
ɡān ɡǔ
  • carried interest;free share of stock;gratuitous share
干股 [gān gǔ]
  • [obtain shares free] 股票的一种。由发股人无偿赠送,持股人不出股金,赚了分红,赔了不受损失

  1. 第五部分是针对干股受贿犯罪的法律规制。

    Part aims the legal regulations of the performance shares bribery crime .

  2. 干股的大量存在有其合理性和必要性。

    The massive existence of Dry Share has its rationality and necessity .

  3. 优秀劳动者派发了干股。

    The company apportioned shares to excellent workers .

  4. 本文主要内容包括四个部分:第一部分干股概述。

    This paper mainly includes four parts : The first part " Dry Share outline " .

  5. 人颈7神经根干股束支运动纤维含量及其临床意义

    A study of the motor fiber counts of the human 7th cervical nerve root and its branches

  6. 因此,应该承认干股的合法性,同时对其进行法律上的明晰和规制。

    Therefore , you should admit Dry Share legitimacy , and carries on the legal clarity and regulation .

  7. 在这部份着重分析了干股受贿犯罪对象的独特之处。

    This part is focus on the unique features of the target of the performance shares bribery crime .

  8. 出现了诸如冒名股东,干股股东,空股股东,隐名股东等一系列特殊的情况。

    Emerged , such as false shareholders , shareholders of dry , empty shareholders , shareholders and other dormant series of special circumstances .

  9. 同时,将实践中的干股取得归纳概括分为两种类型:赠与和公司回购。

    Meanwhile , the Dry Share obtain practice are divided into two types : induction and generalization of the presentation and the buyback .

  10. 笔者着重分析了交易型受贿、干股分红型受贿、合作投资型受贿和合作理财型受贿的概述以及理解和适用。

    The author focuses on the transactional bribery , bribery , its dividend investment cooperation with bribery and bribery of financial cooperation and understanding and application .

  11. 本文除引言和结语外分五部分。第一部分干股受贿的概述。

    And there are five parts in this paper addition to the introduction and conclusion . Firstly , the overview of the performance shares bribery is introduced .

  12. 干股受贿和干股分红受贿的界限以及权力型干股受贿与交易型受贿的区别。

    The boundary of performance shares bribery and performance shares dividends bribery , and the differences between perform acne shares and transactional bribery is both included in this part . Lastly , this .

  13. 干股在公司法上应指在公司的创设过程中或者存续过程中,设立人或者公司的股东依照协议无偿赠予非股东的第三人的股份。

    The company Dry Share should refer to the process of creation in the company , established in the process or existence or the shareholders of a company in accordance with the agreement of the third party free given the shareholders of the shares .

  14. 介绍干股的内涵以及干股与相近概念的区别,对干股犯罪进行初步认识。第二部分干股受贿的表现形式及犯罪的独特性。

    There is not only the content of the shares and the difference between the shares and the similar concepts , but also the preliminary understanding of the performance shares bribery crime . Secondly , manifestations and the unique features of performance shares crime are included .

  15. 检讨当下学界对于干股概念的多种理解,辨析与干股容易混淆的挂名股东、隐名股东、傀儡股东等几个特殊股份的含义,并给出了本文对于干股的定义和研究范围。

    Review Dry Share concept for the current academic circles , analyzing and Dry Share variety of understanding the confusing nominally shareholders , hidden shareholder , puppet shareholders the meaning of several special shares , and gives the definition and Dry Share paper for research scope .

  16. 然而,我国立法上缺乏干股方面的具体规范,实践中对干股存在多种不同的理解和处理方法,没有形成统一的认识,法律制度和司法实践已经脱离了社会需求。

    However , lack of legislation in our country Dry Share aspects of concrete standard , in practice Dry Share exist for many different understanding and treatment methods , no form a unified understanding , legal system and judicial practice have been away from the social needs .

  17. 1980年,增征生产、销售税,控制常规油和天然气价格的上涨幅度,规定联邦政府在油气生产中的干股权益等,以保证能源安全并增加联邦政府收益;

    In 1980 production and marketing taxes were imposed and the price margins of conventional oils and natural gas were controlled . At the same time , energy policy gave the federal government a carried interest in the oil and gas industry in order to safeguard energy supply .

  18. 综述干股股东作为一种区别于普通股东在股东的权利义务内容方面的特点,并着重对干股股东的投票权、分红权从现行的公司法理论和实践中加以分析。

    As a kind of Dry Share shareholders were different from that of common shareholders at the shareholders ' rights and obligations in the aspect of content , with the focus on the Dry Share shareholders to vote , from the current company receive dividends theory and practice of analysis .