
  • 网络Claude Shannon;Claude Shanon;Claude Shan-non;Claude E Shannon;ClaudeE Shannon
  1. 这位名叫克劳德·香农,1941年加入贝尔实验室。

    This was Claude Shannon , since 1941 working for Bell Laboratories .

  2. 这次座谈会,也使图灵再次见到了克劳德·香农和安德鲁·格力森。

    The conference brought Alan into contact with Claude Shannon and Andrew Gleason again .

  3. 克劳德·香农,贝尔实验室的通信工程师,综合了信息论早期的研究工作。

    Claude Shannon , a telecommunications engineer at Bell Telephone Laboratories , synthesized the early work in information theory .

  4. 他将自己比作托尔斯泰,而克劳德·香农感觉他更像尼采,超越了善恶。

    Tolstoy was a figure that he brought to one person 's mind , and Claude Shannon had perceived him as like Nietzsche , ' beyond Good and Evil ' .

  5. 在这个基础上,如果说机器可以通过他与克劳德·香农讨论的方法来模拟大脑,那么它就必须拥有大脑的学习新事物的能力。

    If this were so , if a machine could simulate a brain in the way he had discussed with Claude Shannon , then it would have to enjoy the faculty of brains , that of learning new tricks .

  6. 1961年,爱德华·索普和克劳德·香农共同研制出第一副可佩戴的电脑眼镜。1968年,伊凡·苏泽兰制造出了“达摩克里斯的利剑”。这是第一台头戴式电脑,也是今天我们所有头戴式电脑的鼻祖。

    The first wearable computer glasses were made by Edward Thorp and Claude Shannon in 1961 . In 1968 , Ivan Sutherland made the " Sword of Damocles . " It was the first head-mounted computer display and an early variant of all wearable computer glasses we have today .