
  • 网络advertising campaign;Advertising popularize;Promotion
  1. 点击一下屏幕,就会直接进入facebook上的广告推广页面(如上图)。

    Touch the screen and you are taken directly to the Facebook page for the promotion ( see above ) .

  2. 这项网上广告推广服务允许企业按搜索关键词竞争排序,以便企业网站的链接可以出现在搜索结果里。

    The online business promotion service allows companies to bid on search keywords so that links to their Web sites will appear in search results .

  3. 联合利华最近在为它的AXE牌除臭剂进行互动广告推广,观众的平均参与时间超过了3分钟。

    Unilever recently ran an interactive campaign for its Axe deodorant , which kept viewers engaged for more than three minutes on average .

  4. 康姆斯科根据对12家主要品牌的广告推广活动进行的调查撰写了这本白皮书,接受调查的品牌包括福特汽车(Ford)、食品巨头家乐氏(Kellogg)和电信运行商Sprint-Nextel。

    The survey on which the white paper was based examined the campaigns of 12 major brands , including Ford ( f ) , Kellogg ( k ) , and sprint-nextel ( s ) .

  5. 各大品牌需要为此付费,一如传统的广告推广活动。

    Brands pay for the privilege , as they would with a regular ad campaign .

  6. 史密斯先生在广告推广方面拥有长达5年的工作经验,相信他的知识和阅历将会为本公司带来不可估量的价值。

    Mr. Smith has 5-year 's experience in advertising and we can expect his knowledge and experience will bring great value to our company .

  7. 横滨特意更名为优科豪马来贴近中国市场,并且展开一系列广告推广活动。

    It even got a Chinese name to show its recognition of China 's market and carried out a series of advertising and promotional campaigns .

  8. 因此文章最后通过对这两个地区的旅游广告推广发展分析,得出一些值得海南旅游借鉴的经验。

    Therefore , the last chapter mainly analyze the tourism advertising promotion of those two regions and puts forward some useful lessons Hainan can draw from .

  9. 广告推广当然没有错,但从某种程度上,这使得要筛选合适的网络学校变得更困难了。

    Nothing wrong with advertising , of course , but in some respects it does make the process of choosing the right online school more difficult .

  10. 熟悉市场活动、广告推广的运作模式,有丰富的传媒行业经验、市场推广经验者优先;

    Familiar with the marketing activities and advertising campaigns , mode of operation , there is a wealth of media industry experience , marketing experience is preferred ;

  11. 依靠品牌建设和广告推广芯片,英特尔不仅仅向消费者打开了电脑,他同时也将自己暴露在评论和可能的销售损失下。

    By branding and advertising its chips , Intel had not only opened computers to consumers , it had also opened itself to criticism and possible sales losses .

  12. 只有十分之一的人认为广告推广的内容可信,70%的人更倾向于相信普通人对产品的评价。

    While only around 1 in 10 people find banner ads or direct advertising to be trustworthy , fully 70 percent of those responding were likely to trust product reviews from peers .

  13. 这也表明,作为一个重要的跨文化交流手段,在广告推广中,广告商必须顾及目标市场不同的文化因素。因为随着商品的同质化,商品的技术竞争已经转向文化竞争。

    This also shows that , as an important means of cross-cultural exchange , in advertising promotion , it is necessary to take cultural elements of target market into consideration . As with the more homogeneous products , technological competition among goods has gradually shifted to cultural competition .

  14. 广告对于推广我们的柜类家具品牌效果很好,

    It 's all very well promoting our cabinet furniture brands ,

  15. 航空广告不仅推广了航空公司,也建构了目的地形象。

    Airline ads popularize the related airlines and build related images of destinations .

  16. 对企业而言,最大的成本,不是广告和推广费用,而是没经过训练的员工,他每天都在得罪企业的客户;

    To-business , the biggest cost , rather than advertising and promotion costs , but no trained staff , every day business of offending customers .

  17. 该合约同时表示,阿尔塔可能在不被告知的情况下使用参加自行车共享的人的照片形象用于广告和推广。

    The contract also says that anyone using bike share may unknowingly have their image used in promotional , advertising [ and ] publicity materials for Alta .

  18. 再从旅游形象广告的推广形式、基本要素、视觉符号、创意表现方法入手,对旅游形象广告的视觉设计做出了系统的归纳。

    From the promotion of tourism image advertisement form , the basic elements of visual symbols , starting with creative methods performance of the tourism image advertising visual design of the system to the summary .

  19. 论文所实现了一款功能丰富,调用接口方便的,可以在任意的Android应用软件上集成的广告与游戏推广平台SDK。

    The author have designed and developed a function is rich , calls the interface convenient , can be in any of the Android application software integration " advertising and game " promotion platform SDK .

  20. 数字艺术和虚拟广告在产品推广中的应用

    Application of Digital Art and Virtual Advertisement in Product Promotion

  21. 制定项目整体广告策略及推广方案。

    Draft the overall-design advertising strategy and promotional program of the project .

  22. 因为广告并非产品推广的唯一途径。

    For advertising is not the only way to promote a product .

  23. 除了营销和广告技能,推广技能也是贵公司看重的吗?

    In addition to marketing and advertising , would skills in promotion be valued here ?

  24. 这些数据包括概要文件,好友信息,以及广告和广告推广信息。

    This data includes profiles , friends , and information about ads and ad campaigns .

  25. ·策划组织公司广告投放和推广活动。

    Coordinate company advertising and promotional activities .

  26. 他说:你最终将(在广告和品牌推广上)耗掉所有资金。

    You 'll end up burning all your money on [ advertising and promotion ] , he said .

  27. 才能更好的使用新媒体数字广告这一推广模式宣传自己的品牌。

    Only by satisfy the clients ' needs can a brand use new digital advertisement model to make promotion .

  28. 所以,顾客口碑宣传往往比人员促销、广告等传统推广工具更有影响力。

    So , the WOM has more powerful than traditional promotion tools , for example , staff promotion and advertising .

  29. 从集宁方言普通话使用的三个阶段看普通话的推广制定项目整体广告策略及推广方案。

    Three Development Stages of " Jining Putonghua "; Draft the overall-design advertising strategy and promotional program of the project .

  30. 广告以及市场推广将会大大增加,另外,雷斯特说经销商将会扮演越来越积极地角色。

    Advertising and promotion are to be substantially increased and Lester says dealers will have to play an increasingly active role .