
dōng zhì
  • Winter Solstice
冬至 [dōng zhì]
  • [the Winter Solstice] 二十四节气之一,在12月21,22或23日,这一天北半球白天最短,夜间最长

冬至[dōng zhì]
  1. 中国人过冬至吗?这天对你们重要吗?

    Do Chinese celebrate the winter solstice ? Is it important to you ?

  2. 冬至后,人们常买些冬令佳品作为送客礼品。

    After the winter solstice , people often Buy winter specialities as presents .

  3. 冬至以后,白天渐渐变长。

    The days begin to draw out after the winter solstice .

  4. 方法:采用大鼠松果体摘除模型,运用原位杂交技术,探讨了在冬至、夏至SD雄性大鼠睾丸CFos和CJUN的mRNA的变化规律。

    Adopting rat pinealectomy model and in situ hybridization technology , we discuss the varying regularity of c fos and c jun mRNA in male rat 's testis in midwinter and in midsummer .

  5. 结果:睾丸CFos和CJUN的mRNA具有冬至表达强、表达量多,夏至表达弱、表达量少的特点和趋势。

    Results : the expression degree and the amount of c fos and c jun mRNA in testis are of intensity and plenty feature and trend in midwinter while weak and insignificant in midsummer .

  6. 本文在前人已公布的暴时电离层动态资料的基础上,进行了太平洋地区冬至与夏至期间电子总量和F层特征的分析研究,取得了新的结果。

    In this paper , features of the total electron content and F-region of the ionosphere over the Pacific area during the typical storms are analysed on the basis of published data and some new results are presented .

  7. 采用大鼠松果体摘除模型,探索了冬至、夏至SD雄性大鼠血清睾酮(T)、黄体生成素(LH)及卵泡刺激素(FSH)的变化规律。

    The changes in the levels of serum testosterone ( T ), luteotropic hormone ( LH ) and follicule stimulating hormone ( FSH ) were studied in the pineal body removed SD male rats at the Winter Solstice and the Summer Solstice .

  8. 并在此基础上,计算了全国6个典型地貌类型区,在春秋分日、夏至日和冬至日,两个空间分辨率下(500m和1km)地面日照时间的空间分布。

    In this study , 6 typical terrain areas within China were selected and their spatial distributions of sunlit time on the vernal and autumnal equinoxes , the Summer Solstice and midwinter day in two different resolutions ( 500m and 1km ) were calculated using the developed model .

  9. 冬至快到了,又起了雾,一切都沦陷了

    Winter Solstice is coming , there is fog , all occupied

  10. 冬至到了,春节还会远吗?

    If Winter Solstice comes , can Spring Festival be far behind ?

  11. 这一天正好是冬至后的103天。

    That was the 103rd day after the Winter Solstice .

  12. 冬至:表示寒冷的冬天快要到来。

    The winter solstice : it means the cold winter is coming .

  13. 这就是冬至后的103th天。

    That was the 103th day after the Winter Solstice .

  14. 以冬至那天为基准测量。

    That 's measured in the winter solstice .

  15. 冬至初春黄海暖流的路径和起源

    On the origin and path of the Huanghai Warm Current during winter and early spring

  16. 这个冬至,我好想你。

    This winter , I am Xiangnai .

  17. 任何时间日食的冬至下跌,你可以双击它的力量。

    Any time an eclipse falls on the solstice , you can double its power .

  18. 世界绝对不是在今天冬至日走向终结。

    THE world is definitely not coming to an end today , the winter solstice .

  19. 冬至日的夜晚才叫大,在南加利福尼亚一共有整整14小时呢!

    The is a big night . It 's over 14 hours in Southern California .

  20. 每逢冬至点,白天的时间是一年之中最短的。

    The day when the sun passes the winter solstice is the shortest of the year .

  21. 冬至是北半球全年中白天最短、黑夜最长的一天,过了冬至,白天就会一天天变长。

    The winter solstice is a day shortest daytime and longest darkness in the north hemisphere .

  22. 冬至是一年中最短的一天,通常在十二月二十一日。

    The winter solstice is the shortest day of the year , often on December 21st .

  23. 这一天本来是代表介于冬至到春晓的中界点。

    This day was supposed to represent the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox .

  24. 冬至表示冬天的时期,人们总想使自己保持温暖。

    The Winter Solstice indicates the period of winter and people always want to keep themselves warm .

  25. 结果表明:纬度愈高,距冬至愈近,增温系数愈大。

    It is concluded that the higher latitude and the nearer approaching midwinter , the bigger raising-temperature coefficient .

  26. 在过去,也有很多人预言过,2012年冬至即将结束一切。

    In the past , many people predicted before , in2012 all the winter coming to an end .

  27. 对1999年冬至2000年春北方粳稻南繁育种情况进行了报道。

    The process of breeding for northern japonica rice in Hainan Province between 1999.11 ~ 2000.3 was reported .

  28. 也许那些古人在冬至节日举行的仪式是对死者的祭礼吧。

    Perhaps at the winter solstice those ancient people conducted ceremonies linked to a cult of the dead .

  29. “如今现过了冬至,又没怎么样,或者好的了也未可知。”

    " Maybe I shall , for the winter solstice has passed and I 'm no worse . "

  30. 冬至,虽然还处在寒冷的季节,但春天已经不远了。

    Winter Solstice , although still in the cold season , but the spring is not far off .