
běi huí guī xiàn
  • the Tropic of Cancer
北回归线[běi huí guī xiàn]
  1. 云南植蕉区多分布于北回归线附近海拔500~1000m的山地,冬季的12月至翌年1月受寒冷天气影响,易造成果穗寒害,严重影响了云南春蕉的质量。

    Banana plantations are mainly distributed in mountain along The Tropic of Cancer with elevation of 500 ~ 1 000m in Yunnan . During December to January of next year , the cold weather would cause banana fruit disease and affect its quality .

  2. 在中国,北回归线空过广东省。

    In China , the Tropic of Cancer cuts through Guangdong province .

  3. 从《北回归线》看亨利·米勒的文体风格

    Analyzing Henry Miller 's Literary Style from Tropic of Cancer

  4. 论《北回归线》和享利·米勒的污秽

    On the " filth " of Tropic of cancer and Henry Miller

  5. 北纬25度临近于北回归线,具有明显的回归带特征。

    Latitude25N , has the obvious characteristic of tropic area .

  6. 线性回归分析在水稻腾发量中的应用北回归线和南回归线

    Application of linear regression analysis in the evaporation quantity of paddy rice

  7. 未来60年的北回归线值

    Values of Tropic of Cancer for Future 60 Years

  8. 北回归线和南回归线滚珠丝杆副导程误差的微型机在线回归分析与频谱分析

    Microcomputer-Based On-line Regression Analysis and Power Spectrum Analysis of Ball Screw Travel Deviation

  9. 他的家乡在北回归线的北面。

    His hometown is located in the north to the tropic of cancer .

  10. 它是北回归线,南极圈,赤道还是北极圈?

    Is it the Tropic of cancer , Antarctic Circle , equator or Arctic circle .

  11. 北回归线以南的小镇上,树叶很少落到地上。

    South on the Tropic of Cancer small town , the leaf very little falls ground .

  12. 夏威夷州位于北回归线以南,属热带气候区。

    Hawaii in the south of the Tropic of Cancer , is a tropical climate zone .

  13. 狄俄尼索斯走过北回归线,掀起痛苦和狂喜。

    Dionysus walked across the tropic of cancer , his pain and ecstasy is on fire .

  14. 广西北回归线两侧冬季冻害特征分析

    Comparatively Analysis and Characteristics of Winter Freezing Injury in Vicinity of the Tropic of Cancer in Guangxi

  15. 从北回归线效应讨论大洪灾与大震的相关性

    Discussion on relation between big flood and large earthquake by means of the effect of the Tropic of Cancer

  16. 云南是中国最西南的省份,北回归线穿过其南部。

    Yunnan is the most southwestern province in China , with the Tropic of Cancer running through its southern part .

  17. 雨雪冰冻灾害对北回归线附近林木开花结果的影响&以广西荔浦县为例

    Effect of Freezing , rain and snow disaster on the flowering and Fruiting of trees near the tropic of cancer

  18. 从北回归线效应的角度,讨论了上述地区大洪灾与大地震的相关性。

    A possible correlation mechanism between flood and earthquake , the effect of the Tropic of Cancer , has been proposed .

  19. 《北回归线》不仅是他作品思想深度的代表作,也是其怪异文化的范本。

    Tropic of Cancer is not only a representative work which reflects his ideological profundity , but also a model of weird style .

  20. 北回归线贯穿云南,太阳辐射强度大,灵芝从太阳获得的能量多;

    Fourth , the Tropic of Cancer runs through Yunnan , solar radiation intensity , Ganoderma lucidum obtained more energy from the sun ;

  21. 它是北回归线,南极圈,赤道还是北极圈?你有三秒钟的时间。开始!

    Is it the Tropic of Cancer , Antarctic Circle , Equator or Arctic Circle . You 've got three seconds , go !

  22. 那么,放眼世界,整个环球北回归线穿越地区都可能有该系列陨石群散落的痕迹。

    So look around the world , the area crossed by tropic of cancer may possibly find the trails of such serial meteorites spread .

  23. 如果它在飞跃大西洋时成功的话,它将沿着北回归线做全球飞行并且在每个大陆都降落一下。

    If it succeeds in crossing the Atlantic , it will then try to circle the globe , following the Tropic of Cancer and landing on each continent .

  24. 本文对我国北回归线区域普通野生稻进行了遗传多样性的研究以及对水稻多子房基因进行了遗传分析与定位。

    This study is on genetic diversity and population structure of Oryza rufipogon near the tropic of cancer in china , and gene mapping of multi-ovary in rice .

  25. 西双版纳位于云南省的最南端,在北回归线以南,是亚洲大陆向中南半岛过渡的地带。

    Xishuangbanna is located in the southernmost tip of Yunnan Province in the south of the Tropic of Cancer , which is the Indo-Asian continent to the transition zone .

  26. 可能包括西沙潜水水下传递、探访五指山黎族村寨传递、北回归线传递等方式,甚至考虑横渡琼州海峡传递。

    May include the Xisha diving underwater transmission , Li visited the village Wuzhishan transmission , including transmission of the Tropic of Cancer , even transfer across the Qiongzhou Strait .

  27. 越南地处北回归线以南,高温多雨,属热带季风气候;每年平均有六次台风袭击越南沿海地区。

    Having hot and rainy tropical monsoon climate , Vietnam is located in the south of the Tropic of Cancer . There are six typhoons annually in coastal areas in Vietnam .

  28. 地球上两个地区之一,位于北极圈和北回归线之间或南极圈和南回归线之间;以温和的气候为特征。

    The part of the Earth 's surface between the Arctic Circle and the Tropic of Cancer or between the Antarctic Circle and the Tropic of Capricorn ; characterized by temperate climate .

  29. 海南北部和两广南部北回归线以南的居群不仅遗传多样性较高,而且遗传关系非常近,是华南的遗传多样性中心;

    Group II covers the populations from the north part of Hainan and the south parts of Guangdong and Guangxi , this area may be the center of genetic diversity in South China ;

  30. 战舰添了煤后,穿过帕摩图群岛、马贵斯群岛,夏威夷群岛,在东经:32度越过了北回归线,向中国海开去。

    So the frigate kept well out when passing the Tuamotu , Marquesas , and Hawaiian Islands , then cut the Tropic of Cancer at longitude 132 degrees and headed for the seas of China .