
gān zào
  • dry;arid;difficult;dull;dry and coarse;uninteresting
干燥 [gān zào]
  • (1) [arid]∶缺乏水分

  • 大便干燥

  • 气候干燥

  • (2) [dull;uninteresting]∶空洞无味

  • 庙堂中的语言,干燥无味

  • (3) [dry and coarse]∶干涩,不甜润

  • 祖父的声音又干燥,又严厉

  • (4) [difficult]∶喻困难;拮据

  • 手中干燥,央人四处借债

干燥[gān zào]
  1. 火辣辣的太阳和寒风可使你的皮肤很快变干燥。

    Hot sun and cold winds can soon dry out your skin .

  2. 把洋葱头存放在凉爽干燥的地方。

    Store onions in a cool dry place .

  3. 响尾蛇出现在北美温暖干燥的地区。

    Rattlesnakes occur in the warmer , drier parts of North America .

  4. 把柠檬贮存在干燥凉爽的地方。

    Store lemons in a cool dry place .

  5. 他的皮肤干燥,脱皮屑。

    His skin was dry and flaking .

  6. 将粮食和谷物储存在阴凉干燥的地方。

    Store grains and cereals in a cool , dry place .

  7. 咖啡经冷冻干燥以保留原汁原味。

    The coffee is freeze-dried to seal in all the flavour .

  8. 很长一段时间里天气一直很干燥。

    There has been a long spell of dry weather

  9. 寒冷干燥的西北风横扫了这个地区。

    A brisk north-west wind swept across the region .

  10. 上星期刚下过雨,天气却出奇地干燥。

    It was a surprisingly dry day after the rain of the previous week

  11. 空气会变得特别炎热干燥,特别是在一个小玻璃房里。

    It can become extremely hot and dry , specially in a small glasshouse

  12. 土壤干燥时,植物会流失更多的水分。

    When the soil is dry , more moisture is lost from the plant

  13. 在开暖气的房间里可用加湿器,防止吸入干燥空气造成喉咙不适。

    Use a humidifier in heated rooms to prevent dry air irritating your throat .

  14. 潮湿的砖块由传送带送进另一间小屋进行干燥。

    The damp bricks went along a conveyor belt into another shed to dry .

  15. 没有什么比干燥开裂的嘴唇更难看的了。

    Nothing looks worse than dry , cracked lips

  16. 把面包屑撒在干燥的烤盘上,然后放在烤箱里烤脆。

    Spread breadcrumbs on a dry baking sheet and crisp them in the oven .

  17. 小麦适宜在冬季寒冷而夏季温暖干燥的地方生长。

    Wheat is grown in places which have cold winters and warm , dry summers

  18. 标本通常需要经过干燥处理。

    Normally specimens have to be dehydrated .

  19. 不过,这种车即使在干燥路面上也表现出了良好的抓地性能。

    Such cars , however , do grip the road well , even in the dry .

  20. 如果你皮肤比较干燥,就得多涂些滋润保湿滋润

    If your skin is dry , you have to slather on moisturiser to soften it .

  21. 只要表面平整、坚固而且干燥,瓷砖就可以贴住。

    Tiles can be fixed to any surface as long as it 's flat , firm and dry

  22. 如果气候变得更干燥,必然会出现更多旱情。

    If the climate gets drier , then the logical conclusion is that even more drought will occur

  23. 干燥的石墙看起来也许荒凉且毫无生机,但它们为动植物提供了宝贵的栖息地。

    Dry stone walls may appear stark and lifeless , but they provide a valuable habitat for plants and animals .

  24. 选一个干燥暖和的日子把它们从植株上割下来,注意不要碰伤它们。

    Choose a warm , dry day to cut them off the plants , being careful not to bruise them .

  25. 一年中大部分时间,北京的气候都很干燥。

    For most of the year , we have a dry climate in Beijing .

  26. 沙漠地区气候很干燥。

    The climate is very dry in the desert area .

  27. 南方雨水充沛,北方则比较干燥。

    It is wet in the South , while the North is dry .

  28. 完全干燥玻璃粉吸附大量的二氧化碳。

    Considerable quantities of CO ₂ are adsorbed even by perfectly dry glass powder .

  29. 干燥的天气使道路干透了。

    The road parched up with dry weather .

  30. 在干燥的天气里将点燃的香烟扔在树林里容易失火。

    A cigarette thrown into the woods in dry weather may catch [ start ] a fire .