
  • 网络Toyota;GTMC;gac-toyota
  1. 中国的质检部门公布的丰田此次召回名单中,包括38.4736万辆由广汽丰田生产的凯美瑞轿车,出厂日期在2006年5月15日至2008年12月31日之间。

    Toyota 's recall , announced by China 's quality watchdog , included 384,736 Camry models made by Toyota 's joint venture in south China with Guangzhou Auto between May 15 2006 and December 31 2008 .

  2. 在广东省省会广州,政府控股的广汽集团与丰田(toyota)和本田(honda)设有合资工厂。

    Government-controlled GAC has invested in joint-venture car factories with Toyota and Honda in Guangzhou , the capital of southern Guangdong Province .