
  • 网络Masaaki Shirakawa
  1. 日本央行(BoJ)行长白川方明(MasaakiShirakawa)早早离开了杰克逊霍尔。该央行可能最早将于今日召开放松货币政策的紧急会议。

    The Bank of Japan will hold an emergency meeting to ease policy possibly as early as today after Masaaki Shirakawa , its governor , left Jackson Hole early .

  2. 今年1月底,当时在伦敦的日本央行行长白川方明(masaakishirakawa)还在重申日本央行经常说的那句话日本的通缩是结构性的,没得治。

    In late January , Bank of Japan governor Masaaki Shirakawa was in London repeating the BoJ mantra Japanese deflation was structural and nothing could be done about it .

  3. 不过,日本首相福田康夫(YasuoFukuda)很赞赏白川方明的技术实力和国际经验。

    But Yasuo Fukuda , prime minister , praised Mr Shirakawa 's technical prowess and international experience .

  4. 我还要说,接下来,就好像过万圣节一般,日本央行行长白川方明会戴上本•伯南克的面具,并竭尽模仿之能事,推行量化宽松(QE)政策。

    I was going to say that what comes next is that Japanese Central Bank chief Masaaki Shirakawa will put on his Ben Bernanke mask , as if it were Halloween , and do his best " QE " ( quantitative easing ) imitation .

  5. 日本央行(BoJ)行长白川方明(MasaakiShirakawa)上周在纽约警告称,金融体系与实体经济之间的负面反馈所导致的恶性循环存在种种危害。

    In New York last week , Masaaki Shirakawa , governor of the Bank of Japan , warned of the dangers of a vicious spiral resulting from the negative feedback between the financial system and the real economy .

  6. 上周,日本央行(boj)行长白川方明(masaakishirakawa)表示,日元上涨损害了出口,而与之相关的股市下跌,对资本支出和消费者支出都造成了消极的影响。

    Last week , Masaaki Shirakawa , governor of the Bank of Japan , said the appreciation of the yen hurt exports , while the associated stock price falls had a negative impact on capital expenditure and consumer spending .

  7. 日本央行行长白川方明(MasaakiShirakawa)2013年没有提出新的资产购买计划,2014年的资产购买计划净影响也将有限,因为计划购买的大部分资产都将是即将到期的短期债券。

    Governor Masaaki Shirakawa offered no new asset purchases in 2013 and the net impact of the purchases promised for 2014 will be limited since most of the money will be used to buy short-term debt close to maturity .

  8. 白川方明表示,他将继续“谨慎”关注汇率与股票价格的波动。

    Mr Shirakawa said he was continuing to watch currency and stock price movements " carefully " .

  9. 对于可能重新出现通货紧缩的前景,白川方明称:重要的是中长期的通胀预期。

    On the possible return to headline deflation , he said : What is important is the expected inflation rate of the medium to long term .

  10. 白川方明周末对发达市场大量宽松信贷流向世界其它地方所引起的连带损害发出警告。

    Mr Shirakawa warned over the weekend of the collateral damage caused by an abundance of easy credit from developed markets to the rest of the world .

  11. 但白川方明强调,2006年之前极度宽松的货币政策有助于稳定银行体系,但无益于刺激经济增长。

    But Mr Shirakawa stressed that ultra-loose monetary policy in the years to 2006 , when interest rates were zero , had helped stabilise the banking system but had done little to stimulate growth .

  12. 不过,白川方明在4月出任日央行行长以来首次接受一家外国报纸采访时,对明年可能重新出现通缩的前景相对放松。

    However , in his first interview with a foreign newspaper since assuming the governorship in April , Mr Shirakawa was relatively relaxed about the looming prospect of a return of deflation , expected to return next year .

  13. 此前一直抵制更激进宽松呼声的白川方明表示,日本央行政策委员会将在1月份的下一次会议期间审议其通胀目标,并决定是否调整该目标。

    Mr Shirakawa , who has long resisted calls for more aggressive easing , said the BoJ policy board would review its inflation goal at its next meeting in January and make a decision on whether to change it .