
qiū fēn
  • the Autumnal Equinox (16th solar term);equinox
秋分 [qiū fēn]
  • [the Autumnal Equinox (16th solar term)] 二十四节气之一,在9月22、23或24日。这一天南北半球昼夜一样长

秋分[qiū fēn]
  1. 秋分种麦最相宜。

    The Autumnal Equinox is the best time for wheat-sowing .

  2. 今天我们要看看秋分。

    Today we 're talking about the autumnal equinox .

  3. 秋分时,三个品种绵羊血液中LH的含量在日落后有上升的趋势,小尾寒羊在春分、夏至和秋分时,血液中LH的含量一直呈上升趋势;

    In autumn equinox , plasma LH in these three breeds had increasing trends after sunset . Plasma LH in Small-Tail Han Sheep was always increased after sunset in spring equinox , summer equinox and autumn equinox .

  4. 实验动物选用健康雄性SD大鼠,体重180-200g,分别于春分、夏至、秋分前14天购自于河北医科大学实验动物中心。

    SD male rats , 180-200g weight , we got it from the laboratory animal center of HeBei Medical University fourteen days before Spring Equinox , Summer Solstice and Autumnal Equinox .

  5. 在春分或秋分的时候发生的猛烈的风暴。

    A violent rainstorm near the time of an equinox .

  6. 秋分来临时候,收获伴随每一个人。

    Harvesting comes to one and all when the autumn equinox does fall .

  7. 中秋节来临时正好在“秋分”前后。

    Mid-Autumn Day falls during the autumn equinox .

  8. 大多数河蟹在青春蜕壳后由黄蟹变为绿蟹的时间集中在秋分前后,此后性腺发育进入高速增长期。

    After that , the development of sexual gland entered the high speed stage .

  9. 根据天文学,中秋节是秋分之时。

    According to astronomy , the Mid Autumn Festival occurs at the autumn equinox .

  10. 秋分吹落了树叶,树干开始变得光秃秃的了。

    The wind blows down the leaves , and branches start to get bald .

  11. 与春分或秋分(昼夜长短一致)有关。

    Relating to an equinox ( when the lengths or night and day are equal ) .

  12. 春天是春分,秋天是秋分。

    In spring it is known as the vernal equinox , and in fall the autumnal equinox .

  13. 6.5日波的主要周期在春分比在秋分更集中一些。

    The periods of 6.5-day waves near spring equinox are more concentrative than those near autumn equinox .

  14. 春分或秋分时的暴风雨

    A violent storm of wind and rain occurring at or near the time of the equinox . n.

  15. 可是我认为在春分和秋分前后看到的机会更多。

    But I thought there was a better chance of seeing them around the time of the equinoxes .

  16. 事实上,靠近秋分的满月通常被称为收获的月亮。

    In fact , the full moon nearest the autumnal equinox is commonly referred to as the harvest moon .

  17. 换句话说,有重要意义的日子是夏至和冬至,春分和秋分。

    In other words , the significant days are the Summer and Winter Solstices and the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes .

  18. 秋分:指黄道与天赤道相交的一点,自此太阳向南运动。

    Autumnal equinox : the point at which the ecliptic intersects the celestial equator , the sun having a southerly motion .

  19. 第二个习俗与祭祀月亮有关。根据天文学,中秋节是秋分之时。

    The second custom concerns worship of the moon . According to astronomy , the Mid Autumn Festival occurs at the autumn equinox .

  20. 时令正在接近秋分,尽管天气依然晴朗,但是白天的时间变得更短了。

    The season meanwhile was drawing onward to the equinox , and though it was still fine , the days were much shorter .

  21. 今年,满月与秋分正好落在同一天,此种巧合为19年来的首次。

    This year , the full moon and the autumnal equinox happened on the same day , for the first time in19 years .

  22. 今天是秋天的第一天秋分,标志着白天和夜晚会一样长。

    And the first official day of fall . Today , is the autumnal equinox when day is almost exactly as long night .

  23. 拴日石是测定春分和秋分,以及其他重要日期的精密指示器。

    The Intihuatana Stone has been shown to be a precise indicator of the date of the two equinoxes and other important periods .

  24. 周二的秋分将提升你在下个月的声誉,激励你追求自己的职业目标。

    The autumn equinox on Tuesday can elevate your reputation over the next month or so and encourage you to pursue your professional goals .

  25. 日落的持续时间在春季和夏季最短(在这些时候太阳直射点在赤道上方),在至日和春分(秋分)的时候最长。

    It 's shortest in spring and fall ( when the Sun is over the equator ) and longest in the summer and winter .

  26. 在日本富有色彩的石蒜花开放在山顶大约在秋分期间,所以植物被命名秋分花。

    In Japan the colorful blooming of Lycoris flowers peaks around the period of the autumn equinox , so the plant is named equinox flower .

  27. 伪手术组与手术组春分和秋分比较,差异均无显著性。

    While in the false operation group and the operation group , there were no significant differences in the phagocytosis function between the two seasons .

  28. 有时,当能量流碰到了石棺,就会产生扭曲,但不总是这样,是由春分、秋分点和重力改变决定的。

    Sometimes , there is a distortion of energy in which the lateral flows do meet above the sarcophagus , but not always exactly there .

  29. 因此,木工们在四月份工作得非常紧张,只是在秋分时节刮暴风,工作才受到一些影响。

    The carpenters , therefore , worked vigorously during the month of April , which was troubled only by a few equinoctial gales of some violence .

  30. 每到春分或秋分,太阳在提卡尔神庙后升起,而他妻子的神庙便浸浴在拖长的影子中。

    And every spring and autumn , exactly at the equinox , the sun rises behind his temple , and perfectly bathes her temple with his shadow .