
  1. 华晨汽车集团(BrillianceAuto)自2003年3月被宝马(BMW)选为在华合资伙伴以来,其在香港挂牌的股票涨幅已超过800%。

    Since Brilliance Auto was selected as BMW 's China partner in March 2003 , its Hong Kong shares have risen more than 800 per cent .

  2. 对于华晨汽车的早期投资者来说,与宝马的合作适逢其时。

    For early investors in Brilliance Auto , the timing was perfect .

  3. 法兰克福——德国汽车制造商宝马(BMW)周三表示,将在迅速发展的中国市场大幅度扩大经营规模,把在中国本地生产的车型增加一倍,扩展和中国本地合伙人华晨汽车集团控股有限公司的业务联盟。

    FRANKFURT - The German automaker BMW said Wednesday that it would significantly expand its operations in the fast-growing Chinese market , doubling the number of models it produces there and extending its alliance with a local partner , Brilliance China Automotive Holdings .

  4. 在中国,宝马是通过与华晨汽车集团成立的一家合资企业生产汽车的。

    BMW produces cars in China under a joint venture with Brilliance Auto .

  5. 不过北汽的卖点与华晨汽车存在两点不同。

    BAIC 's sales pitch , however , differs from Brilliance Auto 's in two respects .

  6. 自诞生以来,华晨汽车一直坚持高起点打造自主品牌的发展道路和资本市场与汽车产业相结合的独特发展模式,为中国中高级自主品牌的发展开辟了新途径。

    Since its birth , Brilliance Auto always adhered to the concept of ' Build own brand from high starting points ' and unique development mode of ' the combination of the capital market and automobile industry ' .

  7. 将北汽股份公司(BAICMotor)与华晨中国汽车(BrillianceChinaAutomotive)相提并论或许有些高看了,北汽股份总部位于北京,是中国第五大自主品牌汽车制造商。

    For Beijing-based BAIC Motor , China 's fifth-largest domestic carmaker , comparisons with Brilliance China Automotive are flattering .

  8. 华晨的汽车将提供3年的保修和流动服务。

    The brilliance cars will come with a 36-month warranty and mobility guarantee .

  9. 华晨宝马汽车董事长吴小安表示,10月份国产宝马3系和5系轿车销量同比增长157%。

    Wu Xiao'an , chairman of BMW Brilliance Automotive , said sales in October of locally produced BMW 3 series and 5 series cars rose by 157 per cent from a year earlier .

  10. 本文主要根据生产实际中的需要,针对自由曲面进行刀具轨迹的路径规划,并以沈阳华晨金杯汽车公司的海狮面包车某覆盖件为样件进行研究。

    Based on the need of actual production , the paper studies a master piece which comes from Haise microbus made in Shenyang Brilliance Jinbei automobile limited corporation aiming at the tool-path programming of free surface .

  11. 与华晨不同,奇瑞汽车(cheryautomobile)和上海汽车(shanghaiauto)等其它中国汽车制造商,选择在本土市场改善产品,然后再推向海外。

    Unlike brilliance , some other Chinese car companies , including Chery Automobile and Shanghai auto , have chosen to improve their products in their home market before venturing abroad .

  12. 即使2006年华晨的国内销售情况更为强劲,但人们仍对华晨自主品牌汽车的可持续性抱怀疑态度。

    Even with stronger domestic sales in 2006 , there are still doubts about the sustainability of Brilliance 's own-brand cars .