
bái é luó sī
  • Belarus;Byelorussia;Belorussia
白俄罗斯[bái é luó sī]
  1. 白俄罗斯脉冲与粉末冶金技术的最新进展

    Recent Progress of Impulse and Powder Metallurgical Techniques of Byelorussia

  2. 罗马尼亚获两枚金牌,中国、意大利和白俄罗斯分享其他3枚金牌。

    Romania won 2 gold medals . China , Italy and Byelorussia shared the other 3 gold medals .

  3. 在俄罗斯的帮助下,白俄罗斯正准备建造其第一座南极科研基地。

    With Russia 's help , Belarus is preparing to build this first Antarctic base .

  4. 2014年,俄罗斯、白俄罗斯和哈萨克斯坦颁布了一条法规,要求接触皮肤的衣服含棉量至少达到6%。

    In 2014 Russia , Belarus and Kazakhstan introduced a regulation which requires clothing in contact with skin to contain at least 6 percent of cotton .

  5. 今年5月俄罗斯、白俄罗斯和哈萨克斯坦的总统齐聚一堂,签约成立欧亚经济联盟(EurasianEconomicUnion)的时候,此举被誉为地缘战略的划时代时刻。

    When the presidents of Russia , Belarus and Kazakhstan gathered in May to sign the Eurasian Economic Union into existence , it was hailed as an epochal moment with geostrategic implications .

  6. 随着来自白俄罗斯的奥克桑娜引起了网友的关注,这一则关于她的YouTube视频在短短四天内就被点击超过了3万次。

    The YouTube clip attracted more than 30000 views in just four days as Belarus-based Oksana caught the attention of online users .

  7. 欧亚开发银行(EurasianDevelopmentBank)的民意调查显示,仅有六分之一的哈萨克斯坦人视中国为“友好国家”,认为俄罗斯和白俄罗斯为友好国家的比例分别为84%和48%。

    According to public opinion surveys funded by the Eurasian Development Bank , only one in six Kazakhs see China as a " friendly country , " compared to 84 per cent for Russia and 48 per cent for Belarus .

  8. 卢布(货币代码RUB)是俄罗斯联邦和白俄罗斯(以前是苏联和俄罗斯帝国)使用的货币。

    The ruble or rouble ( currency code RUB ) is the currency of the Russian Federation and Belarus ( and formerly , of the Soviet Union and the Russian Empire ) .

  9. A21对于国家现状、官方娱乐和沉闷的白俄罗斯朋克界等都持有强硬的社会态度。

    A21 have taken a hard social stance to state mode , official show-biz and the inactive Belorussian punk-scene .

  10. 由于在六月乌兹别克斯坦进入,CSTO现在包括所有的除亚美尼亚和白俄罗斯外的SCO成员。

    With the entry of Uzbekistan in June , the CSTO now includes all other SCO members , as well as Armenia and Belarus .

  11. 总的来说,Turkcell已经在土耳其、哈萨克斯坦、阿塞拜疆、格鲁吉亚和北塞浦路斯占据了市场领先地位,在乌克兰、白俄罗斯和摩尔多瓦也已站稳脚跟。

    Overall , turkcell leads the market in Turkey , Kazakhstan , Azerbaijan , Georgia and Northern Cyprus .

  12. GUSS-EX最近在俄罗斯,乌克兰和白俄罗斯还开设办事处。

    GUSS-EX recently also opened offices in Russia , Ukraine and Belarus .

  13. 过去两年以来,原籍白俄罗斯的anastasia作为一个此类合作组织的区域协调员在俄罗斯联邦工作。

    For the last two years , anastasia-originally from belarus-has been working in the Russian federation , as the Regional Coordinator in one such collaborative organization .

  14. 但就在这番演讲结束之后没几天,卢卡申科总统(他的白俄罗斯同胞私下将他称作Daddy)肯定没料到,一些白俄罗斯人从字面意义上响应了他的号召。

    But in the days after the president 's speech , some Belarusians answered the call perhaps a little more literally than might have been anticipated by Lukashenka - who is informally called Daddy ( Batska ) by some of his countrymen .

  15. 欧盟能源专员欧廷格(guentheroettinger)在布鲁塞尔进行一场演讲时,呼吁白俄罗斯不要将欧洲卷入它与俄罗斯之间的冲突。

    Speaking in Brussels , Guenther Oettinger , European Union Energy Commissioner , told Belarus to stop involving Europe in its dispute with Russia .

  16. 苏联队的第一块奖牌是由白俄罗斯运动员MikhailKrivonosov在1956年澳大利亚墨尔本举行的夏季奥运会上获得的。

    The first Olympic medal for the Soviet Union was won by Belarusian Mikhail Krivonosov at the1956 Summer Games held in Melbourne , Australia .

  17. 李娜将在第二轮比赛中对阵白俄罗斯的加沃尔索娃(OlgaGovortsova)。现年24岁的加沃尔索娃世界排名第58位,三盘比赛就打败了法国的帕门蒂尔(PaulineParmentier)。

    Li faces Belarusian Olga Govortsova in the second round after the 24 year-old , ranked No.58 in the world , took three sets to overcome France 's Pauline Parmentier .

  18. BPC是由俄罗斯和白俄罗斯的两家最大的钾肥生产企业组成的出口卡特尔,但俄罗斯国内的价格远低于出口价格,因此,BPC属于纯粹的出口卡特尔。

    BPC is an export cartel established by Russia and Belarus two largest potash fertilizer company . But potash price in Russia is far lower than export price , so BPC belongs to pure export cartel .

  19. 先期发布的一些分析师报告预计,由于白俄罗斯卢布贬值,Turkcell周三发布的季报可能不佳。

    The company 's quarterly earnings , to be released tomorrow , may take a hit due to a devalued Belarussian ruble , according to advance analysts'reports .

  20. 一名白俄罗斯武器出口审批机构的官员表示,不知道该交易;而俄罗斯国家武器出口商rosoboronexport则否认参与此事。

    An official at the Belarusian agency responsible for approving arms exports said he was not aware of it and Rosoboronexport , the Russian state arms exporter , denied involvement .

  21. Shindo在11月12日的一次新闻发布会上说,药物已经送往了阿富汗、蒙古、白俄罗斯和乌克兰,阿塞拜疆和吉尔吉斯斯坦也很快将得到药物。

    Supplies have been sent to Afghanistan , Mongolia , Belarus and Ukraine and others will soon be dispatched to Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan , Shindo told a press briefing ( 12 November ) .

  22. 44岁的帕维尔•舍列梅特(PavelSheremet)出生于白俄罗斯,是乌克兰领先调查新闻网站《乌克兰真理报》(UkrainskaPravda)一名屡次获奖的记者。他在驾驶一辆属于网站经理奥廖娜•普里图拉(OlenaPrytula)的汽车时丧生。

    Pavel Sheremet , 44 , a Belarus-born award-winning journalist with Ukrainska Pravda , the country 's leading investigative news website , was killed while driving a car belonging to Olena Prytula , the venture 's manager .

  23. 俄中投资基金将主要由rdif负责管理,并须将至少70%的投资放在俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦和白俄罗斯。

    The new Sino-Russian fund will be managed primarily by the rdif and is required to make at least 70 per cent of its investments in Russia , Kazakhstan and Belarus .

  24. 白俄罗斯教育下一步该怎样发展?

    What steps will White Russia take to develop its education ?

  25. 两名男子均来自白俄罗斯,但是并没有透露姓名。

    Both men are from Belarus but have not been named .

  26. 加拿大、俄罗斯和白俄罗斯的储量巨大。

    The big deposits are in Canada , Russia and Belarus .

  27. 白俄罗斯首都,属于独联体。

    The capital of Belarus and of the Commonwealth of Independent States .

  28. 明斯克的陷落标志着白俄罗斯抵抗的结束。

    The fall of Minsk signaled the end of resistance throughout Belarus .

  29. 周三,中国援助的人道主义医疗物资运抵白俄罗斯。

    The medical humanitarian aid from China arrived in Belarus on Wednesday .

  30. 中国东北与白俄罗斯泥炭藓泥炭特性的对比研究

    On Grading Peat Deposit in the Northeast of China