
bái lù
  • White Dew;name of season in old calendar, around Sept. 8
白露 [bái lù]
  • [White Dew] 节气名,每年九月上旬交节

白露[bái lù]
  1. 随着气温的下降,人们经常在夜间的草地和树上看到白露。

    As the temperature falls , white dew is often seen on the grass and trees at night .

  2. 白露节气大概是在9月8日。

    White Dew falls on about Sept. 8 .

  3. 对于白露这一节气,辛妮选择了一只浣熊——一种毛发浓密的小动物来表示。

    For White Dew , Cinyee chose a raccoon — a small animal with thick hair .

  4. 藜根9月8日(白露)Cd质量分数为22.65mg。

    Kg-1 . The Cd concentration in root of Chenopodium on the 8th of September ( White Dew ) was 22.65 mg .

  5. 陈香露白露胶囊对小鼠胃排空和肠运动的影响

    Effects of Chen-xiang-lu-bai-lu on gastric motility , intestinal peristalsis in mice

  6. 郴县白露塘镇种植业农户适度经营规模初探

    An elementary research on the farming household moderate running scale

  7. 尽管白露使田野显得凄怆

    And though the fields look rough with hoary dew

  8. 结论陈香露白露胶囊拥有较好的安全性。

    Conclusions The security of Chen Xiang Lu Bai Lu capsule was better .

  9. 花瓣残因白露寒。

    Because of the millennium cold residual petals .

  10. 白露:夜间温度可达到成露的条件。

    White Dew : The temperature at night reaches the dew-point to form dew .

  11. 结论:可用于陈香露白露片的质量控制。

    Conclusion : The method may be used for the quality control of this drug .

  12. 画中的段祺瑞身穿抢眼而庄严的军服,与一众军事领袖并排而坐,列席在白露柳树的田园背景之前。

    Duan is seated beside other military leaders and cabinet members in extravagant formal attire and before a somewhat bucolic backdrop of weeping willow trees .

  13. “露水先白而后寒”意指经过白露节气后,初秋的凉意将转为深秋的寒冷。

    The saying " dews turn white first before the weather becomes cold " means the coolness in early autumn will turn into the coldness in deep autumn .

  14. 白露告诉人们开始下露水,天气就要冷了。寒露表明露水已重,天寒加剧。

    The White Dew tells people that dew appears in the morning to show that the weather is turning cold , and , as this intensifies , we move on to the Cold Dew .

  15. 民间又有”白露身不露“之说,说明白露之后气候冷暖多变,容易伤风感冒或旧病复发。

    The folk also had " the White Dew body not to reveal " saying , explained after White Dew , the climate changes in temperature were changeable , easy catching cold cold or suffered a relapse .