
  • 网络financial claims;financial obligation
  1. 为加强金融债权保护,有必要成立金融法院。3、为了加强与改善金融监管,有必要成立国家金融稳定委员会。

    To strengthen financial claims protection , it is necessary to set up financial court . 3 .

  2. 目前,金融债权总额的规模过大,新的经济现实无力支撑。

    The totality of financial claims is now too big to be supported by the new economic reality .

  3. 巨额金融债权损失,谁之过?

    Who is Responsible for Immense Financial Creditor 's Rights loss ?

  4. 对强化金融债权管理的思考

    Thoughts on How to Strengthen the Management of Financial Obligatory Right

  5. 金融债权凭证与其所记载的财物具有分离性的特点。

    Financial claims documents and records with dissociative characteristic property .

  6. 我国商业银行不良金融债权管理研究

    The Study on Bad Financial Creditor 's Right of Commercial Banks in China

  7. 如何维护金融债权是我国正在重视和研究的一个重要课题。

    How to protect finance creditor 's rights is an important subject to discuss .

  8. 打击逃废债,维护金融债权

    Stroke the default , safeguard the financial right

  9. 规范企业改制,维护金融债权;

    To standardize enterprise reformation ;

  10. 本文主要阐述了打击逃废债、维护金融债权的现实意义很强的问题。

    This article is mainly about the realistic problems of how to stroke enterprise default and protect financial rights .

  11. 那么,储户如今所依赖的金融债权有很大一部分必然也是如此。

    So , then , must be a big part of the financial claims on which savers now depend .

  12. 中国法院处理不良金融债权争议案件的政治维度&基于法律经济学的思考路径

    The Political Prospective of NPL Disputes in China 's Courts & Thoughts on the Path of Law and Economics

  13. 比如,危机前累积的大量金融债权在很大程度上是房地产价格飙升的结果。

    In this case , the accumulation of vast financial claims before the crisis was largely a consequence of soaring property prices .

  14. 论权利本位与党员权利保障机制关于金融债权维权的思考

    On ' Rights First ' and the System Protecting the Rights of CPC Member Difficult to safeguard the financial creditor 's rights , first to purify the original source

  15. 在金融债权总体脆弱程度达到1930年以来所未见的情况下,投资者正试图找出保护自身金融债权的最佳方式。

    Investors are trying to work out how best to protect their own financial claims when financial claims in general are vulnerable to a degree not seen since the 1930s .

  16. 如果后代子孙同意承认前人创造的金融债权,抱着他们的后人也会这么做的期望,那么社会契约就能得以执行。

    That social contract can be implemented if future generations agree to recognise the financial claims created by their predecessors , in the expectation that their successors will do the same .

  17. 对于伪造金融债权凭证型的犯罪行为根据我国刑法的相关规定,直接定为伪造金融票证罪。

    Third , to forge financial creditor s rights certificate type crime according to the criminal law of our country of the relevant provisions , directly as a fake ticket financial crime .

  18. 传统民法中设有违约责任制度和债权担保制度,运用这两项制度来保障金融债权是目前银行的习惯性思维和传统做法。

    The system of breaching obligation and the system of debt 's guarantee in traditional civil law is to assure the realization of debt , by which to guard the financial debt is banks ' habitual thought and practice .

  19. 对违反本通知规定造成金融债权损失的,要严肃追究有关单位负责人和直接责任人的责任;

    Where violation of the provisions of this circular has resulted in losses of financial creditor 's rights , the person in charge of the unit concerned and persons directly responsible shall be investigated for their responsibilities in all earnestness .

  20. 各地人民政府要支持人民法院依法独立、公正审理金融债权债务纠纷案件,加强法律意识和法制观念的培育,营造良好的法治环境。

    All local people 's governments should lend support to people 's courts in trying cases of disputes over financial claims and debts independently and impartially according to law , strengthen the cultivation of the sense and mentality of legality , and create a favorable environment for governing by law .

  21. 商业银行金融不良债权主要产生于商业银行的贷款业务。

    Commercial bank NPL arising primarily from the commercial bank lending .

  22. 企业破产时金融机构债权保障制度研究

    Study Security System Claims of Financial Institutions When Enterprise Bankruptcy

  23. 国有企业金融不良债权转让法律问题研究

    Study on the Legal Issues of Bad Financial Creditor 's Right Transfer of State-owned Enterprise

  24. 金融租赁债权证券化研究

    The Study on Finance Leased Asset Securitization

  25. 假设清算法以成本法为基础,通过对债务人在清算状况下不良资产进行评估,确定债权最低变现价值,是金融不良债权评估中一种经常使用的方法。

    Based on the cost-methods , given liquidation is one of the most important methods used to decide the lowest realization of non-performing loans , supposing liquidation of debtor .

  26. 在清理此类金融机构债权债务关系过程中,发现为此类金融机构提供会计或法律服务的会计师事务所或律师事务所有渎职行为。

    In the process of settling the credits and debts of these financial institutions , malfeasance of some accountant offices and attorney offices was found when they provided service to these financial institutions .

  27. 从宏观上讲,资产证券化的分散风险功能也能够减少金融机构债权过于集中而产生的金融风险,起到促进国家经济安全的作用。

    From the point of macroeconomics , its function of decentralization of risk can reduce the risk of the finance system by decentralizing the credit of the finance organs , and therefore enhance the safety of the economy .

  28. 那些衍生金融产品是债权抵押证券(CDO),是由次级住房抵押贷款支持的。

    Those are collateralized debt obligations , or CDOs , which were backed by subprime home loans .

  29. 这种行为严重破坏了社会信用关系,致使金融机构大量债权悬空,信贷资产质量下降,国有资产流失。

    This activity has seriously undermined the social credit relations and resulted in a large quantity of suspended creditor 's rights in financial institutions , as well as a drop in quality of credit assets and drain on state-owned assets .

  30. 分界点就是金融部门的不良债权基本得到解决。

    Cut-off point is distressed debt basic solved the financial sector .