
  • 网络wahson;Watson;Waltham;John Watson
  1. 他跑到华生夫妇的房间。

    The he ran to Mr. and Mrs. Watson 's room .

  2. 华生夫妇没有醒来。

    Mr. and Mrs. Watson didn 't wake up .

  3. 因为这里说的是BBC的夏洛克,所以你的华生不是真傻,只是用自己的方式展现智慧。

    This is BBC Sherlock , so your Watson isn 't stupid .

  4. 他还在盖?里奇的《大侦探福尔摩斯》系列电影中扮演医生华生,他出演的HBO电视剧《年轻的教宗》目前正在播出。

    He also plays Doctor Watson in Guy Ritchie 's Sherlock Holmes films and can currently be seen in HBO 's The Young Pope .

  5. 麦克•史密斯•霍尔华生,CorporateFX总的来说,我认为,欧洲中央银行在欧元政策的管理方面有点失控和信心不足。

    MIKE SMITH HALVORSEN , CORPORATE FX I think it shows a lack of control and a lack of confidence in general terms in the ECB 's management of Euro policy .

  6. 扮演主角福尔摩斯(Holmes)和华生医生(Dr.Watson)的分别是本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇(BenedictCumberbatch)和马丁·弗里曼(MartinFreeman),他们现在都是中国年轻人心目中的新晋男神。

    The actors portraying the protagonists , Holmes and Dr. Watson , Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman , have become new favorites for young people .

  7. 一匹著名赛马DD“银光”DD失踪了,歇洛克?福尔摩斯和华生医生来到了位于达特穆尔的马厩。

    A well-known race DD " silver " DD had disappeared , Sherlock ? Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson went to the horse stables located in Dartmoor .

  8. Moffat补充说前不久好莱坞拍的由37岁的裘德洛扮演华生的版本,同性倾向更严重。

    Moffat added that a recent Hollywood version starring Jude Law , 37 , was even more homo-erotic .

  9. 47岁的马克•加蒂斯在接受澳大利亚同志杂志DNA采访时说,“天哪,我收到的东西一定能让你大吃一惊,我只能说,那远远不止夏洛克和华生在公园长椅上拉拉手那么简单。”

    Mr Gatiss , 47 , told Australian gay magazine DNA : " Oh my God . I get sent things that would make your hair turn white . It 's not just Sherlock and Watson holding hands on a park bench , I can tell you that . "

  10. 在这部系列漫画中,泰坦增加了印刷页数,并邀请了艾丽斯·X·张在内的多位艺术家设计新封面。该漫画首卷以福尔摩斯与华生的初次会面开篇,最终在这对好友一同迁居的故事中落幕。

    Titan is offering extended page counts , as well as new art and covers by artists including Alice X Zhang , in its manga series , the first issue of which opens with Holmes and Watson 's first meeting and ends with the pair moving in together .

  11. 日本漫画《神探夏洛克:粉色的研究》将于六月登陆英国。该漫画改编自2010年BBC出品的英剧《神探夏洛克》,其中由本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇饰演的福尔摩斯和马丁·弗瑞曼饰演的华生医生以经典日漫风格登场。

    Out in June , Sherlock : A Study in Pink adapts the BBC series , which started in 2010 , transforming Benedict Cumberbatch 's Holmes and Martin Freeman 's Dr John Watson into classic manga images .

  12. 柯南•道尔爵士借福尔摩斯之口向其助手华生(Dr.Watson)解释,说他能在瀑布边缘从莫里亚蒂手中逃走,得归功于“‘拔顿术(Baritsu)’,一种日式摔跤术”。

    Instead , Conan Doyle has Holmes explain to Dr. Watson , his assistant , that he escaped Moriarty 's clutches on the edge of the falls through ' ' baritsu , ' or the Japanese system of wrestling . '

  13. 在这部剧集里,福尔摩斯(34岁的BenedictCumberbatch饰演)和华生(《办公室》明星、38岁的MartinFreeman饰演)搬进了贝克街的一套公寓里。

    In the drama , which stars Benedict Cumberbatch , 34 , as Holmes and The Office star Martin Freeman , 38 , as Watson , the pair move into a flat in Baker Street .

  14. 《神探夏洛克》在BBC全球的销量中占据重要地位,观看该剧的中国粉丝达9800万,这些中国影迷还给两位主演起了昵称:华生又叫“花生”,福尔摩斯又叫“卷福”。

    The programme is already a key part of BBC Worldwide 's sales and is watched by 98 million fans in China , who have special names for its stars : " Peanut " for Watson and " Curly Fu " for Holmes .

  15. Teva制药工业有限公司股份有限公司,公司Mylan华生药品和其他非专利药制定者也出售药品在化学名称托吡酯治疗。

    Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd , Watson Pharmaceuticals Inc , Mylan Inc and other generic drug makers also sell the drug under its chemical name topiramate .

  16. 照片以及一系列的勒索正威胁着英国的中心,对于夏洛克以及华生来说挑战已经开始,他们要对抗国际恐怖主义、流氓气的CIA探员以及牵涉到英国政府的隐秘的阴谋。

    Compromising photographs and a case of blackmail threaten the very heart of the British establishment , for Sherlock and John the game is on as they find themselves battling international terrorism , rogue CIA agents , and a secret conspiracy involving the British government .

  17. CBS版本的《福尔摩斯》更新了演员阵容,刘玉玲(LucyLiu)将成为第一位扮演华生的女性!

    CBS ' Sherlock Holmes pilot , Elementary , will indeed be a modern take on the famed story . For the first time , Holmes ' famed sidekick , Watson , will be played by a woman with Lucy Liu nabbing the part , The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed .

  18. 夏洛克的人物背景仍然忠于原著:福尔摩斯和华生医生依旧住在贝克街221B号;神秘凶手依旧激发着福尔摩斯的推理能力;这位神探依旧和他的死敌莫里亚蒂较量着。

    The setting of Sherlock remains true to the original story : Holmes and Dr Watson live at 221B Baker Street ; mysterious murders stimulate Holmes ' reasoning powers ; and the detective takes on his arch enemy Moriarty .

  19. 上周四举办的圣迭戈动漫展上,该剧制作人史蒂文·莫法特播放了首段预告片,在该特辑中,卷福和华生将“穿越”回到原作小说中100多年前的维多利亚时代,平行世界的221B贝克街,此举受到了影迷的热烈欢呼。

    Showrunner Steven Moffat was met with cheers when he promised Sherlock fans that they would be returning to 221B Baker Street this Christmas and premiered the first footage from the special Victorian episode of the show at San Diego Comic-Con on Thursday 。

  20. 你给华生太太沏茶了吗?

    Have you made a cup of tea for Mrs Watson ?

  21. 华生医生几个月前不是搬走了吗

    Didn 't Dr Watson move out a few months ago ?

  22. 华生我看见鬼魂了亲眼所见

    Watson ! I saw the ghost with my own eyes !

  23. 赫德森太太,华生医生要楼上的房间。

    Mrs Hudson ! Dr. Watson will take the room upstairs .

  24. 误解:华生和福尔摩斯是中等年纪的绅士。

    Misconception : Dr. Watson and Sherlock Holmes are middle-aged gentlemen .

  25. 我现在开始明白某些事情了,华生。

    I am be ginning to understand some things , Watson .

  26. 是你永远都是你约翰·华生你总能让我找对方向

    It 's always you.John Watson , you keep me right .

  27. 坦白讲毫不意外地那就是约翰·华生

    and quite frankly it was the usual ! John Watson .

  28. 华生医生是福尔摩斯探案故事中的一个人物。

    Dr. Watson is a character in the Sherlock Holmes stories .

  29. 坦率说也司空见惯,就是约翰·华生。

    and quite frankly it was the usual , John Watson .

  30. 这是我的一个老朋友约翰·华生

    This is an old mate of mine , John Watson .