
  • 网络the klein bottle
  1. 关于克莱因瓶与不可能的画

    Klein Bottle and Impossible Picture

  2. 基于对意识经验主观性的自然化的考察,我们认为:孕育了意识活动的自然最终形成了一个纽结的拓朴结构,即莫比乌斯带或克莱因瓶的形式。

    With the naturalizing investigation of subjectivity of conscious experience , we think that the nature , which is pregnant of conscious activities , forms a knot-typed topological structure , namely Mobius strip or Klein bottle .

  3. 与Mobius带相比较,克莱因瓶同样地有趣和巧妙,我们不能使用它,因为我们不能通过它们来定义通量。

    OK , so as much as Mobius strips and Klein-bottles are exciting and really cool , well , we can 't use them in this class because we can 't define flux through them .