she was also keen to eventually see ETFs listed in Hong Kong denominated in renminbi with underlying Hong Kong companies .

  4. 分析师表示,根据建行港股的价格和近来沪市首次公开发行(IPO)的估值水平,此次发行可能将募集70亿至80亿美元的资金。

    Based on the price of the bank 's shares in Hong Kong and the valuations of recent initial public offerings in Shanghai , analysts say the listing could raise $ 7bn - $ 8bn .

  5. 今年8月20日,中国国家外汇管理局(SAFE)宣布了所谓的港股直通车试行计划,首次允许中国内地居民通过中国银行天津分行投资香港股市。

    On August 20 , China 's State Administration of Foreign Exchange announced the so-called through train pilot project to allow Chinese residents to invest in Hong Kong 's stock market for the first time , via the Bank of China 's operations in Tianjin .

  6. 以基于中石油港股上周收盘价的标准计算,该公司市值为4370亿美元,排名全球第二,超过了通用电气(GeneralElectric),仅次于埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)。

    PetroChina 's market capitalisation , using one measure based on its closing price in Hong Kong last week , was $ 437bn ? ranking the company as the world 's second-biggest ? ahead of General Electric but behind ExxonMobil .

  7. 其他促进该地区etf市场增长的举措包括新设立的港股etf,它们在中国内地上市,直接投资于在港上市的股票。

    Other initiatives boosting ETF growth in the region include the new Hong Kong stock ETFs , which are China-listed ETFs investing directly into shares listed in Hong Kong .

  8. 所谓的港股直通车计划推动香港基准的恒生指数(HangSengIndex)累计大涨55%。由于香港和外国投资者预期将有大量资金从中国内地涌入,恒生指数上月底突破3万点大关。

    The so-called through train programme sparked a 55 per cent surge in the benchmark Hang Seng Index , which broke through the 30,000-point mark late last month as Hong Kong and foreign investors anticipated a surge in liquidity from China .

  9. 去年8月,中国国家外汇管理局(safe)宣布了“港股直通车”计划,打算允许个人通过在中国银行(boc)天津分行开设交易账户购买港股。

    Last August , the State Administration of Foreign Exchange announced plans for the " through train " scheme to allow individuals to buy Hong Kong shares by opening trading accounts with Bank of China in the port city of Tianjin .

  10. 香港财经事务及库务局副局长梁凤仪(JuliaLeung)表示:投资者希望在亚洲市场上进行分散投资,希望获得一篮子港股的敞口。

    Investors are looking for diversification from the Asia market and want to gain exposure to a basket of underlying Hong Kong stocks , said Julia Leung , Hong Kong undersecretary for financial services and treasury .

  11. 点差交易集团IG的首席策略师克里斯韦斯顿(ChrisWeston)表示:中国最近降低资金管理公司交易港股的门槛的举措,为交易商亮起了绿灯。

    The moves to lower the barriers for money managers to trade Hong Kong stocks have recently been a green light for traders , said Chris Weston , chief strategist at IG , the spread betting group .

  12. 霸菱资产管理(baringassetmanagement)亚洲投资组合经理khiemdo称,如果外国投资者对中国公司“极其看好”,并因而推高港股股价,那么内地股市对香港股市的溢价甚至可能倒过来,变成折价。

    The premium could even turn into a discount if foreign investors become " massively bullish " on Chinese companies and so bid up H shares in Hong Kong , said Khiem do , head of Asian multi-asset at Baring Asset Management .

  13. 随着企业收益提高和新股发行量增加,A股的估值水平可能逐渐会变得适中,而QDII和港股直通车计划将为H股价格的持续调整提供支撑,李晶表示。

    A-share valuations are likely to moderate over time as earnings rise and new share supply is increased , while the QDII and through-train programmes will support a continued re-rating in H-share prices , Ms Ulrich says .

  14. 一扫前期阴霾,港股牛气冲天。

    Dispelled early shadows , the sky stocks vivid atmosphere .

  15. 中国内地股市下跌也影响了港股走势。

    The drop in mainland stocks undermined Hong Kong .

  16. 补充后的报告为汇丰下调港股增添了更多的理由。

    The amended report adds some more reasons why HSBC downgraded Hong Kong stocks .

  17. 目前,港股交易时段仅有4小时,是全球主要交易所中交易时段最短的。

    Hong Kong Stock Exchange's4 hours is currently the shortest global stock trading hours .

  18. 这还使该公司成为最贵的港股之一。

    It also makes the company one of the most expensive stocks in Hong Kong .

  19. 港股是怎样分类的?

    How is Hong Kong share classified ?

  20. 预计此举将加大中国内地投资者投资港股的力度。

    This is expected to lead to greater investment by Chinese investors in Hong Kong shares .

  21. 港股直通车开通了吗?

    Is the through train through ?

  22. 8月20日,中国宣布了一项计划,将允许个人投资者购买港股。

    On August 20 , China announced a programme allowing individuals to buy securities in Hong Kong .

  23. 上证A股、上证B股和港股市场的动态相关性和金融危机传染性实证分析

    The Analysis of Interdependence and Financial Crisis Contagion among Shanghai A-Share Shanghai B-Share and Hong Kong-Share Market

  24. 这些基金经理会继续按照现有的投资指引管理港股组合。

    These fund managers will continue to manage their portfolios in accordance with the existing investment guidelines .

  25. 尽管港股市场沽压涉及的行业和板块都较广,其中H股及红筹股表现尤其疲弱。

    H-shares and Red Chips were particularly weak , although the sell-down was broad-based , affecting most sectors .

  26. 然而,该公司港股价格则下跌了2.3%,收于11.14港元。

    However , the company 's Hong Kong shares were 2.3 per cent lower at HK $ 11.14 .

  27. 自2011年3月7日起,A股市场和港股市场同时开市。

    From the March 7 , 2011 , A-share market and HongKong stock market open at the same time .

  28. 农业银行同时在香港和上海两地上市。周一,股东似乎未受这一消息影响。当天该行港股股价微跌0.8%。

    Shareholders seemed unfazed by the news on Monday , with AgBank closing down 0.8 % in Hong Kong .

  29. 这个有里程碑意义的协议将给国际投资者带来更多的选择&沪股通标的股有568只,港股通标的股有268只。

    The landmark agreement will give international investors a lot more options - 568 Shanghai-listed stocks and 268 Hong Kong-listed companies .

  30. 盈动成交额逾五十亿元,占港股总成交额三分之一以上。

    More than $ 5 billion worth of Cyberworks shares changed hands , accounting for more than one-third of stock market turnover .