
  • 网络Chrysler Corporation
  1. 这些存货被称为克莱斯勒公司的销售库。

    This inventory was known as chrysler 's sales bank .

  2. 我们为保住克莱斯勒公司而采取的所有措施都是困难的。

    All of the measures we took to keep Chrysler alive were difficult .

  3. 克莱斯勒公司会得救的。

    Chrysler company would be able to make it .

  4. 值得一提的是,法拉利正是菲亚特-克莱斯勒公司(FiatChrysler)旗下的品牌之一。

    Notably , Ferrari is one of Fiat Chrysler 's brands .

  5. 浅谈克莱斯勒公司COS试验区

    A Prime Analysis of COS Test Zone of Chrysler

  6. 今天,戴姆勒-克莱斯勒公司的Mini小型两厢车才是如今风靡的假货,至少有三家不同的中国公司发售了他们自己的型号。

    Today , Daimler Chrysler 's Mini is the du jour counterfeit , with at least three different Chinese firms pushing their own versions .

  7. 由于销售严重下滑,通用汽车公司(GeneralMotorsCorp。)、福特汽车公司(FordMotorCo。)和克莱斯勒公司(ChryslerLLC)一直在寻求获得340亿美元的政府贷款以渡过当前的经济衰退期。

    With sales slumping badly , General Motors Corp. , Ford Motor Co. , and Chrysler LLC had been seeking $ 34 billion in government loans to weather the recession .

  8. 而曾经主管美国汽车公司、尔后担任雷诺总裁的乔治•贝斯在1986年遭暗杀后,雷诺就将美国汽车公司作价15亿美元卖给了克莱斯勒公司(Chrysler)。

    After Renault chairman George besse , who had championed AMC , was assassinated in 1986 , Renault sold it to Chrysler for $ 1.5 billion .

  9. 在克莱斯勒公司(Chrysler)和通用汽车公司(GM)破产后,汽车业一路上扬的运势就构成了极为引人入胜的故事情节:濒临绝境,悔过自新,最后重获新生。

    The upturn in industry fortunes that followed the bankruptcies of Chrysler and General Motors ( GM ) has provided an irresistible story arc of near-death , repentance , and revival .

  10. 以克莱斯勒公司MPV车所用的电控燃油喷射发动机为例,介绍了该发动机在综合应用各项排放控制技术方面的净化效果。

    Taking Chrysler MPV vehicle engine as an example , the combined application of several technical measures on exhaust emission control are introduced .

  11. 克莱斯勒公司(ChryslerCorp.)1957年取消了原有的产品计划,匆匆上马了一条新生产线,生产了一款大尾鳍、车身三色调涂漆的新车,从而在竞争中占得先机。

    Chrysler Corp. got a jump on the competition in 1957 by tearing up its product plans and rushing out a line of cars with big tail fins and three-tone paint jobs .

  12. 早在两个月前,菲亚特克莱斯勒公司(FiatChrysler)首席执行官塞尔吉奥o马尔基翁就曾经宣布,经过多次推迟之后,阿尔法o罗密欧(AlfaRomeo)4C终于做好了最后的准备,迎接自己在美国即将到来的黄金时代。

    Less than two months ago Sergio Marchionne , Fiat Chrysler 's chief executive , announced that the Alfa Romeo 4C was finally ready for prime time in the U.S. , following several delays .

  13. 上周四,菲亚特克莱斯勒公司提供了这款迷人的意大利产双座汽车的几辆样车,供外界在密歇根州切尔西的汽车试验场进行试驾。除了例行公事的吹毛求疵之外,汽车业记者们纷纷被4C的性能,尤其是它流线型的低车身外观所折服。

    On Thursday , several copies of the sexy Italian two-seater were available for test laps at FCA 's proving grounds in Chelsea , Mich. Aside from routine nitpicking , automotive journalists registered respect , if not awe , at the 4C 's performance and especially its low-slung , curvy exterior .

  14. 克莱斯勒公司的管理机构是不是很得力,能把公司玩得转?

    Is Chrysler management strong enough to turn the company around ?

  15. 克莱斯勒公司的车子被人认为式样太死板,令人有点生厌。

    Chrysler products were perceived as staid and a little boring .

  16. 毫无疑问,克莱斯勒公司有着光辉的历史。

    There was no question that Chrysler had a respectable past .

  17. 政府把克莱斯勒公司的全部资产当作附属担保品。

    The government took all of Chrysler 's assets as collateral .

  18. 在底特律,人人都知道克莱斯勒公司是由善于理财的人经营的。

    Everybody in Detroit knew that Chrysler was run by financial men .

  19. 我到这里来不是为了替克莱斯勒公司求情。

    I don 't come here to plead for the Chrysler Corporation .

  20. 只有采取断然措施才能挽救克莱斯勒公司。

    Only drastic measures could save the Chrysler Corporation .

  21. 在克莱斯勒公司,危机是接连不断地发生。

    As chrysler , however , it 's been one crisis after another .

  22. 克莱斯勒公司在密执安的工程师设计出了世界上最精密的油箱。

    Chrysler engineers in Michigan had designed the world 's most sophisticated tank .

  23. 我在克莱斯勒公司把一个新的班子组建起来了。

    I put together a new team at Chrysler .

  24. C498系列发动机是引进美国克莱斯勒公司具有80年代水平的产品。

    Engine C498series are imported from Chrysler Corporation , which are80s world level products .

  25. 我们不得不指出,持有克莱斯勒公司的股票的不是社会团体。

    We had to point out that Chrysler stock was not held by institutions .

  26. 克莱斯勒公司的大灾难发生在经过战后三十年科学管理的今天。

    The Chrysler fiasco had occurred after thirty years of postwar , scientific management .

  27. 如果克莱斯勒公司倒闭,那美国只会是进口更多的小型汽车。

    If Chrysler went under , America would only be importing more small cars .

  28. 竞争对整个工业有好处,克莱斯勒公司应当有机会参加竞争。

    Competition was good for the entire industry and that Chrysler deserved a chance .

  29. 事情竟发展到这种地步,克莱斯勒公司很快就成了人们拿来取笑的一个词语。

    It got to the point where Chrysler was fast becoming a one-word joke .

  30. 他用最后一口气浮出水面,为的是把克莱斯勒公司救活。

    He blew himself out of the water to bring Chrysler back to life .