
  1. 它已任命在世行和亚洲开发银行(AsianDevelopmentBank,简称亚行)有工作经验的国际官员金立群执掌该行。

    It has put Jin Liqun , an international bureaucrat with experience of the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank ( ADB ), at its head .

  2. 中国关切欧元区形势的演变。金立群在《经济学人》杂志(Economist)主办的一次会议上表示。

    We in China are concerned about the unravelling of the situation in the ( euro ) region , Jin told an Economist magazine conference .

  3. 本月,三菱集团(MitsubishiGroup)常驻中国的一组高管会晤了将要执掌亚投行的金立群,表达他们的支持。

    This month , for example , a group of Mitsubishi Group executives based in China met Jin Liqun , who will run the infrastructure bank , to offer their support .

  4. 亚洲开发银行(ADB)副行长金立群表示,中国对美国收购基金黑石(Blackstone)规模为30亿美元的空前投资,开创了一种趋势:即亚洲国家通过更为创新的方式来投资其外汇储备。

    China 's unprecedented $ 3bn investment in Blackstone , the US buy-out fund , is the beginning of a trend that will see Asian countries take a more innovative approach to investing their foreign exchange reserves , according to the vice-president of the Asian Development Bank .

  5. 金立群表示,企业要求加强知识产权保护,这么做有利于增加与知识产权相关的投资。

    Jin added that business required stronger intellectual property rights so that it would increase IP-related investments .

  6. 曾经在亚行担任高级官员的金立群,是很多日本人熟悉的面孔。

    Mr Jin , once a senior official at the ADB , is a familiar face to many Japanese .

  7. 金墉还与亚投行多边临时秘书处秘书长金立群举行了会谈。亚投行是本月早些时候正式成立的。

    Mr Kim also held meetings with his counterpart at the AIIB , which was formally launched earlier this month .

  8. 他们表示,金立群的参与使他们更有信心认为,亚投行将坚持最佳实践。

    They say they have confidence , in part because of his participation , that the bank will adhere to best practice .

  9. 金立群表示:除非欧元区撤除对中国及其他高增长市场的障碍,否则不能指望中国援助欧元区。

    China cannot be expected to bail out the eurozone unless it opens hurdles to China and other high growth markets , Jin said .

  10. 金立群表示:中国目前能够提供的帮助不仅仅是资金注入,还有自身从危机中汲取的教训。

    Any help that China can offer now is not just a capital injection but its own lessons from the crisis , Jin added .

  11. 就在6月26日亚投行协定签署之后的短短一周后,中国就宣布了金立群的提名,而这并没有让人们感到意外。

    The nomination , which occurred just one week after the bank 's articles of agreement were signed on June 26 , did not surprise many .

  12. 最近我很荣幸和金立群部长会面,就中国和英国的经济体制改革进行了简短的讨论。

    I recently had the pleasure of meeting Vice Minister Jin Liqun in London where we discussed briefly the economic reforms in China and in the uk .

  13. 中国提名金立群担任亚投行候任行长,他也曾领导筹备开发银行。

    China has nominated , Jin Liqun , the leader of a panel that laid the foundation for the development bank , to head the new Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank .

  14. 亚投行行长金立群表示,亚投行还期待与其他的多边发展银行、私营部门合作伙伴和投资者合作,支持亚投行成员提高应对疫情的能力。

    AIIB President Jin Liqun says the bank also looks forward to working with other multilateral development banks as well as private partners to bolster the ability to respond to and deal with epidemics .

  15. 在本月早些时候于北京举行的亚投行开业后首场新闻发布会上,该行新行长金立群称,副行长及其他高级官员将择优、而非根据国籍选出。

    At a briefing at the AIIB 's inaugural meeting in Beijing earlier this month , the bank 's new president Jin Liqun said vice presidents and other senior staff would be selected on the basis of merit not nationality .